December 8, 2013

GPUS Steering Comm Conference Call Minutes
Sunday, December 8, 2013 – 8:00 p.m. ET

a. Facilitator – David Doonan
b. Start recording of call
c. Roll Call Jeff Turner, Katey Culver, Budd Dickinson (missed the first hour), Tamar Yager, Jesse Townley, Karen Young, Starlene Rankin, Darryl! Moch. Absent due to technical difficulties: Charles Ostdiek


a. Cash report to date – We have nearly $2,000 in the general accounts. The reserve fund is fully funded for all earmarked funds as of month end 11/30/13. We have not been able to pay all of the November bills, nor any of the December bills, nor the payroll that was due this last Friday. These are all itemized on the accounts payable tab on the attachments hereto. Employees were contacted in advance through the staff supervisor, and all agreed they would be just fine if they didn’t get their checks for a few days. We are upping our efforts to contact the attorney’s office that is handling the bequest.

b. Fundraising – Proceeds from latest mailing are now coming in. David Sacks working part time and on partial family leave, so he is not doing as much.

c. Office Computer – Jeff made a proposal to purchase a computer that was recommended for him. Tamar feels that it needs more research. Both will continue the effort and will finalize this when funds are available.

d. Personnel Committee/Lyceum. Karen “I am quite concerned that we get this system up and running as soon as possible. Especially because we don’t know how much leave David Sacks has earned, which I think comes into play in deciding how he should be paid for his family leave.” Jeff is working on getting this done.

d. IC dues – will be paid when funds are available. We need clarification of what is needed from Charles.

III. Jill Stein and the Green Shadow Cabinet.- Karen

Jill joined the call gave an update on current and future activities of the GSC and also entertained questions of increased engagement between GPUS and the GSC. We are looking forward to more calls with her and the GSC.

In the queue:
733 – 2014 Budget Approval, Voting 12/16 – 22. There was discussion about a request to extend NC discussion. There was consensus to not let the vote run into Xmas week.

734 – 2014 ANM Site approval. Voting 12/16 – 22.

Received for the queue:

Fiscal Policy Document housekeeping changes (from Fincom). Postpone till January.

V. Alan Kobrin (FL) (NC observer) application for IT committee and Web committee. Consensus to approve.

VI. Elie Yarden application to be on Strategic Planning Working
Group – Consensus to approve.

VII. New GPUS-NC Bulletin Board – Darryl. We need more info. We need a tutorial. The IT committee could help.

VIII. Implementation of Strategic Plan.- Karen. WG had a meeting last week. Plan to convene some conference calls on each section.

IX. Elections for the CCC – Jesse. Current member were appointed. Need Budd to send out a call for nominations to voted on by the NC.

X. Committee Liaison Reports

Darryl – CCC is having webinars. BRPP members being accredited in prep for co-chairs election.

Karen – Merchcom survey got 350 to 400 responses and they are working on adding items. Working on rebranding funds and IT call.

Jesse – Platform Comm – One time schedula for this year, then work with BRPP on ongoing schedule. Trying to get this done by compromise.

Tamar – ANMC working on registration process, speakers, 30th anniversary celebration, etc.

Starlene – Media several releases and new Facebook group. BAC draft plan written.