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Committee Mission
1.1 In accordance with the Rules and Procedures of The Green Party of The United States updated January 1, 2005 in the fiscal policy covering our fundraising policy it is stated that:
The fundraising committee is primarily responsible for the raising of funds for the operation of The Green Party of The United States.
The Green Party of The United States will be making ongoing personal solicitations to donors in all states throughout the year.
Caucuses, other committees and networks may engage in the raising of funds solely for their own operations as long as they provide timely notice of their efforts to the Green Party Fundraising Committee. They may also choose to coordinate and/or partner their fundraising efforts with The Green Party of The United States.
Each accredited caucus, committee and network will create a yearly fundraising plan and provide a copy of it to the Green Party Fundraising Committee. In either case, whether the fundraising is done jointly or solely there shall be coordination with the Green Party Treasurer or designee (i.e. the accountant, and/or the operations, fundraising and political directors) for the completion of the necessary record keeping, the filing of any required reports and the banking of the monies being generated from the fundraising efforts.
In addition there shall be accounting of all monies expended in the fundraising efforts and in the operations following the fundraising efforts.