June 9, 2024

Green Party US Steering Committee Meeting – MINUTES

Date: Sunday, June 9,, 2024

Time: 8:00 pm ET



  1. Setup and Background
  2.   Facilitator:  Ann LInk
  3.   Steering Committee Roll Call:
  4.     Craig Cayetano (co-chair) – present
  5.     Margaret Elisabeth (co-chair) – present
  6.     Darryl! Moch (co-chair) – present
  7.     Alfred Molison (co-chair) – present
  8.     Joseph Naham (co-chair) -present
  9.     Tony Ndege (co-chair)  –  present; joined during staff reports
  10.     Tamar Yager (co-chair) – present
  11.     Holly Hart (secretary) – present
  12.     Bob Stuller (treasurer) –  present



Observers:  Starlene Rankin, WA; Scott Laugenour, WA; Co-chair,; Cassandra Lems, NY; Gloria Matters (NY); JoW Manchik;, Ohio; Rick Lass, NMex/Stein Campaign; Artis Burney, MS; Philena Farley, OOH, NBC


Observers (remain muted and refrain from using the chat feature):

Establish Quorum (9 current members, quorum is 5)


Approve Agenda (changes require majority, new items require ⅔)

REQUEST – Comment on DNC Protest (Philena Farley, GPOH, NBC)


  1.     Treasurer’s Report   (Bob) 


General $2955.80

Merchant $6442.53

Savings $120,694.90




Bob stated he hopes the direct mail campaign starts to kick in, there is not much cushion.  Not into savings, yet, but getting close. Athena is pursuing a Payflow account that has been suspended; Bob is able to use the Paypal side of the account with no problem.  News of something from a will, but so far little or nothing more is known.  Tamar asked what we are paying for Payflow.


 III.    New Business  

  1.   Funding Requests 
  2.   PNC Media Coordinator  – MOVE – see below, Executive Session

APPROVED by Consensus, Tamar standing aside


  1. CCC Request for $600 candidate Grant to Wayne Turner, NoCarolina gubernatorial  Candidate  See ADDENDUM A
  2. PNC (Tamar) 

Delegate Count: PCSC decided to have David Doonan add a link to the Presidential Nomination 2024 information page on gp.org that goes to a Wikipedia page that lists the ongoing delegate counts.

Steering Committee candidate Q & A: Tamar suggested a Zoom meeting where people could call in with questions, and  asked for one or two more to help.  Darryl! suggested this could be done after a regular Steering Committee call. Will follow up online to work out the time.


  1.         Standing Business
  2. 48/48: Request that GPUS  Co-sponsor “Proportional Representation Webinar 101”        See Addendum B  Approved, 6/2/2024


  1.   Reports


  1.  Treasurer (Bob) – (DONE – see I. above)


  1. Secretary (Holly)  

1.Progress report on updates: Continuing work with Google Folder system and other clean-up tasks

  1. Correspondence
  2. Request for platform in single .pdf (done or in the works); copy is not yet proofread, but may provide to inquirer with a disclaimer.


  1. Staff Report (Tamar, Tony) 
  1. Question raised about what we do to respond to media asking about presumptive nominee. The party does NOT use that term, stick to standard response.


  1. PLEASE tell committees to have Athena schedule Zoom meetings/webinars, etc. 


  1. Reports from Committee (co-chairs/committee representative)

None.  Animal Rights asked to report June 14th.


  1. Liaison Reports 10 min

  Craig: Media; Merchandise, Presidential Campaign Support Committee – no reports, yet


 Alfred: Green Peace Action Committee – no report


 Joseph: EcoAction, Green Pages, International – EcoAction will have a webinar on DeGrowth on Monday, June 10th; IC rep to Sao Paolo Forum resigned from the party, no update on SPF, yet.


 Tamar: Apportionment Tabulation, Credentials, Election Tabulation, Staff Supervisor,  Apportionment Review Committee – no reports, stated Credentials Committee is doing an awesome job


  Margaret: Banking and Monetary Reform, Fundraising – report coming up on next meeting


  Darryl!: Platform, DRC – platform amendments are out and going through the voting process.


  Tony: Ballot Access, Outreach – ILL, IND, KS petitioning; legal challenge in NY being headed up by RFK campaign, GPNY is joining?; Possible new char for Outreach, hoping for members to be re-appointedI

  1.         Voting Queue (Holly)
  2.   RECEIVED for the QUEUE  (Holly, Tamar) (5 min)
  3. Proposal for Margaret Elisabeth for Honorary 2024 PNC 


Ii. Proposal for Craig Cayetano for Honorary 2024 PNC 


Iii. 2024 ANM/PNC Convention Rules Change

Iv. 2024 ANM/PNC Date Change Housekeeping July

  1. 2024 ANM/PNC Date Change Housekeeping June

Tamar will be floor manager for all five proposals.  2 weeks discussion, 1 week vote, to go out Monday, June 10th. ⅔ approval threshold for the Convention Rules changes; 50%+1 for the rest.

