Tuesday, April 16, 2013, 9:00 PM Eastern
This teleconference/webinar is designed especially for Greens who are running for office or considering a run in the near future. This call will cover three distinct but related topics — petition drives, volunteer recruitment, and voter databases. This will be an interactive dialogue with participants about how to successfully mobilize volunteers for early campaign work such as petition drives, effective petitioning strategies, and how to capture information gathered by volunteers into an effective database. Participants should plan to access this internet while participating on the call. Topics covered will include:
- Effective volunteer recruitment
- Petition drive basics
- Effective petitioning techniques
- Voter Database Overview
- Using a voter database to prepare for a signature challenge
- Using a voter database to track voter engagement
Samantha Rocknowski will cover Petition Drives and Volunteer Recruitment. Samantha was the 2012 Petitioning Coordinator for the Illinois Green Party. Greens and volunteers from around the country were able to get Jill Stein on the ballot by turning in over 29,000 signatures. Samantha also assisted in efforts for ballot access in 7 other states during this past Presidential campaign. She was also the Campaign Manager for Illinois’ Green candidate for Congress, Paula Bradshaw, in the 12th Congressional district in southern Illinois. Paula received 5.6% of the vote and reestablished the district for the Illinois Greens. Sam is also one of the founders of the GPUS Youth Caucus and is only 25 years old!
Hillary Kane will cover the Voter Database portion through a live demonstration of the Green Party of Pennsylvania’s voter database, which was developed in 2006 to help fight the challenge to Carl Romanelli’s petitions during his Senate race. The database has been adapted over the years to include other capabilities. Hillary Kane is a member of the Green Party of Pennsylvania Steering Committee as well as the Treasurer of its FEC Committee. In 2011, she served as Treasurer for Cheri Honkala’s Sheriff Campaign in Philadelphia, and has volunteered and served in other capacities with six other prior Green Party campaigns. She is also currently an alternate delegate to the Green Party’s National Committee, the co-chair of the GPUS Annual National Meeting Committee, and a member of the GPUS Coordinated Campaign Committee. She has also served as Chair of the Green Parties of both Philadelphia and Pennsylvania.