Sunday June 13, 2021

Green Party of the United States
Steering Committee Agenda

Date: Sunday June 13, 2021
Time: 8:00 PM EDT

  1. Executive Session

    1. Discussion: New Hire

  2. Call Setup & Background

    1. Facilitator: Holly Hart

    2. Roll call

Co-chairs: Kristin Combs, Trahern Crews, Margaret Elisabeth (absent), Gloria Mattera, Tony Ndege, Anita Rios, Tamar Yager

Secretary:David Gerry

Treasurer: Hillary Kane

Observers: Rita Jacobs and Frank Lawrence and Barbara Kidney

  1. Establish Quorum: 8 members present; quorum is 5.

  2. Agenda revision suggestions

  1. Standing Business

    1. Secretary’s Report (David)

4 delegates changes 

Google drive settings – Gloria, Tony and someone else were on view only for SC folder

Been getting a lot of requests from AC members about getting view only access to the AC folders. Forward those to Andy Ellis.

Nominations to SC end on Friday.  Currently 3 candidates for 4 seats and one candidate for Secretary. 

DECISION – end voting for SC co-chair and secretary on Saturday at the “normal time” since the ANM isn’t taking place in a timezone. Voting will end at 11:59 PST. (consensus)

  1. Approval of Expenditures

    1. Up to $5000 for direct mail (consensus)

    2. BAC: $392.07 for AR [Line: 58] (consensus)

A total of $1250 for Arkansas, remainder from reserves.

  1. Liaison reports


Accreditation – voting on proposal to disaffiliate Georgia Green Party

Green Pages – none

Merchandising – Chris Blankenhorn taking a step back from committee co-chair.  Best selling item is logo shirt. Discussing yard signs. Price for shipping is high on yard signs


Credentials – none

DRC – issues still remain about bandwidth, training

GPAX – nothing new

Platform – submission window is open. Amendments sought until Sep. 30th.


BMRC – absent

BAC – absent

PCSC – absent


CCC – upcoming webinar on 6/29 with Michael O’Neil re fundraising; July will be designing campaign lit.  Committee is now looking to hold elections. Looking to hold election in August after ANM

ETC – none

Fundraising – Direct mail is coming out

Media – Communications Manager responded quickly to the Guardian article; folks saw the talking points


BRPP – none

Eco-Action – held a well-attended Zoom on food issues.  6 panelists.  We’re going to have a newsletter going out. If your state has anything relevant to submit please send by tomorrow

Outreach – had a very successful onboarding meeting for web design/graphics/video on Tues – to help create content. Half of them could become committee members.  This can be great.  Committees who need graphics might be able to get something if they ask far enough in advance. Michael O’Neil attended and gave branding guidelines


ANM – workshops are scheduled, registration is still somewhat low, we will be screening a documentary about the Pulse night club shooting, we need to do more PR. Hillary noted an NC call scheduled for June 22nd as a preview for the ANM

Diversity – one of the co-chairs resigned (Monica James)

IC – situation in Guatemala


Apportionment Review – agenda item later

Finance – see monthly report


  1. Voting Queue

    1. In the queue

      1. 1058 –Amendment to Clarify Mission Statement, Policies Procedures of the Outreach Committee

Presenter: Outreach Committee

Floor Manager: Margaret

Phase: Discussion

  1. Received for the queue

  1. Old Business

    1. Annual National Meeting (Discission; Anita, Tamar)

Block on Sat afternoon — “victory hour” to report successes we’ve had.  Sunday afternoon is plenary.  Something about committee reports — needing someone to orchestrate that (David volunteers).  Also need someone to help with the Victory Hour.  

Trahern will help and Anita will find someone else to help him.

  1. Apportionment Review Committee (Decision; Tamar)

we had a meeting.  Co-chairs are not responding.  Sent emails to both co-chairs and the list itself.  This is an elected committee not an appointed committee.

DECISION – send a letter from the SC instructing them to get moving (consensus)

  1. New Business

    1. Signing on to Amicus Brief (Discision; Gloria)

A well known election lawyer contacted us to ask if the national party will sign onto an Amicus Brief for a case challenging the constitutionailty of Ohio regulations that prohibit minor party members from serving on the Ohio Elections Commission. The cost for printing and serving the brief would be split between the amici which could be between 3 – 5 groups so between 200- 350 each.

DECISION – up to $350 to signon (consensus, concern from Tony)

  1. SC Candidate forum

David will request availability and call for questions. Search for host continue online

  1. Exec Session (continued)

DECISION: Make offer to Gina Athena pending reference checks and approval from staff.  Assuming ok from staff and good references, 48-48 vote on list for final approval.  References and staff feedback by Wednesday. 48-48 vote taking place Thurs-Sunday.  Offer made Monday.

Tony blocks.