September 26, 2021

Green Party US – Steering Committee Meeting Minutes

Date: Sunday, September 26, 2021, Time: 8:00 pm ET


Call Recordings:

  • Setup and Background

    1. Facilitator: Michael Dennis
    2. Steering Committee Roll Call:
      1. Margaret Elisabeth (co-chair) — present
      2. Ahmed Eltouny (co-chair) — absent
      3. Rei Stone-Grover (co-chair) — present
      4. Anita Rios (co-chair) — present
      5. Chris Stella (co-chair) — present
      6. Garrett Wasserman (co-chair) — present
      7. Tamar Yager (co-chair) — present
      8. Kristin Combs (secretary) — present
      9. Hillary Kane (treasurer) — present
    3. Observers: Diana Brown (CA), Maureen Doyle (ME), David Gerry (MA), Holly Hart (IA), Jan Martell (NC), Gloria Mattera (NY), Tony Ndege (NC), Michael ONeil (staff)
    4. Establish Quorum (8 present, 9 current members, quorum is 5) — MET
    5. Approve Agenda
      1. Calendar for Zoom — CONSENSUS

  • New Business

    1. Vaccine Mandates response

Proposal: Michael ONeil will take a first stab at a draft — CONSENSUS

  1. Unofficial Social Media (ME) – discussion only
  2. Zoom Calendar (KC)

Action: HK will talk to Athena about reaching out to committees to confirm meeting schedule

Action: HK/TY/KC will work with Athena to draft a Committee Co-chair 101

  • Standing Business

    1. Follow-up on Action Items
  1. ME — US Food Sovereignty / UN Food Summit meeting

Update: Goal of international coalition meeting in 2023

Action: ME will ask for a more formal request of what they want from us

  1. ME/KC — MOU for voting software updates

Action: ME/KC will finalize MOU

  1. KC — sent all 2021 minutes to Doonan for posting to — DONE
  2. HK — create internal report on FM

Action: HK will finish report on FM

  1. KC — send SUBMITTED: Code of Conduct to BRPP — DONE
  2. all SC — review and give feedback on SUBMITTED: Code of Conduct
  1. Approval of Expenditures
    1. Direct Mail, $9400, line 29 — CONSENSUS
    2. Envelopes, $1000, line 31 — CONSENSUS
  2. Reports
    1. Treasurer (HK) — FY22 Budget Proposal is coming!

Action: all SC review and comment on the FY22 budget proposal

  1. Fundraising (TY) — new direct mail! will include H20 prospects

 2021 ytd Fundraising income.xlsx

  1. Staff (AE/HK) — staff fixing 123formbuilder integration

Action: ME/HK will touch base with Athena about integration w/ caucuses

  1. BAC (ME) — AZ doing well, budget request coming
  2. CCC (HK) — 9/28 and 10/6 GreenWave
  3. RSG: 210926 – AC, Outreach, Fundcom
  4. Ecoaction (AR) — elections, platform amendment, Prop 26 action
  5. ARC (TY) — Platform amendments
  6. GW: 210926 – Green Pages, ApRevCom, PCSC, ETC

ApRevCom — Hugh and Cathi not members, don’t fill vacancies for now

  1. Merch (TY) — vendor (FII) isn’t communicate with party so we don’t know how much inventory is left as dropship vs what is print by demand

Action: TY will ask Merch co-chairs to join next calls

  • Voting Queue

    1. Received for Queue 
      1. RCV 1066: Coordinated Campaign Committee Election – not Women

Presenter: Coordinated Campaign Committee

Floor Manager: Anita Rios

Stage: Findings — NONE

  1. ETC Report to Approve SC Elections

Action: all SC Review on list and Approve for queue