January 11, 2009

GPUS-SC Conference Call
January 11, 2009
8:00 p.m. EST

Co-chairs: Jason Nabewaniec, Budd Dickinson, Phil Huckelberry, Jill Bussiere, Craig Thorsen, Sanda Everret.
Secretary: Holly Hart
Treasurer: Jody Grage

Staff: Brent McMillan, Emily Citkowski, Tamar Yager
Cliff Thornton is not able to be on the call, due to a family health issue.
SC noted Bill Holloway’s passing; agreed to send a card to the family and flowers to the funeral Bill Holloway. Holly will follow up.

Facilitator: Budd

Abbreviations used:
AC = Accreditation Committee
ANM, ANMC = Annual National Meeting Committee
BAWG = Ballot Access Working Group
BRPP = Bylaws, Rules, Policies and Procedures Committee
BC = Black Caucus
CC = Coordinating Committee
CCC = Coordinated Campaign Committee
CG SC = Campus Greens Steering Committee
ComCom = Communications Committee
DC = Diversity Committee
DIA = Democracy in Action internet service
DRC = Dispute Resolution Committee
FC = Fundraising Committee
FEC = Federal Election Commission
GP = Green Party
IC = International Committee
LC = Lavender Caucus
NPWG = Nominating Process Working Group
NWC = National Women’s Caucus
PEC = Presidential Exploratory Committee
PCSC = Presidential Campaign Support Committee
SC = Steering Committee
SPWG = Strategic Plan Working Group
[Brackets denote editor’s suggested corrections. Some punctuation corrections done with no content change. -ed.]




Brent sent a report to the SC today. Currently there are 56 Green candidates for 2009 election season. A new officeholder was added this week, an Illinois school board trustee who switched to the Green Party.

Jill noted another elected Green and another candidate in WI.

A new office intern started last Monday, working well. They are updating contacts for secretary of state offices and elections contacts for each state. Another project is an “issues” page which would include issues promoted or worked on by Green officeholders.

Official of the Northern Ireland Green party will be in the area early spring and will meet with and speak to area Greens. Brent forwarded the information to International Committee co-chairs Julia Willebrand and Justine McCabe.

Jody is bringing a speaker phone to DC from WAGP for office use.


Tamar gave Empower a list of smaller donors to see how productive that is. Direct mail solicitations returns are coming in, a $1000 donation. Merchandise list has done well. They have another list of prospects, which they will use once they get through with our prospect lists.

Working on a list of people in Kentucky and southern Indiana, planning to set up a Meet-Up-type event when she travels to Kentucky on vacation in February.

California list of addresses and phone #’s is available, but not email addresses. That may not be forthcoming. Emily recommended that we go back to the first plan, and contact California Greens county-by-county, starting with the LA County list.


Database development is progressing. Tamar sent a list of possible upgrades and needs. Emily will consult with Tamar, Brent and Dave Doonan. Dean Myerson can program what they need, but Pair will not give him access to that file, only the entire website. Emily feels the web manager should be aware of the degree of access, and the fact that someone will be working on part of the website. There is a question of various functions or information being available currently, what stage some of the development is at, or whether all was finished. Tamar asked about the possibility of moving data into [the] old access database once a month, so she and Brent can run queries and retrieve needed information, while the new database is being worked on.

Question of whether to grant Dean access to the website. Brent recommended that SC and staff discuss this further, SC needs more information. Phil asked that those who have needed information put together a written report. Staff will meet on Tuesday. Emily will put together a draft and get input from Tamar and Brent, and have that available at the SC retreat.

Emily reported that she has not heard any plans for web fundraising; it’s not happening right now.


Phil sent out notice to the list of attorneys we have. He got back one response from an attorney in Illinois. Phil will follow up and get more information for the SC.


Jody sent out a cash flow report yesterday. $28,500 from the Juoni Trust has been deposited, plus $5000 from other income through January 7th.

There is currently $1.8K in the general account after mid-month salaries are paid; $47.1 accounts payable through the end of January (still includes some bills from 2008 –

$11.5 to Palmer Hilton, 2K for loan from Budd and Jody). $17.5 earmarked for state sharing (this still includes the last couple of states that have forgiven state sharing; a couple more states are also considering forgiving state sharing, as well); $6.2 in other earmarked funds. Loans have been re-paid, except to Jody and Budd, who have agreed to wait. Wewill have a deposit on Monday that will include close to $1000 on hand this past Friday.


BRPP – fiscal policy, in process

2009 Budget- in voting phase, will conclude Thursday

Green Pages – new proposal to cut back on some hard copy production temporarily.

Approved; agreed to send it out right away (instead of going out the following week per the usual timeframe); 2 weeks discussion, 1 week vote; Sanda will be floor manager; 50% threshold.

[NOTE: Bylaws and Rules updates have been completed and sent to the web manager to put up on the website; 1/11/09 – hh]


Jody has sent out to the GNC completed 2009 job descriptions for Executive Director, Accountant, Web Manager and Media Coordinator.

VI. Face-to-Face, if needed

Jason was concerned about the number of hours this is taking for office staff, and hoped it was not becoming a burden. Jody and Budd plan to spend time in the office after the face-top-face meeting, willing to help out with office tasks. Brent stated he is glad this is happening andlooking forward to this. Emily & Tamar concurred.


Annual COFOE meeting is scheduled for February 1 in NY. Phil asked Gloria Mattera, who is on the Ballot Access Committee and lives in NY, to go to the meeting.

VIII. Executive Session. 9:30 – 9:38 p.m. EST

Personnel matter

NEXT MEETING: Face-to-Face in D.C: January 17, 18, 19, 2009