January 9, 2022

Green Party US – Steering Committee Meeting Agenda

Date: Sunday, January 9, 2022, Time: 8:00 pm ET

  • Setup and Background

    1. Facilitator: Gloria Mattera
    2. Steering Committee Roll Call:
      1. Margaret Elisabeth (co-chair) – present
      2. Ahmed Eltouny (co-chair) – absent
      3. Rei Stone-Grover (co-chair) – present
      4. Anita Rios (co-chair) – present
      5. Chris Stella (co-chair) – present
      6. Garrett Wasserman (co-chair) – present
      7. Tamar Yager (co-chair) – present
      8. Kristin Combs (secretary) – absent
      9. Hillary Kane (treasurer) – present
    3. Observers: Delilah Barrios (TX), Diana C. Brown (CA), Philena Irene Farley (OH), David Gerry (MA), Margery Kay Hanson (NV), Kamilah Harris (NBC), Holly Hart (IA), Barbara Kidney (NY), Kent Philip Mesplay (CO), Rachel Muldez (TX), Deanna Murphy (NBC), Starlene Rankin (NWC)
    4. Establish Quorum (9 current members, 7 present, quorum is 5) – MET
    5. Approve Agenda

Proposal: add recognition of approval of Outreach funding – CONSENSUS

  • Standing Business

    1. Follow-up on Action Items
      1. ME connect with UN Food Sovereignty

sent message but haven’t heard back

  1. ME send MOU to Susan and get her access

Susan and Cameron are amending the MOU to reflect open source

  1. Approval of Expenditures
    1. Outreach for LA, $500, ln 70


  1. BAC, $3000, ln 58


  1. Reports
      1. Treasurer (HK) – November 2021, cash on hand just over $100k
      2. Fundraising (TY) – 2021 ytd Fundraising income.xlsx
      3. Staff (KC/HK/TY) – Athena calling lapsed sustainers and managing state list exchange
      4. BAC (ME) – wants to know if they can/should resubmit for funding?
      5. BMRC (ME) – working on presser in response to recent MMT article that advocates for greening the dollar instead
      6. DRC (ME) – they cannot function until they have active members AND mediators. Also major concern of incomplete bylaws

      Action: set up meeting to specifically discuss DRC

      1. AC (RSG) – working with newly forming Diversity and Elder caucus
      2. Outreach (RSG) – working with LA party
      3. ANMC (AR) – they are doing a survey to get feedback on when to do the ANM and an interest in workshops.
      4. Diversity (AR) – Trying to once again being an incubator for the caucuses in formation. Currently working on supporting a Poor people’s caucus, a disability Caucus, the Elder caucus. Have hosted 3 meetings of the council of Caucuses. Are doing a call for candidates for the vacant co-chair position. The current co-chair, Gil Obler, is back and facilitating meetings.
      5. Ecoaction (AR) – Will be meeting tomorrow. Working on setting up elections and earth day to may day events.
      6. ARC (CS) – meetings beginning 1/17, elections soon
      7. BRPP (CS) – elections soon
      8. Platcom (CS) – elections soon and likely to have another cochair vacancy
      9. GW: ApRevCom, ETC, Green Pages, PCSC
      10. Media (TY) – Committee meets this coming Wednesday.

      Merch (TY) – David O. and Cynthya are talking to the Lavendar and YES caucuses about the correct formats for their shirt designs.  The committee is going to request we approve money for lapel pins (FII doesn’t do those as print on demand).

  • Voting Queue

    1. Received for Queue
      1. SUBMITTED: Proposal to retract December 8, 2021 Steering Committee Press Release

Presenter: The National Black Caucus of the Green Party, The Green Party of Nevada of the United States

Floor Manager (tentative): Margaret Elisabeth

Stage: Findings

    • FINDING 1: The type of proposal is not a valid type of proposals listed in the rules in procedures. – WITHDRAWN
  • FINDING 2: The approval threshold of ½ is not a valid threshold as listed in our rules and procedures. – WITHDRAWN
  • FINDING 3: 6-5.1(d) Is not in conflict with GPUS Bylaws, Rules and Procedures, Fiscal Policy or Presidential Convention Rules. 

