November 24, 2024

MINUTES – Green Party US – Steering Committee Meeting Agenda

Sunday, November 24, 2024

8:00 pm ET

I.Setup and Background — 10 min

Facilitator: Belinda Davis

Steering Committee Roll Call:

  1.   Craig Cayetano (co-chair) – present
  2.   Cassandra Lems(co-chair) – present
  3.   Darryl! Moch (co-chair) – present
  4.   Alfred Molison (co-chair) – present
  5.   Joseph Naham (co-chair) – present
  6.   Charles Ostdiek(co-chair) – reported absence
  7.   Justin Paglino (co-chair) – present
  8.   Holly Hart (secretary) – present
  9.   Bob Stuller (treasurer) – present


Observers (remain muted and do not use chat feature): Observers are asked to remain muted and refrain from using the chat function.  If someone wishes to speak to an agenda item, please respond to or this address, above.


Rick Lass, New Mexico; Haryaksha Gregor Knauer, Lavender Caucus; Gloria Mattera, NY, Media/Fundraising; Scott McLarty, DC, Media; Tamar Yager, VA/NWC; Scerick Longcope, TN; Starlene Rankin, WA



  1. Treasurer’s Report (Bob)


General $26,089.85

Merchant $3,938.51

Savings $88,707.96

PayPal $7,433.21


Bob is working on getting technical payout processes for FEC reports and stipend payouts to work.  Recommends and plans for an educational tour of materials for incoming treasurer. 

Justin suggested having a deputy treasurer as back-up.  Darryl! stated he believes this is already a possibility, as needed; person should be on the Finance Committee.  Plan to take up online after the call.


III. New Business

  1.   Budget  – is being worked on; planned to be available for this meeting, should be available soon


  1.   Review of A couple Points of Protocol  (Holly) review of 48/48 process


  1. Proposal – political/national elections director – Rick Lass spoke about his suggestion for an elections director. Concerns are retention of ballot lines, and party-building between presidential campaigns. He wrote to implore us to put some funds toward hiring someone to start working now on building local campaigns, and also help bring together BAC, PCSC and other related committees. Willing to offer volunteer time to flesh out this suggestion and turn it into a proposal.


Justin suggested holding meetings of committee co-chairs, possibly once a month or quarterly; quarterly meetings of state co-chairs (officers?).  Darryl! agreed, had suggested a similar idea with a slightly different SC call schedule.


  1.   Calendar Items – CCC Candidates Zoom Forum December 2; Media Workshop December 4; SC Welcome Webinar December 10


  1.   Request to add: Ben Manski request for SC sign-on to letter supporting GMU studentsCassandra, Joseph, Holly, Justin, Bob, Craig support signing on – Call for Consensus, PASSED by Consensus

Holly will follow up with Ben Manski.


  2.   Follow-up on Action Items — 
  3.   Plans for Outreach


January 20th: DC rally & protest

Endorsement form:


Several state party leaders have already [panned to be there, hoping for a national endorsement.  Craig stated GPUS has supported ANSWER events before, asked for SC to go ahead and endorse this now.



           February 22 -23 in Seattle – “Workers Strike Back”  –

Craig asked to have an NC endorsement, funds for up to two SC members travel and lodging to Seattle.  Request to have two speakers.   Starlene recommended S use some discretionary funds for pennants for Greens to have on hand. Craig and Holly will work on a proposal, to be reviewed by SC and ideally into the voting queue next Monday.



  1.   Finalize Decisions from past week
  2. a)   WVA request for $2000 for legal aid Gloria Mattera and Tamar Yager provided information about the legal funds, restricted from other funds for specific use.  Consensus or Vote – CONSENSUS to use $2000 from legal funds for WVA request.


Craig recommended using this as an example to help spread awareness of the legal funds and encourage donors to contribute to that fund.  Gloria noted that FundCom meets Monday night and look into special fundraising appeal.


  1. b)   Inter-Left Survey –  Consensus or vote. Survey is opt-in, Darryl! stated that NC members can decide for themselves whether to do the survey.  Mainly be clear that the survey is being taken as individual responses, not on behalf of the party. The survey will be included in the call minutes; can note that it’s there for those who might want to take the survey no recommendation either way from the SC.




Webinar planning document:

  1. Reports — only as needed, if there is anything to report this meeting. Co-chairs, please review liaison spreadsheet and edit, as needed!

Guest Committee(s) – TBA – 5 min 

  1.           Staff (Justin)
  2.           Secretary (Holly) – Correspondence: Pro-Israel series; Message from Norwegain Green
  3.           Craig: Media, Merch, PCSC, GCCC, Outreach

Media Committee met, discussed increased reach with Instagram and GreenStreams; discussion about Media Director

  1.           Joseph: IN, CCC, BMRC, Green Pages\

CCC is finalizing their page for Call for Candidates; Forum with CCC candidates set for December 2nd.  EcoAction held a webinar; IC has not had a meeting for a couple months.


  1. Voting Queue
  2.           Received for the Queue – CCC Elections going out Monday 11/25


  1. In the Queue — 





  1.     Completed  — 5 min

VII.   Old Business – None

VIII.  Executive Session – None


TOTAL TIME — 2 hours