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Bylaws of the Green Senatorial Campaign Committee
(established June 18th, 2006, amended June 28th, 2008)

I. Purpose:

The Green Senatorial Campaign Committee (GSCC) exists to promote the campaigns of Green Party candidates running for the United States Senate, to support ballot access drives to enable such campaigns, and to support other party-building activities.

II. Composition:

A. The voting membership of the GSCC shall consist of

(i) All members of the United States Senate who were elected to that office as nominees of state parties affiliated with the Green Party of the United States (GPUS); and

(ii) Seven additional members, nominated by members of the Green National Committee (GNC) of GPUS, and elected by the GNC, using the standard rules for proportional elections set by the GNC. The committee members elected by the GNC shall serve for a term of two years, or until their successors are elected, but in no case shall serve three months past their term without standing for re-election. Elections shall be completed no earlier than January 15 nor later than March 1 of odd-numbered years, unless delayed by the GNC. Committee members serving by virtue of their election to the U.S. Senate shall serve until their term of elected office ends. It will be the responsibility of the GSCC to call for elections and of the Steering Committee of GPUS to conduct such elections. GSCC members elected in 2007 shall serve until the next GSCC election is completed in 2009.

B. The Treasurer shall be appointed by the GSCC, and serve at the pleasure of the GSCC. If the Treasurer is not an elected member of the GSCC, then the Treasurer shall not have a vote.

C. Vacancies among the seven GSCC members elected by the GNC shall be filled through nomination and proportional election by the GNC. Vacancies among the elected officials serving on the GSCC shall not be filled. It will be the responsibility of the GSCC to notify the GNC of the vacancy and call for elections and of the Steering Committee of GPUS to conduct such elections. Elections shall be held no later than 2 months following a declaration of vacancy. Committee members elected to fill a vacancy shall serve the remainder of the original two year term.

D. Any person who is a member of the Green Party House Campaign Committee or of the Steering Committee of GPUS and is elected to the GSCC will be required to resign from these bodies, or to resign from the GSCC, within thirty days of being elected to the GSCC. Should such resignation not take place within 30 days of the election, the member will immediately be ruled ineligible to serve on the GSCC and a vacancy shall be declared.

E. All committee members shall be expected to attend meetings and actively participate in the work of the committee. Participation will be deemed to have fallen below a reasonable level when, without explanation or prior notice, a GSCC member misses meetings/conference calls for two months, is unavailable by email for one month, or does not return any phone calls within one month. Upon meeting these conditions, such a member shall no longer count toward quorum and will receive a non-participation notice from the committee chair. After 30 days have passed since the notice, a 2/3 majority of the remaining committee membership may remove the non-participating member and declare a vacancy. The committee may remove members for reasons other than non-participation by a 2/3rds majority of the committee membership and confirmation by the GNC.

III. Conduct of business:

A. A simple majority of the current membership is required for meeting process motions and removal of the Treasurer.

B. A 2/3 majority of the current membership is required to make all other decisions.

IV. Amendments to these bylaws:

Amendments to these bylaws may be proposed by a two-thirds majority of the GSCC. Such proposed bylaw amendments must then be ratified by a simple majority of the GNC in order to take effect.