Section 6-2.4 in GPUS Bylaws states “Proposals which seek to modify the scope or powers of a committee or network must come in the form of an amendment to their Mission Statement.” Section 3 of the proposal seeks to modify the scope or powers of the Steering Committee, however this proposal has not been submitted as an amendment to the Steering Committee Mission Statement.  Further, 6-2.1g in Rules and Procedures states amendments to Committee Mission statements require a 2/3rds approval threshold.

This finding can be remedied by submitting a proposal as an amendment to the Mission Statement of the Steering Committee and by changing the approval threshold to 2/3rds. – CONSENSUS

  • FINDING 4: 6.5.1(e) Is clear in what it asks the National Committee to decide.

Section 2 of the proposal directs the National Committee to tell the Steering Committee that the Green Party takes no position on vaccine mandates etc.  However it is not clear if the National Committee has the authority to compel Committees to issue statements on behalf of the Party.  Section 3 requires the SC to seek greater input etc from members for any future proposal the party has formed consensus around.  The party votes for platform and policies so it’s not clear what consensus process the proposal is referring to.  Section 4 requires the SC to adhere to a definition of the word “spokesperson”, herein defined as “a person who speaks for another or for a group”  no source is provided for this definition. Section 2-1.1 in the Rules and Procedures states that the SC Co-Chairs serve as the principle spokespersons of GPUS. Cambridge Dictionary defines spokesperson as (1a) “a person who is chosen to speak officially for a group or organization” (1b) “a person who makes official, public statements for a group or organization” and (1c) “someone who is chosen or employed by a persona or organization to speak officially to the public for them” so it’s unclear what this is asking for without a change to section 2-1.1 of Rules and Procedures.

This finding can be remedied by citing the Bylaw, Rule or Procedure which gives the NC the authority to compel a Committee to make a statement. By providing clear explanation of the process of “consensus” which is being proposed and by proposing an amendment to section 2-1.1 of GPUS Rules and Procedures.CONSENSUS

  • FINDING 5: 6-5.1(f) Has been properly approved according to the relevant rules and procedures for the sponsoring entity. 

After checking with members of GPNV’s it’s not clear that this proposal was voted on at a general meeting by the voting members.  At least one member has declared that this was not presented to the membership with the mandatory 14 day minimum notice for a vote. This finding can be remedied by the GPNV following it’s Bylaws. – CONSENSUS


  1. SUBMITTED: Approval of Diana Brown as Delegate to FPVA

Presenter: Steering Committee

Floor Manager (tentative): Garrett Wasserman

Stage: Findings

NOTE: the IC has requested expedited placement and reduced discussion period which requires 2/3rds approval

  • FINDING 1: The type of proposal is not a valid type of proposals listed in the rules in procedures. – WITHDRAWN
  • FINDING 2: Per 6-3.2 of our Rules and Procedures, the Steering Committee can declare an expedited placement and sponsor a proposal with a shortened discussion period if doing so would allow GPUS to meet deadlines it would not otherwise meet. The next meeting of FPVA is on January 29, 2022. To ensure that our new delegates have the opportunity to be approved before the next FPVA meeting, the Steering Committee approved findings allowing for expedited placement and a shortened discussion period. – CONSENSUS
  1. SUBMITTED: Approval of AJ Reed as Delegate to FPVA

Presenter: Steering Committee

Floor Manager (tentative): Ahmed Eltouny

Stage: Findings

NOTE: the IC has requested expedited placement and reduced discussion period which requires 2/3rds approval

  • FINDING: The type of proposal is not a valid type of proposals listed in the rules in procedures. – WITHDRAWN
  • FINDING: Per 6-3.2 of our Rules and Procedures, the Steering Committee can declare an expedited placement and sponsor a proposal with a shortened discussion period if doing so would allow GPUS to meet deadlines it would not otherwise meet. The next meeting of FPVA is on January 29, 2022. To ensure that our new delegates have the opportunity to be approved before the next FPVA meeting, the Steering Committee approved findings allowing for expedited placement and a shortened discussion period. – CONSENSUS
  • Executive Session

    1. Staffing (HK) – discussion only