USGP Personnel Policy – DRAFT #2

Welcome Statement from the Steering Committee

We are pleased you are a staff member of the Green Party of the United States, an political party which has had and will continue to have a historic and positive influence on politics in the United States. As leaders and staff we are here to shape the future of the Green Party of the United States. You and your fellow staff members will transform Green ideas and plans into reality, the reality of our shared values. In order to maintain our high standards, we aim to attract and retain highly skilled and qualified employees. Welcome to the group. In the interest of efficient organization and operation, as well as to insure fair treatment for each employee our Steering Committee has established these personnel policies.

The USGP personnel policies are based on our values, which emphasize the highest standards of conduct and ethics. Working together with these values in mind there is no limit to what we can continue to achieve. If you have any questions your best source of information the members of the Steering Committee. In order to remain an effective tool for personnel administration, this manual will be reviewed from time to time and revised as changes occur.

On behalf of the USGP, we personally welcome you.

USGP Standards of Conduct

*What do we want here?*

Section 1 Statement of USGP Mission and History

Section 2 Purpose of This Personnel Policy Manual

2.0 Purpose

2.1 Statement of Responsibilities

2.2 Initiation of Change in Personnel Policies

2.3 Distribution

Section 3 Affirmative Action and Equal Employment

3.0 Affirmative Action Policy

Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Policy:
The Green Party of the United States is an Equal Opportunity Employer complying with the spirit and intent of Title VII of the United States Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the State Civil Rights Act of 1965, as amended. There will be no discrimination in this organization on the basis of age, race, creed, color, sex, national origin, sexual orientation, religion, or disability. This policy includes but is not limited to the following: employment, upgrading, demotion, or transfer; recruitment and recruitment advertising; layoff or termination; rates of pay and other forms of compensation; selection for training, including apprenticeship; and USGP sponsored social and recreational events.

The USGP will take affirmative action to ensure equal opportunity for all persons in the filling of its positions. The Steering Committee is responsible for the the personnel function and is the designated coordinator for implementation of the Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action policy.

3.2 Recruitment and Hiring Policy

3.21 Recruitment

USGP employees will generally be recruited by advertising available positions in newsletters, newspapers, professional organizations and elsewhere. Employees may also be recruited by other means. Hiring will emphasize those applicants with experience in the Green Party and/or Green movement, and/or in promoting social change consonant with the 10 Key Values and Four Pillars of the Greens.

3.22 Candidates for employment will be considered without regard to race, age, religion, national origin, sexual orientation, marital status or gender. Physical or mental disabilities will be considered only as they relate to bona fide job requirements and will not be considered otherwise.

3.23 General qualification for positions will be determined by written job descriptions.

3.24 Interviews will be conducted by the Steering Committee or their appointees.

Section 4 Conditions of Employment

4.0 Appointment to the Staff

Appointments of staff will be promptly announced to the Coordinating Committee.

4.1 Position Description

All paid position of the USGP will have a job description.

4.2 Letter of Employment

Applicants selected for positions will be notified orally and in writing, and will be presented with a statement of responsibilities, salary and benefits of employment.

4.3 Part-time, Contractual, and Temporary Employees

4.4 Initial and Continuing Physical Examination Requirements

4.5 References

All potential employee references will be verified and become part of the employee’s permanent record.

4.6 Employment of Family Members

No employee will be placed in a position in which a relative (by blood, adoption, or marriage) has supervisory of direct administrative authority over her or him.

4.7 Probationary Period

4.8 Personnel Records

Employee records are private. Access by employee to their own personnel files will be allowed. An employee’s personnel file will contain an employment application, letter or letters of reference, health record, evaluations, verification of educational achievements, documents related to salary and fringe benefits, employment status or position changes, termination letter and record of exit interview, letters of commendation or appreciation, letter regarding disciplinary action and a job description.

4.9 Release of Information

A release of information letter will be provided by the employee.

4.95 Confidentiality

Reference inquires will be limited to length of employment unless the employee, upon leaving the party, signed a form authorizing the release of performance related and other reference information to potential new employers. References completed by the party should be factually correct, current, concise, comprehensive and objective, and should include relationship of the writer to the subject of the reference.

Section 5 Performance Appraisal

5.0 Policy

5.1 Criteria for Evaluating Performance

Evaluation of employees performance is an ongoing process. The party will conduct periodic written evaluations of all staff members.

