GPUS SC Conference Call
Sunday, December 6, 2009
8:00 p.m. EDT
ADD: UFPJ survey
Mike’s proposals regarding budget (not taken up, but included in meeting) Executive session request (not taken up)
Co-chairs: Sanda Everette, Jill Bussiere, Craig Thorsen, Mike Feinstein, Jason Nabewaniec, David Strand, Farheen Hakeem
Secretary: Holly Hart
Treasurer: Jody Grage
Staff: Tamar Yager, Brent McMillan
Observers: Linda Piera-Avila (CA); possibly Julia Aires (FLA)
Facilitator: Mike facilitated the beginning of the call. David facilitated Budget Discussion.
Brent sent out a work report a few hours ago. Summary: Brent spent time this week working to get our officeholders list current. sent out latest iteration today, additional changes still coming in. Many candidates are declaring for 2010, Brent added 8 this week, for 66 [??]; identified a few more wins – 50, for this year, out of 144 races. Municipal race win rate for the year is 37%, outstanding rate for a third party. Officeholder numb is a little down, tough, and one concern is that many incumbents aren’t ‘seeking re-election.
Fundraising work continues to be a focus, as well.
Tamar sent reports to the SC today.
Tamar and Tom Yager tabled at an event that is usually held monthly in DC, drew good interest.
1) – Request from the Eco-Action Committee:
Nuclear Information and Resource Service’s
DECEMBER 11-12 CALL-IN AND ACTION DAYS (see forwarded request)
APPROVED, by consensus
2) – Request from Coalition to End the Occupation – regarding DOE contract to Motorola (see forwarded request; GPUS is a member of this coalition)
Jason asked for more information. Farheen replied that Motorola is one of the corporations that have been criticized for their involvement in Israeli military. Motorola is included in the Boycott Divestment Sanctions effort. David noted that Motorola is helping to building fences that reinforce the Occupied area. Motorola is involved in maintaining the oppression of Palestinian people, supplies encrypted phone technology to Israeli military building on Palestinian territory which is against international law. Holly noted that Motorola is included in a standard list of corporations that do business with the Israeli military. MIke clarified that the issue is business with the Israeli military, not other business with Israel, and so he felt he could support this.
APPROVED, by consensus, Craig standing aside, sitting he felt he didn’t have enough information about this.
3) – UFPJ sent us an online survey. Holly will forward this to the SC. Farheen suggested sending it to the NC and encouraging people to fill it out and submit.
APPROVED, 8 to 1, Craig with outstanding concerns. Craig was concerned that this would give them data about our membership. Holly explained this was UFPJ, we have worked with them.
a. Jody sent out a financial status report to the SC:
$ 2.3k – General Account
$ 1.2k – IC funds – no payment request received to date
$ 0.7k – IT funds – no payment request received to date
$50.0k – Accounts Payable – external
$32.5k – Accounts Payable – internal
$19.0k – Earmarked – ND state sharing
$ 7.1k – Earmarked – Caucuses/Committees
$ 4.2k – end-of-November salaries not yet paid
$ 1.7k – to pay next week – reimburse Tamar, Nov phone, small t-shirt
order recommended by FinCom
Our server went down Friday and, assuming it was a billing issue, I paid them by check card only to find out it was a technical problem. Other than that we’ve paid only the rent.
Reimburse Tamar $0.9, pay $24 to Sitevision, wait to hear from phone company
As soon as bank balance permits, pay Tamar – approximately $2k
APPROVED, by consensus – short term payments.
b. Loan Proposal – see Proposal from Jody (See ++++++, below) Loan to be paid by Juoni Trust funds to pay Loan #398 and Budd and Jody for end of earlier loan, and this loan. lenders can change to a donation, if they wish. This would be after previous loans were repaid and be paid off from Juoni Trust funds from 2011 (the last year we get the full amount, which will be more than $30.4).
Jason stated he is not in favor of taking out loans if we are not using the funds directly to increase our income stream. Any loan needs to include new fundraising efforts. Jody stated a large part of this wold be used to pay empower Telefundraisind and Red Sun Press.
Mike – interest in merchandise.
Craig stated he opposed GPUS taking out loans for day-to-day operations; however, recognizing our perilous situation, we be able to pay off debts,
LOAN PROPOSAL – APPROVED, 6 Yes, Jason voted No, Craig and Farheen stood aside.
Floor manager: Jody
1 week discussion, 1 week vote; 1 week discussion was chosen due to the impending holiday dates and urgent need for funds; the vote would be finished on December 21; otherwise, vote would occur over the holidays and/or not be finished until early January. 50%+1
Two Options have been presented, one written by Mike, one by Farheen. suggested we hear form the advocates of each Option, then, decide which we want if needed to fine tune, direction would do so afterwards. we would make a choice between going in either direction Farheen would like to have hers heard first and seprately. Mike had suggested discussing both.
