2018 Post-Midterm Election Report

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Over the past year, activity on the Coordinated Campaign Committee has grown, with renewed activities and the addition of some new projects which we hope will lay the groundwork for future campaign cycles. Committee members have all engaged with Green campaigns in some way during the past cycle. The committee’s Steering Committee liaison communicates regularly and reports to the SC.

Campaign School Webinars
A continuing series of monthly webinars incorporating experience and advice on all aspects of running for office, from a variety of candidates and elected officeholders throughout the country. Attendance varies, but has mostly been good for most webinars. Outreach has been extended via Facebook.

Strategy Road Map and Task List
Working on SWOT report, analysis of campaign operations, recommendations to increase our base, and requests for more resources for future projects. Elections Road Map, created by a member; ,and other analyses are discussed.

Green Wave activities continued, promoted on social media. These (mostly weekend) days offer state and local chapters and campaigns a hook to help publicize their work and organize volunteers to particular activities, such a petitioning, leafletting, door-knocking. Participation increased from more locations and campaigns this cycle.

In conjunction with the Media Committee, our first-ever Fundraising Telethon on August 18th and candidate promotional videos were presented on Facebook. These helped raise funds for distribution to candidates throughout the country, and raised awareness of our candidates.

Also in conjunction with the Media Committee, candidate videos were recorded at the 2018 Annual National Meeting to be shared on Facebook.

Candidate Meet and Greet and some campaign workshops were also held at the 2018 ANM.

Campaign School held in Ohio, September 2018.

Thanks to the Fundraising Committee, the CCC distributed free Green Party stickers to candidates on a first-come, first-served basis.

Helped target races for campaign support and assisted Media Committee with publicity.

  • Provided information for four media releases promoting candidates in a variety of interesting ways.
  • Distributed funds to candidates throughout the country.

First ever phone-banking effort organized for candidates in Ohio, Michigan, Pennsylvania (?) and New York.

Created a Green Phone Banking and Elections Share Facebook Group with volunteer to oversee, to help coordinate efforts for phone banking and social media outreach.

Revived work with elections data tracking, helping organize volunteers and collect campaign and elections info on election night, gathered candidate and elections info for elections database.

The committee received many notes of thanks and further inquiries for available assistance from numerous candidates, so hope to continue to grow all efforts.

Going forward
Updating contacts lists, coordinating with Ballot Access Committee.
Candidates and state party surveys to help assess how things worked, what could be improved next cycle.

Planning for early start to 2019 campaign cycle.

URL for webinars: https://gpus.org/committees/coordinated-campaign/ccc-webinars/