GPUS Steering Committee Agenda for August 11, 2019

Green Party of the United States Steering Committee Meeting Agenda

Date: Sunday August 11, 2019
Time: 8:00 PM EDT

Anyone who wants to be an observer please send e-mail to before 8:00 PM EDT Saturday August 10, 2019.

I. Call Setup & Background [15 minutes]

a. Facilitator: Holly Hart
b. Roll Call
c. Agenda Revision Suggestions
majority to change times and order
2/3 to add new items

II. New Member Orientation [40 minutes]

a. Introductions [20 minutes]
b. Steering Committee 101 [15 minutes]
Overview of SC duties, procedures and resources
c. Media Committee 101 (Holly) [5 minutes]
Process for approving items released by the Media Committee

III. Standing Business [20 minutes]

a. Secretary’s Report (David) [5 minutes]
b. Treasurer’s Report (Hillary) [5 minutes]
c. Liaison Reports (co-chairs; discussion) [10 minutes]
Liaison Duties and Assignments

IV. Voting Queue [10 minutes]

a. Floor manager duties and asignment; explanation of findings
b. In the Queue
1. 967: Selection of Site for 2020 Presidential Nominating

Convention ANM [discussion]
2. 968: Become a participating organization in the Peoples Mobilization to Stop the US War Machine [voting]

3. 969: Amendment to GPUS Rules Procedures Article I, Accreditation
c. Received for the Queue
1. Resolution: Endorse H.R.2407: “Promoting the Human Rights of Palestinian Children Living Under Israeli Occupation Act” (GPCA, YC)

See text below agenda.

2. Confirmation of Darlene Elias to the FPVA (IC)
3. Confirmation of Ahmed Eltouny to the FPVA (IC)
4. Confirmation of Bahram Zandi to the FPVA (IC)
5. Confirmation of Romi Elnagar as Delegate to the GGN (IC)
6. Confirmation of John Rensenbrink as Delegate to the GGN (IC)
7. Confirmation of Sanda Everett as Alternate to the GGN (IC)

V. Old Business [10 minutes]

a. Hiring Committee (Gloria, Hillary; report) [5 minutes]
b. Formation of a working group on party resources for candidates –
(Justin; report) [5 minutes]

VI. New Business [15 minutes]

a. Protecting our Members (Anita; descussion) [15 minutes]

VII. Executive Session [5 minutes]

This is not an executive session but an overview for new members as to when an executive session is required.

Items for Future Agendas
ANM Final Report
Strategic Plan
SC/Staff Retreat
SC business cards

Total time: 1h 55m

Resolution: Endorse H.R.2407: “Promoting the Human Rights of Palestinian Children Living Under Israeli Occupation Act”

SPONSOR(S): Green Party of California (State), Young EcoSocialist of the Green Party of the United States (Caucus)

CONTACT: Shannel Pittman,  213-422-1341

SUBJECT/TITLE: Endorsement of H.R.2407: “Promoting the Human Rights of Palestinian Children Living Under Israeli Occupation Act”



BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE: H.R.2407 was introduced in the House to prohibit money from the United States to be prohibited from being used to torture or harm Palestinian children. [It’s not about ending arms sales however.] It ask United States Secretary of State, to promise in certified writing that Israel is not using American money to torture Palestinian children. It is important for the Green Party to come out clearly and cleanly in support of the rights of the Palestinian people, on the record.

PROPOSAL: Passage of this proposal affirms that the Green Party of the United States endorses H.R.2407.

IMPLEMENTATION/TIMELINE/RESOURCES: A concerted effort by Greens to get this resolution passed and/or implementation of this resolution by bill number into the talking points of Green candidates at the federal level. Additionally direct the Media committees on the national and majority voting state level to share information about this bill in support, if possible. The bill will be tracked for changes, if the text of the bill is modified in a way that goes against the spirit of this resolution or the Ten Key Values of the Green Party of the United States, the Party reserves the right to pull its support.

Shannel Pittman Organizer/Volunteer 213.422.1341