(Temporary Contract)
The Green Party of the United States (GPUS) is an independent political party that is connected to American social movements, and is part of a global Green movement that shares key values, including our Four Pillars: Peace and Non-Violence, Ecological Wisdom, Grassroots Democracy, and Social Justice, and our Ten Key Values.
The GPUS seeks a professional with experience coordinating virtual events. The successful applicant will provide all technical support to produce the 2024 Green Party Presidential Nomination Convention (PNC) on Zoom Webinar, using Loomio as our voting platform, while simultaneously livestreaming on Facebook Live. The Presidential Nomination Convention (PNC) is from August 15-17, 2024. The PNC Virtual Event Production Assistant reports directly to the PNC Event Producer and collaborates closely with other team leaders.
APPLICATION DEADLINE: We will be reviewing applications on a rolling basis, with a final deadline of July 10.
TIMELINE FOR THIS CONTRACT POSITION: Six weeks: July 11 – August 21, 2024
We estimate that this position will average around 15-20 hours/per week for the first few weeks, with hours going up significantly in the final 2-3 weeks around the final event (August 17 from 8am to 8pm eastern). The final few days are for any wrap up and reporting.
Scope of Work includes, but is not limited to:
- Draft video recording best practices and other technical tips for guest speakers
- Record / edit outside speakers / speeches over Zoom in advance of PNC
- Provide tech support to speakers, if needed
- Convert videos submitted by guest speakers to a consistent file format, dimensions and frame rate preferred by outside vendor for application of subtitles and transfer to our vendor
- Create lower-thirds and other on-screen graphics for livestream audience
- Research and coordinate rental of WiFi hotspots in case of event venue WiFi service failure
- Provide advance Presenter credentials to key on-screen personnel, ASL interpreters and any live captioning / outside vendors
- Co-manage access of Presenter status in Zoom to on-screen personnel
- Give cues to on-screen presenters as necessary
- Design and manage on-screen time limit warnings for speeches
- Present on-screen information such as vote results and time remaining for breaks
- Handle all scene transitions between pre-recorded and live video feeds
- Design opening visuals and interstitial slides
- Rapid creation, distribution, and notification of votes
- Manage Facebook livestream on the Green Party’s official Facebook page and embedded at gp.org/live so it could be accompanied by live English captioning
- Use Zoom webinar to “spotlight” full-screen visuals as necessary for both Zoom participants and livestream viewers
- Use Zoom webinar to “spotlight” full-screen visuals as necessary for both Zoom participants and livestream viewers
- Create “mock elections” in advance, for Delegates to familiarize themselves with Loomio
Skills, Experience + Qualifications – Required:
- Alignment to the organization’s stated mission and values
- High comfort working large (500+ person) virtual events, handling pressure, and understanding deadline-driven environments
- Previous experience working on virtual events using Zoom Webinar, Facebook Live
- Graphic design skills to create necessary graphics to improve user experience
- Ability to work nights and weekends during the final 3 weeks of the contract, as needed
- Self-starter with strong initiative, drive, sense of urgency & ability to work with a high degree of autonomy
- Able to work in New York City on August 15-17th
- Experience with Loomio or other online voting software (preferred)
OTHER: The 2024 PNC Event Coordinator will be expected to join the production team in New York City. They will ideally supply the webcams, tripods, lighting, laptop computers and other gear necessary for livestream production, or assist the GPUS in renting or purchasing them.
LOCATION: The 2024 PNC Event Producer and GPUS staff work remotely, with the Event Producer based in Queens, NY. The individual filling this position needs to be on the ground in New York City during the PNC (August 15-17). Additionally, one to two in-person meetings with the 2024 PNC Event Producer may be necessary earlier in the contract, so an individual located close to the Greater NYC Area with the ability to make their own way is preferred (note: a hotel room will be provided for two nights during the PNC).
TO APPLY: email hiring@gp.org with “2024 PNC Event Production Assistant” in the subject header. Please provide a short cover letter in the body of the email and attach your resume as a pdf. Application deadline is 11:59pm eastern, July 10 but applications will be reviewed on a rolling basis. If you have any questions about the position, please contact us at the email listed before the deadline.