January 26, 2025

MINUTES –  Steering Committee Meeting
Sunday, January 26, 2025
8:00 pm EST
I. Setup and Background – 10 min
Facilitator: Tamar Yager
Steering Committee Roll Call:
1.Craig Cayetano (co-chair) – 
2.Cassandra Lems(co-chair) – 
3.Darryl! Moch (co-chair) -
 joined during committee liaison reports, discussion of endorsement of GPCA class-action lawsuit
4.Alfred Molison (co-chair) – 
reported absence
5.Joseph Naham (co-chair) – 
reported absence
6.Charles Ostdiek (co-chair) – 
7.Justin Paglino (co-chair) – 
8.Holly Hart (secretary) – 
9.Bob Stuller (outgoing treasurer) -
10.Jason Call (incoming treasurer) – present
 Observers: Scerick Longcope (TN); Margaret Elisabeth (WA); Theron Gilliland, Jr (PA); Starlene Rankin (WA)
Guest:  Mike Feinstein, database manager
Observers are asked to remain muted and refrain from using the chat function.  If someone wishes to speak to an agenda item, please send a request to secretary@gp.org.
Establish Quorum (9 current members, quorum is 5)
Approve Agenda (changes require majority, new items require ⅔)
Mike Feinstein has requested to speak on a proposal to fund assistance on database work tracking down certain Green candidates; and a renewal of the database manager and related MOU.  recommend adding this after Treasurer’s report.  Charles proposed adding items to the agenda; Craig seconded.
II.  Treasurer’s Report (Bob) — 10 inn
General $26,622.22
Merchant $6,402.46
Savings $88,712.39
PayPal $4,786.49
III. New Business 15  min
Mike Feinstein: Funding for Database work and MOU/Job Description for database manager
   Proposal to have MOU and position in place through 2027; create owners’ manual for eventual handoff     2025 Database Reports,
      Allows database manager to post to the NC lists on database items
      WIl add better efficient with tracking ballot access history
      Add funds for any needed IT upgrades
   Stipend program (approx. $15hr, up to $300/state) to help Greens in registration-by-party states to locate Greens running for non-partisan office
Charles proposed SC approve, MOU, and that Secretary sign documents. In the past, thTreasurer has signed, Jason offered to do so.  CONSENSUS
SC proposed to NC a special funding project under Fiscal Policy, Section IX.  To go to the voting queue the following Monday February 3rd. NO findings in proposal submitted to SC.  CONSENSUS
IV. Standing Business
1. SC “Intro” Webinar moved back to January 2025. (Craig)  Craig is working with GPNJ member who is involved with Black Liberation Media about collaboration.  Will provide more information. -No report, yet, will have more TBA.
2. Message from Operation Simplify, an organization working to end gerrymandering; inquiry about meeting early in the new year.
   Justin Paglino will follow up.
3. Message from Florida Labor/DSA contact asking for GPUS participation in Single Payer Healthcare national action.  Darryl! Moch will follow up.
4. From David Doonan: Migrating email lists to a new platform. Having a dedicated server has allowed GPUS to continue adding new lists, but that software will cease to function. MIgrating the lists “will be an enormous task.”  Report back from David Doonan or Holly
5. Budget review
Charles presented version 5. Asked if Bob could provide current actuals through payroll site.
V. Reports
Co-chairs, please review liaison spreadsheet and edit, as needed!
Guest Committee(s) – None, hope to resume next call – 5 min
1. Staff (Justin)
3.Secretary (Holly)
4.Craig: Media, Merch, PCSC, GCCC, Outreach
Merch – some items selling better than others, they are looking into what is working, emphasizing branding, ideas are welcome.
Outreach – will have a Zoom meeting this coming week.
5.Cassandra: ANMCom, ETC, FundCom, Credentials
Credentials is still perfecting proposals on revisions to result; ANMCom is waiting for the results of current proposal before moving forward with planning ro next ANM; also considering ideas for a Theme.
9.Charles: GPAX, FinCom, Animal Rights
GPAX is working on a webinar; GPCA has joined in a class action lawsuit “Taxpayers Against Genocide”; Anima rights want to encourage more people vocal about Animal Rights, noted an activit recently elected to office in NY
Jason asked if the class action lawsuit is something the GPUS could endorse. Craig will send more information.  Idea is to get national endorsement and encourage other state parties to endorse.
10.Justin: BAC, EcoAction ; Staff Supervisor
Discussion in  the staff meeting about the process for sending out topical emails.
VI. Voting Queue
1. Received for the Queue
Add Proposal for Funding for Database research, to go out February 3. Charles offered to be floor manager.
2.In the Queue —
# 1240 One Year Extension of authority of SC to approve date and location of ANM
Sponsor: Annual NAtional Meeting Committee
⅔ Threshold
Discussion through 1/26/2025
Voting period: 1/27 – 2/02/2025
Floor Manager: Joseph Naham
# 1243  Add NOC to RCV/STV Proposal to
Sponsor: GPWA
⅔ Threshold
Discussion through 2/02/2025
Voting period: 2/03 – 2/09/2025
Floor Manager: Holly Hart
# 1242 Special Election to Fill Open Seat on Green Congressional Campaign
Discussion through 2/02/2025
Voting period: 2/03 – 2/09/2025
Floor Manager: Holly Hart
VII. Old Business –
VII. Executive Session 
- None
TOTAL TIME — 1 hour, 15 minutes