October 24, 2021

Green Party US – Steering Committee Meeting Minutes

Date: Sunday, October 24, 2021, Time: 8:00 pm ET


Call Recordings: https://gpus.org/steering-committee-recordings

  • Setup and Background

    1. Facilitator: Holly Hart
    2. Steering Committee Roll Call:
      1. Margaret Elisabeth (co-chair) — absent (weather)
      2. Ahmed Eltouny (co-chair) — present
      3. Rei Stone-Grover (co-chair) — present
      4. Anita Rios (co-chair) — present
      5. Chris Stella (co-chair) — present
      6. Garrett Wasserman (co-chair) — present
      7. Tamar Yager (co-chair) — present
      8. Kristin Combs (secretary) — present
      9. Hillary Kane (treasurer) — present
    3. Observers: Diana Brown (CA), Philena Irene Farley (NBC), David Gerry (MA), Barbara Kidney (NY), Tony Ndege (NC), Charles Ostdiek (NE), Starlene Rankin (NWC), Michael Trudeau (NC)
    4. Establish Quorum (9 current members, 7 present, quorum is 5) — MET
    5. Approve Agenda — CONSENSUS

  • New Business

    1. Media Committee Rules Update (TY)

Action: KC will send sentence to Media about recommendation that a sentence be added 

  1. Media Liaison / Staff Supervisor (AE)

Proposed: Hillary, Kristin, and Tamar will be staff supervisors — CONSENSUS

Proposed: Tamar will take Media and Anita will take Diversity — CONSENSUS

  • Old Business

    1. 2022 budget draft (HK)

Action: HK and fincom will write up proposal to be approved next call

  1. Vaccine Mandate Statement (GW)

Action: SC combine MEO and GW draft into one statement

  1. Venezuela Elections Observers (AE)

Action: AE will get a request for $2100 travel request from the international committee and SC will approve on list

  • Standing Business

    1. Follow-up on Action Items
      1. HK — follow-up with Athena on committee co-chair 101 draft

Action: HK will get draft from Athena soon

  1. ME — get more formal request from UN Food Sovereignty — NO UPDATE
  2. ME — use Elections MOU as sample to get Susan access — NO UPDATE
  3. HK — Frailty Myths report — DONE

Action: SC review Internal Report re Anti-Oppression

  1. ME/HK — touch base with Athena RE Formbuilder123 — NO UPDATE
  2. CS — notify ARC that official business must be on listserv — DONE
  1. Approval of Expenditures
    1. Green Pages (Cassiday Moriarty for Layout), ln 67, $250 — CONSENSUS
  2. Reports
    1. Secretary (KC) — delegation updates: Latinx, WA
    2. Fundraising (TY) — 2021 ytd Fundraising income.xlsx
    3. Staff (AE/HK) — Athena’s probationary period is ending
    4. Fundcom (RSG) — experiencing difficulty working with the committee
    5. ANMC (AR) — The committee is doing a poll to determine how much interest there is in an in person Annual Meeting. There are mixed feeling on the committee about whether or not to support the budget allocation for a virtual meeting
    6. Ecoaction (AR) — Working on actions in conjunction with COP 26, including local actions on 11/6
    7. CS: 10_23_21_Stella_Liaison_Report.docx
    8. GW: 211024 – Green Pages, ApRevCom, PCSC, ETC
    9. Fincom (TY) — 2021 ytd Fundraising income.xlsx
    10. Merch (TY) — working with Athena to get reports

  • Voting Queue

    1. In the Queue
      1. 1067 – Certification of 2021 Steering Committee Election

Presenter: Elections Tabulation Committee

Floor Manager: Tamar Yager

Stage: Discussion