5.2 Times of Performance Appraisal

Performance appraisals will occur annually unless otherwise necessary.

5.3 Performance Appraisal Forms

5.4 Process of Performance Appraisal

5.5 Salary Increment Denial

Section 6 Separation of Employment

6.0 Policy

6.1 Notice: Resignation

Employees who voluntarily leave the party will provide written notice specifying the last day they will be at work. USGP requests two to four weeks notice in advance of departure.

6.2 Notice: Dismissal

6.21 Unsatisfactory Job Performance

USGP will give employees timely notice of problems with their conduct or performance in order to provide them an opportunity to correct the problems. Employees requiring disciplinary action will receive counseling in the hope the problem can be corrected. If necessary the employee will receive written warning(s) stipulating a reasonable length of time to rectify the problem, then suspension, followed, if necessary, by termination.

USGP reserves the right to terminate employees without following these steps whenever it is determined that termination is in the best interest of the party, its reputation, or the affiliated states if serves.

6.22 Malfeasance

6.3 Layoff

For employees terminated because of reductions or for reasons other than misconduct severance pay will be considered in addition to earned salary and vacation pay.

6.4 Final Pay

Will be provided on day of termination.

6.5 Exit Interview

The Steering Committee of its appointee will conduct an exit interview of the terminating employee and place the notes of the interview in the employee’s personnel file.

Section 7 Grievances

7.0 Definition of Grievance

7.1 Grievance Procedure

Section 8 Working conditions

8.0 Hours of Employment

The normal work week of USGP is 40 hours.

8.1 Lunch and Rest Period: Office-Based Staff

8.2 Meal Periods: Residential and Neighborhood-Based Staff

8.2 Overtime

Non-exempt employees must be paid at a rate of no less than one and a half time their normal hourly rate for hours worked in excess of 40 hours per week. Overtime will be authorized by the Steering Committee. Regular overtime on a sustained basis should not be expected or required. No employee should work more than two consecutive work periods in any work day. A consecutive 48 hour period off should be provided in each calendar week.

8.3 Rescheduled/Compensatory Time: Exempt Staff

Exempt employees are those who supervise others, exercise discretionary decision making powers. Exempt staff members are sometimes expected to work additional hours to assure the maximum efficiency and productivity of the USGP. Exempt employees are not entitled to payment of overtime. Such employees may or may not earn compensatory leave.

8.4 Transfers

8.5 Promotions

8.6 Staff Development

8.61 Conference /Attendance

8.62 Tuition Assistance Program

8.7 Professional Exams: Registration

8.8 Sexual Harassment Policies

In accordance with Equal Employment Opportunity Commission guidelines, sexual harassment among employees (including supervisory and non-supervisory personnel) and between employees and others is prohibited, and may warrant corrective disciplinary action up to and including dismissal. The following forms of sexual harassment are expressly prohibited by law: unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature (such as whistling and jeering and suggestive touches, gestures, and comments when: submission to such conduct is made either explicitly or implicitly a term of condition of an individual’s employment; submission to or rejection of such conduct by an individual is used as the basis for employment decisions affecting the individual; or such conduct has the purpose or effect of substantially interfering with an individual’s work performance or creating an intimidating, hostile, or offensive working environment.

Section 9 Wages and Salaries

9.0 Policy

9.1 Initial Placement on the Salary Scale

9.2 Paydays

Payroll will occur twice per month on 15th and the last day of the month.

9.3 Personal Finances of Employees

Section 10 Employee Expenses

10.0 Policy

10.1 Allowable Expenses

10.11 Lodging

19.12 Meals

10.13 Expenses Incurred for Guests

10.14 Reimbursement for Use of Personal Care

Section 11 Earnings from Outside Sources

11.0 Policy

11.10 Conditions

11.20 Earnings from Outside Sources

Employees who engage in private practice must clearly represent that work as an entirely individual endeavor not sanctioned by or connected with USGP. No part of private practice activity ie use of facilities, clerical time, materials or equipment man in any way infringe upon or interfere with the business and activities of the agency. Any exception regarding the use of agency property, equipment, and materials must have prior approval of the Steering Committee. Any and all costs related to private practice shall be borne fully by the private practitioner.

