August 12, 2012

GPUS SC Conference Call Minutes – August 12, 2012

a. Facilitator – David Doonan
b. Roll Call – Budd Dickinson, AJ Segneri, Steve Welzer, Susan Chunco, Charles Ostdiek, Darryl Moch, Karen Young, Jeff Turner

Absent – Farheen Hakeem

Observer – Jody Grage
c. Agenda revisions – Darryl – discussion of decision-making process;

Jeff – website update by David Doonan.

d. Discussion on how the SC operates, selects items for the agenda, and how we function as a team – Darryl.

Darryl – Concern that SC decisions on call when quorum achieved should be honored; should not make decisions based on support or lack of without formal decision being made.

Charles – How much time should the SC have for input on email decision; silence may not mean agreement.

Karen – Use proposal form; suggests 2-day fast track option.

Jeff – Change from 72 hours to 48 hours

Darryl – Need to hear from every member or know why they aren’t responding – on email and on calls.

Proposal to change SC on-line voting from 72 hours to 48 hours with provision to address the issue through other processes if by-law or R&P change needed – approved by consensus.

Darryl – Procedure to revisit decision – for later discussion.

a. Office Manager – Brian Bittner – received
b. Fundraiser – David Sacks – received

a. Cash report to date – report received
Have $13.5 in general funds through Saturday, $4k in reserve funds, monthly bills paid except for $1k plus payroll, $5500 after BAC request okayed; money from next mailing coming in about 5 weeks.

b. BAC is requesting authorization to spend $6,000 of the remaining budgeted amount for ballot access (see below). Approved by consensus, Darryl abstaining.

IV. PNC/ANM Evaluation – Future call agenda.

Brian doing report; Budd has notes from NC meeting on Friday.

Jeff suggests Hillary and Tamar on the call; final financial report will be ready then.

V. In-person SC Meeting (January?) – Farheen – not on call

In the queue: None
Received for the queue: None


Karen sent spreadsheets with process for determining one liaison to each committee; add AJ for FunCom; discussion of changing preferences; Karen will update spreadsheet with agreed assignments.

Darryl –
CCC + House and Senate Campaign Committees – we are meeting every other tuesday so the meeting for the webinar/conferences in Sept is the 1st Tuesday Sept 4th the October meeting is Oct 2nd. The other meetings in each month are committee meetings. We also have committee meetings following the webinar/conference meeting each time as well to debrief and prepare agenda for the next meeting. Workshop training documents being prepared.

Online donation to GPUS or candidates being prepared.
Officeholders Network – working with AJ to reestablish mentor system.
Campaign Schools/Institutes – later.

Susan –
FinCom – Jeff has appointment with FEC to straighten out problems with reports that have been filed – will look for balance at 2009; FinCom needs more members espectially women; Mark Jenkins says he will join.

Susan left the call.

Schedule this discussion for call in two weeks. SC members are to have read material sent by Karen.

IX. Removing the limits on attachments to SC listserv – Karen
Budd will increase size of attachment permitted and see if the limit can be eliminated.

X. Endorsement of American Clean Energy Agenda sponsored by the Nuclear
Information and Resource Service (NIRS) from Ecoaction Committee. See below. Approved by consensus.

1. Employment Agreements and Personnel Manual revision – Karen and AJ are joining the Personnel Advisory Committee of Jeff, Maya, Nan, and Tamar.

Proposal just received. Currently using four languages; needs to be on open source and smart phone friendly; host the website on Pair Networks server, and continue to process donations and merchandise sales through Salsa. Will cost $5k; 20-30k is usual price; proposal for half in 2012 and half in 2013. Design proof for call in 2 weeks. SC will vote online in the next 4 days.

XII. Executive Session on personnel matters.

Dear SC:

BAC requests immediate authorization to disburse an additional $6,000 of Ballot Access Committee funds in the 2012 budget.

Jody Grage, BAC Co-chair

Endorsement of a plan for an American Clean Energy Agenda sponsored by the Nuclear Information and Resource Service (NIRS) and endorsed by the Ecoaction Committee.

Dear SC: On behalf of the committee, I request that you place endorsement of the petition adopting the clean energy agenda on the agenda of the next Steering Committee meeting for consideration as a rapid response item under GPUS Rules and Procedures, ARTICLE IV: STEERING COMMITTEE ENDORSEMENT PROCESS/ ENDORSEMENT PROCESS FOR TIME SENSITIVE REQUESTS,

If the SC adopts the proposal, please send the endorsement, along with GPUS contact information to:

under subject
“Sign on to American Clean Energy Agenda Petition”

Audrey Clement
Co-Chair, Ecoaction Committee