July 14, 2013

a. Facilitator – Jody Grage
b. Roll Call – Charles Ostdiek, Budd Dickinson, Jeff Turner, Karen Young, Steve Welzer, Susan Chunco
Absent – AJ Segneri, Darryl! Moch, Farheen Hakeem
ANM – Holly Hart, Tamar Yager
Observer – Starlene Rankin

a. Cash report to date

There is a total of $6250 in the reserve account earmarked for the ANM. At this point I am expecting the ANM to cover it’s expenses and contribute between $1000 and $3000 to the general fund.

The general fund has nearly $4000 in the two accounts. I expect that will grow by at least $2000 by Monday night. That will be more than enough to cover the rest of the payroll, merchandise balance due, and other regular expenses for July. That leaves two weeks of fundraising revenue to be accumulated for a Red Sun Press payment. We owe them for 2 mailings. We should have enough for month end bills; mailing income tailing off; somewhat better than last month. Better picture by end of the month.

b. Request from BAC for $5000 from budgeted funds (includes $1000 in Sept, Oct & Nov.)

Karen asking for big picture of expenditures for planning purposes and prioritizing.

c. Other requests: IC ($900); CCC ($300) – stipend for Karen Kubby at ANM – consensus. Need for replacement computer and printer in the office to implement some fundraising needs and to save/eliminate Brian travel to the bank – more advanced money processing. Outstanding balance to David Doonan of $2500 for website work – Karen will check on progress on work.

In the queue:
720 – Election of 2013 SC Election Tab. Comm. – IRV Voting started 7/8 – quorum reached.
721 – 2013 Election of SC Co-chairs – Voting starts 7/20.
722 – 2013 Election of Secretary – Voting starts 7/20.

Received for the queue:
Postpone until after ANM: Approval of Susan Chunco, CA, for membership on the GPUS Finance Committee. Also Henry Bardel, NY, for another term on the GPUS Finance Committee.

a. Report from the Annual National Meeting Committee (ANMC)

Holly: LCD projecter needed Friday afternoon – yes; three or four mikes – $30 each – three; registration open until 6:30 pm; BAC auction/merchandise in separate and lockable room; flip charts – buy 4; Friday evening schedule review; Saturday at library – large room or extra room(s) – only afternoon; library – need to reset chairs afterwards; ask to reimburse Cameron Gordon. Karen: need to invite those with short drive – Tamar will handle.

b. SC meetings at ANM – Thursday lunch at noon and Friday breakfast 8 am (for those of us who are present and available)

c. Schedule of facilitators for ANM sessions – consensus to approve
Friday 2 to 5:30 pm – Darryl! Moch/Alex Shantz and Charles Ostdiek
Saturday 9 to 10:45 pm – George Martin and Sanda Everette
Saturday 2:15 to 6 pm – Jesse Townley and Audrey Clement
Sunday 9 to 12:30 pm – Charles Ostdiek and Bahram Zandi
All facilitators should be available whenever possible in case they are needed.

d. Presidential Campaign Debriefing – Friday afternoon.

Two hours requested. (Budd suggested 3:30 to 5:30 pm.) Consensus to have it from 4pm until 6 pm.

Procedures: (Print out this for distribution in packet after editing by Budd and Charles.)

Discussion will address specific topics in each time frame.

Facilitators will recruit a stacker, a timekeeper, and a reporter (notes taker). Open discussion will stack speakers and limit each speaker to 2 min but may allow a 2 min reply in answer to a statement or question. Facilitators will terminate discussions that are off-topic.

The reporter will submit a report on the discussion. After review by the PCSC it will be released for Party use.

This is not a decision-making agenda item. But the ideas captured will be forwarded to the appropriate working committees for their consideration. Encourage further discussion among small groups of interested parties later. Provide for written comments up to 600 words each to be submitted later (and attached to the report).



. What was done in 2012 and why was it done that way?

. What was achieved for the Party? What was attempted but did not work?

. What improvements or preparations are needed to ensure success in 2016?

*TOPIC 1: Nomination Process and Nominating convention (20 min)**(There was consensus to move this topic to Sunday.)


PANEL: Recognized candidates ( Barr, Mesplay, Stein), PCSC (Tom Yagar?) – Charles will call each about attendance. Budd will work with Charles. Charles will check with John Andrews, too.

Each panelist speaks 3 minutes. Then open discussion for 10 minutes.

*TOPIC 2: Activities and accomplishments in 2012 (50 min)*

– Campaign structure

– Ballot access

– Public Matching Funds

– Fundraising

– Media and Debates

– Votes won

– Post-election follow-through (Green Campaign Schools, Green Shadow Cabinet, candidate media appearances,candidate state visits, reports)

PANEL: Jill Stein, Cheri Honkala, Ben Manski(?), Scott McLarty, Ballot Access Committee (Tom Yager? Jody Grage?)

Report from the Stein Campaign (15 min). Stein campaign decides who speaks.

Panel members speak for 4 min each (May defer time to other panelists).

Open discussion 15 min.

*TOPIC 3) Party Activation, Volunteer Base, and Support from the Party (20 min)*

How well did the campaign activate state parties and volunteers? Did the campaign boost state/local candidates? How well did the Party support the Presidential campaign?

Open discussion 20 min.

*TOPIC 4) Planning for Success in 2016 (30 min)*

What lessons learned should be applied in 2016? What ideas do we have for doing things better and more effectively? What should we be doing over the next two years, even before the campaign season arrives?

Open discussion 30 min. Stack begins with round robin of all the panel participants from previous topics. Then stack is opened to everyone.

V. Status report from co-chairs about moving their committees over to the Pair listserv (where applicable) – Karen

David Doonan will help move archives for committees but needs someone on each committee to work with.

BRPP – apparently already moved; IC – Charles will contact Bahram again; AC – Holly; PCSC – Steve will contact again; EcoAction – archives already moved. Continue when David on call.

VI. Web Content Subcommittee needed – Budd
Reconvene committee after SC election and recruit non-SC people.

Karen – Committee reports needed for ANM.
Platform – working on report
Need to know Brian’s deadline – Budd will call.

VIII. Executive Session (personnel)
No decisions made.

Budd Dickinson