Ballot Status History

Annual • Chronological • By State Party  • Party Publications and Press Releases
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By State Party (narratives)

Arizona Green Party (1994-2014)
DC Statehood Green Party (1998-2022)
Green Party of Alaska (1990-2004)
Green Party of California (1990-2018)
Green Party of Colorado (1994-2018)
Green Party of Connecticut  (1996-2016)
Green Party of Delaware (2000-2018)
Green Party of Florida (1999-2018)
Green Party of Hawai’i (1992-2010)
Green Party of Minnesota (1996-2004)
Green Party of Mississippi (2002-2018)
Green Party of Nevada (1996-2008)
Green Party of New Mexico (1994-2008)
Green Party of New York State (1998-2010)
Green Party of Pennsylvania (2000-2004)
Green Party of Rhode Island (1996-2004)
Green Party of Texas (2000-2012)
Iowa Green Party (2000-2002)
Maine Green Independent Party (1994-2010)
Maryland Green Party (2000-2006)
Pacific Green Party of Oregon (1996-2014)
Wisconsin Green Party (1996-2018)

Party publications and press releases


Arizona Greens triumph in federal court. Win to have extra ballot access restrictions prohibited
By Claudia Ellquist, Arizona Green Party Co-chair.GreenPages, Winter 2010.


Green Party of Arkansas Sues to Keep Ballot Status
Green Pages, Fall 2009

The all-year pursuit of Ballot Access. States efforts to gain ballot access across the country
Green Pages, Fall 2009

A step-by-step guide to achieving ballot status, Arizona tells how they got it done
By Claudia Ellquist, Co-chair of the Arizona Green Party. Green Pages, Fall 2009

Pennsylvania Ballot Access Coalition, Green leads ballot access effort in Pennsylvania
By Bob Small, Chair of the Green Party of Delaware County and delegate to the Green Party of the United States. Green Pages, Spring 2009


National and states prioritize ballot access. Presidential campaign ignites many state ballot drives
By Brian Bittner, member of the GPUS Ballot Access Committee. Green Pages, July, 2008.

Green Party of Hawai’i Regains Ballot Status
July, 2008

Green Party ballot line upheld for West Virginia’s Mountain Party.
GPUS Press Release. February 22, 2008.


National and State Parties are Partners in the Struggle for Ballot Access.
By Phil Huckleberry, Illinois Green Party. GPUS Green Paper, August 31, 2007.

Legal challenge changes Arkansas ballot access law, Greens assert their rights.
By Mark Swaney, Green Party of Arkansas. Green Pages, Summer 2007.

The struggle for ballot access. New York runs a strong campaign but doesn’t make it.
By Peter Lavenia, Co-Chair, Green Party of New York State. Green Pages, Winter 2007.


Greens Win Ballot Access in 31 States, Up From 17 in January.
GPUS Press Release. September 5, 2006


Green Party of Louisiana achieves major party status.
Green Pages, Fall 2005.

Greens Promote Ballot Access, Call for Withdrawal of US Troops from Iraq.
GPUS Press Release. July 22, 2005


Cobb/LaMarche on the Ballot in Tennessee.
GPUS Press Release. August 18, 2004.

Cobb Claims More Ballot Lines.
GPUS Press Release. August 3, 2004.

Ballot Access: Struggle and Opportunities (Alaska, California, New York, Pennsylvania).
By Kimberly Wilder, Green Party of New York State. Green Pages, Winter 2004. 


Greens seek to improve access to ballot.
By Deirdre Helfferich, Green Party of Alaska. GreenPages, October 2003.

Greens Battle Restrictive Ballot Access Laws in Many States.
GPUS Press Release. August 4, 2003.

Utah qualifies for ballot line.
By Rob Morrison. Green Pages, January 2003.


Arkansas Greens win ballot access for special U.S. House election, Sarah Marsh becomes state’s first Green state or Congressional candidate.
By Ed Tarvin , Green Party of Arkansas. Green Pages, Fall 2001.

States in which the Green Party has ballot status.
Green Pages, Fall 2001.

New Mexico Greens Fight to Retain Ballot Status.
By Jerilyn Bowen, New Mexico Green Party ASGP representative. Green Pages, Summer 2001.

Nader campaign breaks ballot-access barriers. Tens of thousands of volunteers, nine lawsuits part of nationwide ballot access drive.
By Stacy Malkan. Green Pages, Winter/Spring 2001.

Impressive ballot drive and tough campaign to protect it put Texas Greens on political map.
By David Pollard, Arlington (TX) Texas State Green executive committee member. By Stacy Malkan. Green Pages, Winter/Spring 2001.


State Green Ballot Status Update
(PA, FL, DC, AZ). Green Pages, Winter 1999.


Green Party Ballot Status Update
(HI, CO, ME, NJ). Green Pages, Spring 1998.


Green Ballot Status Update. Maine Greens fight to retain ballot status.
By Nancy Allen, co-chair, Maine Green Party. Green Pages, Fall 1997.