Credentials Timeline 2023-2024

Hypothetical July 2024 convention date


March 2023: Call for Nominations – Election of Credentials Committee for 2020 Presidential Nomination Convention

Credentials Committee Rules – Election of Credentials Committee

Section 2-3 Election Procedure

2-3.2 Beginning in 2011 and for subsequent Presidential nominating cycles, elections for committee member shall be held in April of the year preceding the Presidential Nominating Convention. If all seats are not filled in the first election, a second election to fill the remaining seats shall be held three months later. If all seats are not filled by the second election, the committee shall proceed to function with as many members as have been elected, except that subsequent elections to fill vacancies may be conducted as herein provided.

Task: GPUS Secretary publishes call for nominations

April 2023: Election of Credentials Committee for 2020 Presidential Nomination Convention

Presidential Nomination Convention Rules – Election of Credentials Committee

Section 2-3 Election Procedure

2-3.2 Beginning in 2011 and for subsequent Presidential nominating cycles, elections for committee member shall be held in April of the year preceding the Presidential Nominating Convention. If all seats are not filled in the first election, a second election to fill the remaining seats shall be held three months later. If all seats are not filled by the second election, the committee shall proceed to function with as many members as have been elected, except that subsequent elections to fill vacancies may be conducted as herein provided.

Task:  Election is held

April 2023:  Steering Committee Chooses Liaison to Credentials Committee

April/May 2023:  Secretary reports results of Credentials Committee election to GPUS Webmaster, so new Cred Com members added to CredCom email list

February 2024 (PNC-120): Delegate Selection Plan Submission Deadline

Delegation Plans for Selection and Instruction of Delegates

2-7.1 Deadline for Submission of Delegate Plans
2-7.1(a) At least 120 days prior to the convening of each Presidential Nominating Convention, each state’s Green Party shall submit to the Credentials Committee, a Delegate Plan for selecting and instructing its delegation. The Credentials Committee shall post a copy of each Delegate Plan on its web site.

2-7.3 Change to Delegate Plans
2-7.3(a) After its Delegate Plan has been submitted to the Credential Committee, no change to the rules used by a state Green Party for selecting or instructing its delegation shall be binding unless the state Green Party submits within thirty days of such change to the Credentials Committee a supplementary report describing those amendments.

March to June 2024: Delegation Plans for Selection and Instruction of Delegates

Section 2-8 Reporting the Results of the Delegate Selection Process

2-8.1 Not later than 14 days following any action to fill seats on a state Green Party’s convention delegation, a state party shall file with the Credentials Committee the results of its delegate selection process, including vote totals and the proportion of support enjoyed by each candidate seeking the nomination of the party, as well as a list of delegates and alternates and an explanation of how each has been instructed to vote in the first round of voting in the convention’s Presidential Nominating process.

May 2024 (PNC-60) Presidential Convention Rules – Election of Co-Facilitators for Report of the Credentials Committee adoption

5-7.3 Gender-balanced Co-facilitators shall be nominated by the Steering Committee of the Green Party of the United States to co-facilitate the decision-making process for adopting the Report of the Credentials Committee, and submitted for confirmation by the Green National Committee at least 60 days prior to the Convention. If the Co-facilitators nominated by the Steering Committee are not approved, then the Steering Committee shall continue to submit nominations to the Green National Committee until Co facilitators are approved.