April 18, 2010, addenda part 2

GPUS SC Conference Call
Sunday, April 18, 2010

ADDENDA – ONLINE Votes from the Past 2 weeks; Items 3 and 4 are included in this message

1) Findings Regarding the Need for an International Committee Mission Statement

2) Findings Regarding the Need for Platform Consistency

3) Bylaws Amendment, Steering Committee

4) Preliminary draft of ANM agenda

3) SC ONLINE DISCUSS/VOTE: GPUS Bylaws Amendment, Steering Committee

SC Online Discussion/Vote

Title: GPUS Bylaws Amendment: Name, Purpose and Applicability

Sponsor/Presenter: Mike Feinstein, Craig Thorsen

Discussion: Saturday, April 10 – Monday, March 12
Vote: Tuesday, April 13 – Thursday, April 15

Background: An initial draft of this proposal was presented to the Steering Committee as part of the February 21st SC agenda. During the first week of April, the text has undergone focused discussion on the SC list. This draft synthesizes those suggestions and introduces a few more for discussion before going to a vote. Further Steering Committee input on the text is sought, especially from those who have not yet commented.

Proposal: That the SC approve of sponsoring the following proposal


SPONSOR(S): Steering Committee


SUBJECT/TITLE: GPUS Bylaws Amendment, Steering Committee



BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE: The rules governing the Steering Committee (SC) are spread over the GPUS Bylaws, Rules and Procedures and the SC Rules, Policies and Procedures. There is no clear hierarchy of what belongs in each document and many long-standing practices of the SC are not written down in any of them.

This proposal consolidates text in the Bylaws so that a full description of the primary mission, duties, responsibilities and basic conditions of membership for the SC are all found in one place. By providing this clarification, the National Committee (NC) and the SC will have a more clear idea what is expected. This proposal would also

– Provide a definition of ‘year’ for the purposes of determining when the two-year SC terms begin and end, with years defined as ‘the period between regular elections’;

– Address the existing ambiguity about whether one must be a NC delegate at the time of nomination and election or only at the time of election, by establishing that it would be both at the time of nomination and election. It would defer the question of whether alternates can be nominated to a later, separate proposal and as well as whether the NC wants to consider whether past NC members who are not currently on the NC can also be eligible;

– Address the existing ambiguity where if one fills an unscheduled vacancy, how much time for it to count as a full term against the two consecutive term limit, by establishing that if a person has served for less than one year, it shall not count as a term and for one year or more, it shall.

– Embed Proposal #126 in the Bylaws, which was passed by the NC in March 2005 to clarify that the bylaws mean that “continued membership on the NC is not a continuing condition of holding office on the SC, providing that a person has been otherwise duly elected to such an office.”

– Clarify that Co-chairs shall appear on the voting page affiliated with the state party or caucus through which they became a National Committee member, while the Secretary and Treasurer may appear either with any affiliated state party or caucus of which they are a member.

– Reformat the text into the Article/Section/Sub-Section format.

– Establish that “Steering Committee members are expected to be familiar with the party’s governing documents, budgets, National Committee decisions and GPUS committee structure; and to reasonably perform their duties and responsibilities”; and establish what experience is considered desirable but not required to serve as a Co-chair, Treasurer or Secretary.

PROPOSAL: That the existing ARTICLE IV. THE STEERING COMMITTEE of the GPUS Bylaws be replaced with the following text


Section 4-1 Mission and Authority

The Steering Committee shall serve as an administrative committee on behalf of the GPUS to carry out the duties and responsibilities described in this Article.

Section 4-2 Duties and Responsibilities

4-2.1 Oversee the primary day-to-day business and operations of the GPUS.

4-2.2 Oversee paid personnel, including staff and contractors.

4-2.3 Oversee office and clearinghouse operations and publications.

4-2.4 Administer GPUS fundraising and expenditures, and review recommendations by the Treasurer and Finance Committee on financial matters.

4-2.5 Administer other aspects of the day-to-day business and operations of the GPUS as necessary, subject to any limitations in the party’s governing documents and/or responsibilities that are within the jurisdiction of other committees as defined in their in their Mission Statements.

4-2.6 Administer proposals submitted for National Committee consideration according to the process described in the Article VI of the Rules and Procedures.

4-2.7 Facilitate, coordinate and assist the activities of Standing and Ad Hoc Committees of the GPUS, including but not necessarily limited to:

4-2.7(a) Supporting committees to enable quality, accurate and effective committee work;

4-2.7(b) Maintaining regular communications with committee co-chairs and when applicable, other committee designees;

4-2.7(c) Tracking and participating in day-to-day committee activities via listserves and meetings;

4-2.7(d) Eliciting and receiving written reports from committees for distribution to the National Committee;

4-2.7(e) Making task assignments to committees that are in keeping with their Mission Statements;

4-2.7(f) Facilitating communication between Standing and Ad Hoc Committees, Caucuses, the Steering Committee and the National Committee;

4-2.7(g) Assuring compliance with committee Mission Statements and Rules, Policies and Procedures.

4-2.8 Gather information, report emerging problems and opportunities to the National Committee, and make recommendations and proposals to the National Committee based on those reports.

