Apportionment Review Committee Minutes

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February 13, 2019
9:00 – 10:30 pm EST

1) Review, revision, approval of agenda
Kristin will take notes and Charles will facilitate
Hugh moves to discuss item 3 after items 4 and 5. Carries by consensus.

2) Brief introductions, discussion of goals and expectations
Charles Scherrouse, PA. Tony Affigne, Latinx Caucus. Cathi Woodward, CO. Hugh Esco, GA. Janet Martell, NC. Kristin Combs, PA. Michael Feinstein, CA. David Gerry, MA.

4) Discussion of committee rules and procedures, timetable
Section 8-4.
Discussion about striving for consensus on all issues

5) Discussion of committee leadership, i.e. Do we need co-chairs, other officers?

Co-Chairs Elections
8-4.3(d) The Apportionment Review Committee shall have two co-chairs.
Nominations: Jan (accept), Charles (accept)
Tony facilitate in place of Charles for election.
Jan and Charles elected by consensus.

Other Suggested Positions: Recorder, Parliamentarian, Vibe watcher
Vibe watcher will rotate.

Co-chairs are responsible for ensuring that minutes go out.

Parliamentarian decision tabled. In the meantime, each agenda will include links to rules, formula, and data.

Other needs
Committee page, Google drive
David Doonan contacted to assist

3) Review of available apportionment data
Current Formula. Proposal 599.
Apportionment Data: (NOT final, reference only)
Definition of Green:
Discussion tabled to next meeting. Members will review links before next meeting.

6) Schedule next teleconference
Meet in about a month (second week of March)
Jan will set up a doodle poll in two weeks