November 13, 2022

Green Party US Steering Committee Meeting

Sunday, November 13, 2022

8pm ET/5pm PT


Agenda with Minutes



Ann Link



Brian Cooke



Margaret Elisabeth

Ahmed Eltouny

Rei Stone-Gtover

Tony Ndege

Chris Stella

Garret Wassermann

Tamar Yager



Diana C. Brown



Brian Cooke

Cassandra Lems, David Doonan, Gloria Materra Holly Hart, Joseph Nahams,  Sandy Pryzbylak, Charles Ostediek

  • Rollcall (3 min)

    1. Steering Committee

    2. Observers present for recording (please remain muted and do not use chat feature)

  1. Establish Quorum (1 min)

(9 current members, quorum is 5)

  1. Approve Minutes from 10/23/22 (1 min)
  2. Approve Agenda (changes require majority, new items require ⅔) (1 min) Majority of Agenda items were tabled to concentrate on the 2023 Budget, Section VIII,  D
  3. Discussion Items (5 min each/25 min)

    1. Elections Debrief (DCB)
    2. Web Access Protocol & Admins (DCB)
    3. Facilitator worksheet (TBY) – just 2 minutes to explain
    4. DevTeam Update (ME)
    5. Holiday meeting schedule
  4. Expenses Requests & Vote (DCB) (2 min each/6 min)
    1. Server: Green Geeks (Currently paying $5,000 a year. Switch to Green Geeks will be $1,308 a year) No servers? Green Geeks would provide a data migration plan.  Tabled.
    2. Electronic Communications: Loomio (Current promo at $649 (Reg. $1,299) a year for 2,000 participants) Not for sure how long the promo will last. Need a data migration plan. Vote to send to NC. Tabled.
    3. Staff software: Microsoft 365 Business Standard at $150 a year. Need to vote and whether to buy now or later. Approved for month to month.
    4. Media Committee : Tabled
      1. Requests Canva Teams (Canceled Adobe Cloud at $672 a year for Canva at $149.90 a year)
      2. Requests Streamyard (Canceled Restream $420 a year for Stream yard at $210 a year)
    5. Online Vote: Treasurer Laptop $1,299 plus tax:




  1. For Voting Queue (5 min each/ 25 min)
    1. left off Platform Amendments (GW)
      1. Consumer Protection (NBC) – Consensus to move to voting queue
      2. Universal Childcare (Wisconsin) – Consensus to move to voting queue
    2. Move to Loomio (GW) – Tabled.
    3. Strategic Plan Update  (DCB) – Tabled.
    4. 2023 Budget , Budget Narrative, and Fundraising Plan 2 HOURS (DCB) Communicated with NC and SC on how we move forward. Lowered monthly sustainers. Looked at expenses due to a tight budget. Profit expectation for next year. Staff raises by $1500. Keep the budget narrative intact. Vote to change narrative. Yes: ME, TY, TN No: GW, RSG, BC, DCB Committees and Caucuses: Committee co chair stipend. Qualifications and the amount of slots for stipend budgeted for $2880. Cap and possible future amendment to include more budgeting. Revenue: Move to continue meeting. Yes: ME, TY, TN, No: DCB, RSG, BC, GW

Approve budget: Yes: BC, RSG, GW, NO: TY, ME

  1. Delayed for Voting Queue to send with 2023 Budget
    1. Co-Chair liaison responsibilities (DCB)
    2. Secretary responsibilities (DCB)
  1. Reports (2 min each/22 min) (please provide written report links ahead of meeting)
    1. Fundraising 2022 YTD Fundraising Report
    2. Staff (DCB, TN) Staff Tasks
    3. Secretary (BC)
    4. Treasurer: 2022 Budget & Expenses (DCB)
    5. ME: FundCom, BMRC, Diversity
    6. AE: ANMC, GPAX, IC
    7. RSG: AC, BAC, Outreach
    8. TN: EcoAction, FinCom, PCSC
    9. CS: AnimalRights, DRC, CCC


  1. GW: PlatCom, ApRevCom, BRPP, Green Pages
  2. TY: ETC, Merch


  1. Currently In The Queue


TOTAL TIME: 75 minutes