11.30 Earnings from Training, Consultation, And Private Practice

Section 12 Benefits

12.0 Benefit Policy

Regular full-time employees who work 40 or more regularly scheduled hours per week are eligible for full-time benefits. Regular part-time employees who work 20 or more (but less than 40) regularly scheduled hours per week are eligible for prorated benefits equal to the percentage of 40 hours represented by their regularly scheduled hours. Part-time/relief employees who work less than 20 regularly scheduled hours and/or on irregular schedules as needed will be paid on an hourly basis. Although covered by workers’ compensation, these employees are not eligible for benefits. Contract service providers are not employees an are not eligible for either workers’ compensation or benefits.

12.01 Retirement Policy

12.02 Retirement Plan

12.03 Group Health/Insurance Plans

All full time employees will be covered by a comprehensive health insurance policy.

12.04 Life Insurance

12.05 Long-Term Disability Insurance

What are the state laws regarding disability insurance and USGP?

12.067 Tax-Deferred Annuities

12.10 Liability Coverage

What is our plan here. Most non-profit organizations offer board of directors insurance which can in many cases extend to their employees.

12.11 Automobile

When using personal automobiles for USGP work are our employees and volunteers covered adequately by their private policies?

12.12 Professional

12.20 Benefits Provided by Law

12.21 Social Security

All applicants for employment must have a Social Security number. A percentage designated by the Social Security law is deducted from the employee’s wages and and equal amount is contributed by USGP. Any change in name or other status must be reported to USGP and the Social Security office.

12.22 Unemployment Compensation

Unemployment compensation is supported by payroll tax paid by the USGP. USGP will comply with relevant federal and stat laws and identify situations in which unemployment compensation will be paid.

12.23 Workers’ Compensation

Who is our Workers’ Compensation carrier?

Section 13 Holiday Observances

Which holidays will we observe? For most organizations there are 10 per year.

That’s what I would do – and leave the holidays open to their prerogative, with the exception that they must give at least two weeks notice and they cannot claim their holidays in the month prior to leaving employment.

Section 14 Leaves

14.00 Policy

14.10 Consolidated Annual Leave

14.11 Paid Leave Plan

14.12 Paid Leave Plan Accrual

14.13 Paid Leave Withdrawal

14.14 Disability Leave Plan

14.20 Leave for Conference Attendance

14.30 Illness, Death, or other Family Emergency

Bereavement leave will be 3 to 5 days for the employee’s immediate family. Immediate family includes spouses, significant others, long-time companions, children, parents, legal guardians, brothers, sisters, in-laws, grandchildren and grand parents. If an employee remains away longer additional days will be charged against personal or annual leave.
Sick leave will be given due to employee illness, sick member of the immediate family and to cover absences for medical, dental or other necessary health examinations or treatments. Employees need to inform the Steering Committee when sick leave is being taken. Sick leave will accrue at one day per month but will not exceed 15 days total. Extended sick leave may be given through unused vacation leave or leave without pay if approved by the Steering Committee.

14.40 Medical and Dental Benefits during Leave

14.50 Educational Leave

14.60 Leave of Absence without Pay

Leave without pay will be considered when employees have exhausted their vacation and sick leave time. Vacation and sick leave will not accrue during leave of absence without pay. Health insurance will continue during leave of absence without pay. The Steering Committee will be responsible for granting leave without pay. Consideration will be given for the reason leave is necessary, the effect on the functioning of the party and the employee’s length of service with the party.

14.70 Parental Leave

14.80 Voting Leave

Employees will be given leave for voting purposes.

14.81 Jury Duty Leave

Full time employees serving as jurors will receive their regular salary. Employees will give USGP as much notice as possible of potential jury duty.

14.82 Active Military Duty

Full time employees will receive leave for National Guard or military reserve unit duties to attend required training sessions. Veterans returning from service will be restored to their previous position or a similar position unless the person is no longer qualified to perform the job. Full time employees ordered to report for active duty as member of the reserve component of the United States Armed Forces or the National Guard will be considered on leave without pay and vacation holiday pay will not accrue.

14.83 Professional Certification, Licensing, or Registration Examinations

14.90 Personal Business

Personal business or discretionary leave is given for the purpose of conducting business that cannot be done in off hours. This should be limited to a couple of days per year.

Still to be considered:

Volunteer Guidelines/Policy
Intern Policy
Child Care