4-2.9 Carry out directives from the National Committee that do not conflict with this Article or are otherwise consistent with the party’s governing documents.

4-2.10 Approve statements and issue endorsements consistent with the GPUS Platform, according to the process defined in the GPUS Rules and Procedures, Article IV.

4-2.11 Solicit legal advice as necessary on behalf of GPUS.

4-2.12 Propose amendments to the GPUS governing documents and to the Steering Committee Rules, Policies and Procedures to facilitate the Mission, Duties and Responsibilities of the Steering Committee as defined in this Article.

Section 4-3 Membership

4-3.1 The Steering Committee shall be composed of seven Co-chairs, a Secretary, and a Treasurer; and be elected by the National Committee as defined in Article VI.

4-3.2 To be eligible to be elected Co-chair, one must be a current member of the National Committee at the time of nomination and election. Once elected, National Committee membership is no longer a condition of serving until the end of the term. However, all Co-chairs must be subscribed to the National Committee Votes List while serving on the Steering Committee.

4-3.3 To be eligible to be elected Secretary or Treasurer, one must be a member of a member state party, but do not have to be a member of the National Committee. However if elected, the Secretary and Treasurer must be subscribed to the National Committee Votes List while serving on the Steering Committee.

4-3.4 Steering Committee members are expected to be familiar with the party’s governing documents, budgets, National Committee decisions and GPUS committee structure; and to commit the time necessary to reasonably perform their duties and responsibilities as defined in this Article.

4-3.5 It is considered desirable but not required that Steering Committee members have prior experience on non-profit and/or community organization board of directors, appointed governmental boards or commissions and/or in elected public office.

4-3.6 It is considered desirable but not required that the Treasurer has previously served on the Finance Committee and/or Fundraising Committee, has familiarity with bookkeeping, and/or has served as a treasurer for a non-profit and/or community organization and/or a state Green Party.

Section 4-4 Term of Office

4-4.1 Co-Chairs

4-4.1(a) The term of office is two years, with a limit of two consecutive terms. For the purposes of defining terms of office, years are defined as the period between regular elections as described in Article VI. Four Co-chairs shall be elected in odd-numbered years and three in even-numbered years.

4-4.1(b) After two consecutive terms, and after at least one additional year, a candidate may serve two consecutive terms. For the purposes of calculating consecutive terms, if in being elected to fill a vacancy under 6-3, a person has served for less than one year, it shall not count as a term under this Section. If they have served for one year or more, it shall count as a term.

4-4.2 Secretary and Treasurer

4-4.2(a) The term of office is two years, with no term limits. For the purposes of defining terms of office, years are defined as the period between regular elections as described in Article VI. The Secretary shall be elected in odd-numbered years and the Treasurer elected in even-numbered years.

Section 4-5 Duties and Responsibilities of the Co-Chairs, Secretary and Treasurer

4-5.1 The Co-Chairs, Secretary and Treasurer shall collectively have the duties as described in Section 4-1. Individually the duties and responsibilities of the Co-Chairs, Secretary and Treasurer shall be established in the Rules and Procedures.

that Sub-Sections 6-2.2 and 6-2.3 be amended by adding the second second in each below to read as follows

6-2.2 Co-chairs shall be elected in a single Ranked Choice Voting election according to the process described in the GPUS Rules and Procedures, Article VII. Co-chairs shall appear on the voting page affiliated with the state party or caucus through which they became a National Committee member.

6-2.3 The Secretary and Treasurer shall be elected in separate elections using Instant Run-Off Voting, according to the process described in the GPUS Rules and Procedures, Article VII. The Secretary and Treasurer may appear on the ballot either affiliated with any affiliated state party or caucus of which they are a member.


IMPLEMENTATION/TIMELINE/RESOURCES: Bylaw change would become effective upon




Proposal #126 Bylaws Clarification: Fixed Term of Office
YES – Mike, Sanda (?), Craig, Jody
NO – Farheen, Holly

4) In keeping with tonight’s agenda item “Discussion Item: SC Preparation for 2010 ANM (for GPUS SC Conference Call, 4/18/10)


Jody, Brent and I sketched out an initial draft for the NC time to begin our discussion. Please note that we are recommending going a bit later on both Saturday and Sunday afternoons than had been discussed earlier. We did so because we realized that to not do so would probably make it difficult to have enough time for the platform


Draft Annual National Meeting NC schedule

Saturday, June 26

09:00 Call to order; Welcome from host committee; Quorum Count

09:20 Approve Agenda

09:30 Reports from GPUS Staff and Contract Employees

Brent McMillan, Executive Director – five minutes

Brian Bittner, Office Manager – three minutes

Scott McLarty, Media Coordinator – three minutes

David Doonan, Webmaster – three minutes

09:45 Report from Steering Committee

10:00 Strategy Session, part one

12:00 Lunch, voting for Steering Committee

01:15 Strategy Session, part two

02:30 Break, voting for Steering Committee

02:45 Platform

05:30 Closing

Sunday, June 27

09:00 Call to order; Housekeeping announcements; Quorum Count.

09:15 Approve Agenda

09:20 Budget, Finance and Fundraising

12:00 Platform

01:30 Closing

Holly Hart
Secretary, GPUS