Option 1 first; option 2 first; both at once, figuring out which direction to take.
Jason – Prefer to discuss Options individually; either one
Farheen – Wiling to stand aside, but turned in Option 2 before Option 1 was suggested, so would like that first
Sanda – Prefers to hear each one; no preference as to which goes first
Mike – Hear them together
Craig – Would like to hear each one, then discuss them together
Jody – Pass
Jill – Would like to hear each one, then discuss them together
Holly – Would like to hear each one.
David – ?
David facilitated the budget discussion.
Farheen presented Option 2 first. Jason asked about the accountant position. Farheen accepted as a friendly amendment that this would be cut. However, it was questioned whether Doug Malkan had given notice. He had written that he would if he didn’t hear back from the SC by the end of this month.
Jody presented Option 1. Predicated on information on finances for the past year. We are going deeper in the hole, our current course of action is not sustainable. This budget cuts both the fundraiser and accountant positions. She stated she had spoken to the accountant, and he agreed to work through the end of January to finish up FEC report. This budget is to retrench. Look toward doing and amended mid-year budget and look toward hiring a fundraiser at that time.
Agreed to add severance pay for fundraising manager in Option I.
Jason pointed to an instance when funds hadn’t been recorded correctly, and asked how we expect to avoid accountant problems with admittedly amateurs doing the accounting.
Farheen asked if there was something from Doug Malkan in writing stating his resignation. Jody said she could get it tomorrow (i.e. get him to send one). Mike pointed out that the budget motion says that we will send a letter to Doug giving him notice at the end of January. He said Doug understands our position and if our choice is not to retain an accountant, he is ok with that. Farheen asked if any letter shouldn’t go through the personnel subcommittee, and asked how this would affect unemployment taxes and severance. Jody replied that contracted employers would not affect this. Farheen made clear that the personnel subcommittee had not made the recommendation. Jody agreed, two members of that subcommittee, she and Mike had made the recommendation. [NOTE: The personnell subcommittee includes Farheen, Mike and Jason. Jason serves as staff supervisor. – hh]
Farheen noted her budget retained the fundraiser position, and asked if Jody would be willing to re-instate that. Jody replied this was $50,000, would rule out paying off debt in 2009, not answering to NC members who have been asking for staff reductions.
Sanda stated she would like to approve a budget that retained the fundraiser, but doesn’t sense there is the will for the major fundraising effort needed by the NC. She has hinted at it, but gets no response, it just isn’t there. Find formula to increase fundraising so we can hire a fundraiser in the future and more staff beyond that. It’s crazy-making every month to not be able to pay salaries.
Holly – usually is more pessimistic, but would prefer to hold off on staff cuts right now; given that we are finally completing database work and will have some better capacity for fundraising, would like to give that a chance and see if there is an increase in income; try a few months, then if there is no or not enough difference, look again at cuts.
Jason asked if Jody could explain how cutting the fundraising manager position they are increasing projected income? Jody stated that direct mailing was currently breaking even; when Brent was doing it, it was drawing in two or three times its cost. Admits there are different circumstances now, but she would like to try this; Brent is interested in working with fundraising volunteers, as well. Jody would not want to hire someone we will not be able to pay. What if we can’t ‘make the Dec. 15th payroll?
Jason asked – so Brent would be responsible for all the funds somehow we are currently bringing in, plus more? Brent replied that there is confusion when we talk about the word income. Brent clarified that, if we ever fall two paychecks behind, he will consider that he has been laid off.
Mike is concerned we may not even be able to keep office manager position.
Farheen stated she had sent of an email to the NC asking what people think. A couple indicated all positions should be cut; there were a few responses interested in fundraising.
Jill said it feels like trying to keep up with the Titanic. Favors Option 1, but to re-group and have a mid-term budget, driven by most crucial things we have to fund. We don’t have a vision statement, strategic plan, need those in order to fundraise.
Farheen stated others may think she is inexperienced and young, but she personally raised $10,000. Our delegates are not being utilized. When she was a delegate, she was not utilized, contacted about fundraising. Direct mail is down everywhere, not the fault of the fundraising manager, and Brent will not be able to work miracles because of the state of our economy. We’re drowning in a foot of water. We can’t find 55 people who wouldn’t be willing and capable of fundraising enough funds? We haven’t asked. If you are getting headaches now, Jody, you’ll have a lot more problems without a fundraiser.
David – we haven’t talked about dues; that is not the answer, but there may be something related to apportionment that parties share funds with national.
VOTE on OPTIONS – Each person votes Option 1 or Option 2
Mike – Option 1
Sanda – Option 1
Craig – Option 1
Jody – Option 1
Farheen – Option 2
Jill – Option 1
Jason – Option 2
David – Option 1
Holly – Option 2
Option 1 – 6, PASSES
Option 2 – 3
Farheen commented that she is dissappointed and disheartened she is by the six individuals that voted for Option 1 for the budget.
