May 23, 2021

Green Party of the United States Steering Committee Agenda

Date: Sunday May 23, 2021
Time: 8:00 PM EDT 


  1. Roll Call


Anita, Hillary, Gloria, Tamar, Trahern, Margaret, David, Tony

Absent: Kristin Combs

Holly facilitating

Observers: Mike Gamms (YES), Rita Jacobs (MI), Liana West (AZ), Philena Farley (OH), Denice Traina (GA), Barbara Kidney (NY)


  1. Agenda revisions


Tamar asked for additions:

candidate forum and NC delegates meeting re: ANM

Both under new business


  1. Treasurer’s Report


  1. Staff – 

Virtual Office Manager – reviewed 42 resumes; narrowed down to 9 candidates for interviews which are in progress. Hope to wrap up by the end of the month.

Second interviews are open to all SC members not on the committee. All calls are being recorded and folks can go back and watch.


H20 Data import:

Andre finally signed the contract.  Still hoping to finish the work by the end of the month.


  1. Liaison Reports
    1. Margaret
      1. BMRC – working on a new platform amendment to amend section 4 (economics introduction).  It’s a pretty substantial reworking of that doc.
      2. PCSC – completed co-chair election.  Tom Yager and Holly Hart. Terms are staggered. Tom has the 2 year term and Holly has the 1 year term. Chosen by consensus.
      3. BAC – nothing new to report.
    2. Trahern – 
      1. Merch – nothing new to report
      2. Green Pages – finally putting out an issue this week. 
      3. Accreditation – vote on Georgia underway and there are complaints.
    3. Gloria
      1. Media – nothing new
      2. CCC – proposal for conducting elections looks like it will pass; committee working on outreach for new members.
      3. Fundraising – nothing new.
      4. ETC – nothing new
    4. Tony
      1. Eco-Action – just had a monthly meeting.  Pretty active. Some sub-committees trying to get more activated. Event coming up on June 6th at 4 PM Eastern.  Food & Ecology. Review of ED2MD. Came out with some good tools – like checklists.
      2. Outreach – the proposal to change the mission. Some more training zoom calls. Need to have forms for new state parties that need help – a process to disburse the funds we now have for that.
    5. Anita
      1. Diversity – nothing new
      2. International – nothing new
      3. ANMC – moved to weekly meetings. Been asked to remind folks that you have an opportunity to weigh on the selection of the keynote speaker. Tamar sent a spreadsheet – please rank people.  Deadline is Wed night.
    6. Tamar
      1. Animal Rights – nothing
      2. Apportionment – supposed to set a meeting but no one responded.  Got a private email from someone that they’re disgusted that nothing’s happening and they may resign. 
      3. Finance – nothing to report


  1. Voting queue

CCC rules – appears to be passing

No New Jails – appears to be passing

Proposal to create censure – suspended due to a challenge to the proposal on censure


Received new:

Amendment to clarify rules of outreach mission


Margaret – appreciate the work done on this.  We had discussion on our list about it.  Did not see any findings.  

Anita – my only issue was that it needed 2/3rds 

David – yes, Outreach has agreed to the higher threshold

Gloria – I didn’t see any findings but the proposal incorrectly states job titles. Needs some clarification of language.

Tony – we may be making some of the suggested changes during the discussion.

Tamar – housekeeping changes are not really altering the proposal. 

David – the committee has said it plans to submit some housekeeping changes before it enters the queue on Monday.


  1. Old Business

Annual National Meeting

  1. Anti-Oppression Trainers – proposal approved to spend $10K on Frailty Myths
    1. Consensus – but Tony stands aside
  2. Draft statement on DNE caucus.
    1. Consensus with two stand asides – Trahern and David.


  1. New Business
  1. Discussion of putting on a candidate forum for SC candidates. Needs planning.
  2. National delegates meeting to pump people up for the ANM – suggesting June 29th. Hillary asked for a slightly earlier date.  Perhaps June 16th.