  2.   IN the QUEUE



2024 Platform Proposals

#1198 – 2024 Platform Amendment – A Political Reform, 1 Electoral reform b – Opposition to Top Two


#1199 – 2024 Platform Amendment – Chapter III Ecological Sustainability Section D Transportation Item 4


#1200 – 2024 Platform Amendment – A  6h Reducing Corruption and Good Government



#1204 2024 Platform Amendment – 2 Social Justice, A Civil Rights, 3 Reparations – Cemetery Preservation


   Floor Manager: Holly Hart

   Discussion through July 9, 2024

   Voting period: July 10 – 16  2024

   Approval Threshold: ⅔






                  # 1188 – Assign Temporary Inactive Status to Green Party of South Dakota                  ADOPTED

#1195  – Amendment to 2024 Budget to Fund Contract Media Director for 2024 PNC and Election Period    ADOPTED


      #1196 – Corrected-Amended Delegate Apportionment for the 2024 Presidential Nominating Convention  ADOPTED


#1197 – Election to Fill Vacancy on the Green Congressional Campaign Committee     Airel Ciprian, Elected



#1189 – 2024 Platform Amendment to III Ecological Sustainability, A Climate Change, 6 


      #1190 – 2024 Platform Amendment to III Ecological Sustainability, A Climate Change, 6 a  FAILED

      #1191 – 2024 Platform Amendment to III Ecological Sustainability, A Climate Change, 6 b FAILED

      #1192 – 2024 Platform Amendment to III Ecological Sustainability, A Climate Change, 7,  FAILEDc

      #1193 – 2024 Platform Amendment –  III Ecological Sustainability  C: – Nuclear Issues ADOPTED

      #1194 – 2024 Platform Amendment – III Ecological Sustainability, O rights of Nature ADOPTED


 VII.   Old Business    

  1.           Endorsing the Bodies Outside of Unjust Laws March on the DNC National Convention on August 18th.  You can find information about the group here: https://www.bodiesmarch.org/ Endorsement form submitted by secretary. More information TBA to Media, NC, SC, area Greens

  1. GPUS Endorsement of PPEHRC – Poor People’s Economic Human Rights Campaign March.   Secretary signed the endorsement form.  They will be sending more information, will be passed along to NC, Media.

Philena Farley (GPOH, NBC) requested to comment. Philena asked if we were going to plan to attend in Chicago.  Darryl! clarified, that if people are already in the area just after the PNC, can we let people know and put them in touch with other Greens?  Jill Stein campaign will also be there.

Margaret noted that the Endorsing our Bodies Outside the Law event will be taking place about the same time, could also encourage a contingent of Greens there, as well.


VIII. Rick Lass offered to give an update from the Stein campaign.  SC agreed this would be allowed, acknowledging this was not solicited by the Steering Committee, and that other candidates could take the same opportunity.  Campaign has been working hard, raising funds, working toward ballot access and long-lasting party-building, committed to party growth.



  1.         Executive Session 9:01 – 10:00 pm EDT 

Consistent with our practice. SC agrees to hiring applicant for 2024 PNC Media Director, assuming Media Committee approval.  Media Committee will be meeting with applicant this week.  SC will follow with 48/48 decision. SC agreed that in the future, job listings should be posted for all potential hires.  Secretary will post a job notice now to the National Committee andask web manager to post to gpus.org, to be open through 3 pm Wednesday, June 12th.  Craig will follow up with Media Committee to relay SC decision.  APPROVED by CONSENSUS, with one stand aside stating concern about funds not being specified on the proposal that approved the position.









June 4, 2024


The Coordinated Campaign Committee has awarded a $600 grant to North Carolina gubernatorial candidate, Wayne Turner.  I request that disbursement approval of this award be placed on the agenda for the June 9, 2024 GPUS Steering Committee meeting.


Scott Laugenour, Co-Chair

GPUS Coordinated Campaign Committee









June 5, 2024

The Coordinated Campaign Committee has awarded a $600 grant to North Carolina gubernatorial candidate, Wayne Turner.  I request that disbursement approval of this award be placed on the agenda for the June 9, 2024 GPUS Steering Committee meeting.


Scott Laugenour, Co-Chair

GPUS Coordinated Campaign Committee






May 27, 2024


David Cobb

Cc. Nassim Nouri, Caledon Mayers


Howdy … ,


I hope you are safe, secure, happy and healthy during these tumultuous times.


I am writing to share that the GPCA is part of ProRep Coalition, which is gearing up for a ballot initiative in 2028 to change the CA election system from “First-past-the-post, winner-take-all” to proportional representation. We think this is the best strategy to create multi-party democracy.


GPCA, Green Eco-Socialist Network and ProRep Coalition are teaming up to offer a “Proportional Representation 101” webinar on Saturday, August 3rd, 12-1pm pacific, 3-4pm eastern. This webinar will be custom-tailored for a Green Party audience.


We would love to have the GPUS join us as a co-sponsor. I would be happy to have a quick chat about this if that would be helpful. 


Onward to the world we deserve,

David Cobb (he/him)