PROPOSALS submitted by Mike
1) Motion to approve attached 2010 Budget Spreadsheet Option One to send to NC as the proposed 2010 budget; include as part of approval of the budget, that Green Pages not be required to print any hard copy issues unless there is a mid-year budget revision (as described in the expense narrative); and have the Secretary work with the GPUS web master to post the spreadsheet to by Monday and to provide notice to the National Committee of its posting.
2) Motion to give 30 day notice of termination of contract to the Fundraising Manager, as of January 6th, 2010
Mike – Yes
Sanda – Yes
Craig – Yes
Jody – Yes
Farheen – No
Jill – Abstain, not clear about legal aspect
Jason – No Response
David – Yes, not sure why we need to have a vote for something that follows out of what we just approved.
Holly – Yes, for the same reason David notes
PASSES, 6- Yes, 1 No, 1 Abstain,
3) Motion to give notice of termination of contract to the Accountant, as of January 31st, 2010
Mike – Yes
Sanda – Yes
Craig – Yes
Jody – Yes
Farheen – No
Jill – Abstain
Jason – No Response
David – Yes, not sure why we need to have a vote for something that folow sout of what we just approved.
Holly – Abstain
PASSES – 5 Yes, 1 No, 2 Abstain
4) Motion to approve the budget Income Narrative, Option One
and the budget Expense Narrative, Option One
Mike – Yes
Sanda – Yes
Craig – Yes
Jody – Yes
Farheen – No Response
Jill – Yes
Jason – No Response
David – Yes
Holly – Abstain
PASSES, 6 – Yes; 1 Abstain
5) Motion to extend the NC discussion period from concluding on 12/13 and a vote concluding on 12/20, to a discussion period concluding 1/10 and a vote concluding 1/17
Mike – Yes
Sanda – Abstain
Craig – Yes
Jody – Yes
Farheen – No Response
Jill – Yes
Jason – No Response
David – Yes
Holly – Yes
PASSES, 6 Yes, 1 Abstain
a.Brief run-down of current voting queue items, any outstanding items
(none, so far)
b. WI proposal – NC approval of IC delegation reps
On the last call, Mike stated he’d contacted them, got a response that night and offered to follow up.
NEXT CALL: Sunday. December 20, 2009; 8:00 p.m.EST
Holly Hart
Secretary. GPUS
Proposal to Approve $30,000 Loan from Green Party Members
*Sponsor:* Steering Committee
*Contact:* Jody Grage, Steering Committee
*Subject/Title:* Proposal to Approve $30,000 Loan from Green Party Members
*Type of Proposal, Expected Approval Threshold:
Requested Proposal Decision-Making Timelines:*
*Background and Purpose*: The GPUS Rules and Procedures, Fiscal Policy, in the section pertaining to Loans, states that loans totaling over $2000 must be approved by a vote of the National Committee.
The National Committee has previously approved four proposals for interest-free loans from Greens:
Proposal 262, March 2007, for $9,900; repaid with four months.
Proposal 334, January 2008, for $9,600; repaid within two months.
Proposal 353, June 2008, for $15,000; $11,500 repaid within six months; $4,500 remains owed to Jody Grage and Budd Dickinson, who agreed to delay repayment and who will be repaid in January 2010 from money received from the Juoni Trust.
Proposal 398, June 2009, for $25,000; to be repaid in January 2010 from money received from the Juoni Trust.
The Steering Committee requests approval for interest-free loans totaling no more than $30,000. Loans will not be accepted until the previous loans have been repaid.
This money will be used for debt reduction including payments to Empower Telefundraising for phone solicitation work already completed and to Red Sun Press for the last Direct Mail project. This money will also be used for fundraising proposals developed by the staff and/or the Fundraising Committee and approved by the Steering Committee, as well as investing in merchandise.
If the loans have not already been repaid, funds from $30,400 released to us by the Juoni Trust in January 2011 will repay those who participate in this loan.
Those who participated in the loan authorized by Proposal 398 to be repaid in January 2010 are welcome to participate in this new loan after the previous loans have been repaid to them.
*1.* The National Committee agrees to accept interest-free loans from Green Party members amounting to a total of no more than $30,000. These loans will be used for debt reduction and for fundraising projects.
*2.* Loans will not be accepted until the previous loans have been repaid.
*3.* If the loans have not already been repaid, funds from the $30,400 released to GPUS by the Juoni Trust in January 2011 will repay those who participate in this loan.
*4.* This money will be used for debt reduction including payments to Empower Telefundraising for phone solicitation work already completed and to Red Sun Press for the last Direct Mail project. This money will also be used for fundraising proposals developed by the staff and/or the Fundraising Committee and approved by the Steering Committee, as well as investing in merchandise.
Implementation/Timeline/Resources:* None
GPUS Rules and Procedures, 5. Fiscal Policy*