Green Party of the United States
Steering Committee
- Date:
- Sunday November 22, 2020
- Time:
- 8:00 PM EST
Observers please fill out the Observer Request Form.
- Call Setup & Background
15 minutes-
- Facilitator:
- Sid Smith
- Roll call
- Co-chairs:
- Kristin Combs, Trahern Crews, Margaret Elisabeth, Gloria Mattera, Tony Ndege, Anita Rios, Tamar Yager
- Secretary:
- David Gerry
- Treasurer:
- Hillary Kane
- Observers:
- Agenda revision suggestions
If there is not consensus then simple changes need a majority and new items require 2/3 majority.
Establish Quorum: 9 current members; quorum is 5.
When you are not speaking please have your phone muted.
When someone finishes speaking please say “over” then the stack will be called and people can ask to be added.
- Standing Business
40 minutes- Treasurer's report (Hillary)
5 minutes - Fundraising Report (Tamar)
5 minutes - Approval of Expenditures
0 minutes- $500 for Communications Manager (Line: 85)
0 minutesSubscription to 2 news services and management tool.
Approved by consensus: 11/17/2020
- $500 for Communications Manager (Line: 85)
- Forum Manager's Report
5 minutes - Liaison reports
25 minutesAs needed. Please be breif.
- Trahern: Accreditation, Green Pages, Merchandising
- Kristin: Credentials, DRC, GPAX, Platform
- Margaret: BMRC, BRPP, PCSC
- Gloria: CCC, ETC, Fundraising, Media
- Tony: BAC, Eco-Action, Outreach
- Anita: ANMC, Diversity, IC
- Tamar: ARC, Apportionment Review, Finance
- Treasurer's report (Hillary)
- Voting Queue
5 minutes- In the queue
- Received for the queue
- 1001 – Confirmation of Robert Fox (LC) to the Finance Committee
- Presenter:
- Floor Manager:
- Phase:
- Findings
- 1001 – Amendment Credentials Committee Mission Statement
- Presenter:
- Floor Manager:
- Phase:
- Findings
- 1001 – Confirmation of Robert Fox (LC) to the Finance Committee
- In the queue
- Old Business
40 minutes- Establish a Legal Fund (Decision; Tamar)
10 minutes- Proposal:
- Establish a Legal Fund
- Background:
The Steering Committee voted in 2017 to put money received from the Stein campaign into operating reserves for use in case we needed to maintain the $60,000 in reserves. Basically, it was a rainy day fund. Because we seem to be on more solid footing now, this proposal is to use that money for a legal fund. It would still remain in reserves for legal purposes and expenses would have to be approved by the SC.
Legal fund would start with XXXX to come from operating reserve funds. Fund can be used for any legal purpose up to certain limits. Funding for Ballot Access lawsuits and/or legislation would be no greater than 50% of the reserves on January 1 of each year for that year. If donations are received during a year, up to 50% of the money can be used for ballot access lawsuits and legislative efforts.
Money can be donated to this fund directly. The account would be held in reserves and carry over each year. Suggestion would be to have a team of 3-4 people approve any legal fund requests and send to the Steering Committee final approval.
- 2021 Budget (Decision; All)
30 minutesTimeline: Final Approval Nov. 22, Discussion starts: Nov. 30; Voting begins: Dec. 14; Voting ends: Dec. 21
- Establish a Legal Fund (Decision; Tamar)
- New Business
30 minutes- Planning 2020 Presidential Campaign Debrief (Dicision; Trahern)
15 minutes- Location
- Zoom?
- Presentors:
- Hawkins/Walker Campaign, PCSC, BAC, CCC?, others?
- Date:
- National Committee
Audience: - Rhode Island and the Accreditation Committee (Discussion; All)
15 minutes
- Planning 2020 Presidential Campaign Debrief (Dicision; Trahern)
- Time:
- 2 hours 10 minutes
- Executive Session
0 minutes
- 2 hours 10 minutes