October 31, 2004

SC Call Notes — October 31, 2004

Jake Schneider, Greg Gerritt, Jody Haug, Gray Newman, Marc Sanson, Jo Chamberlain,
Peggy Lewis, Maya O’Connor, Emily Citkowski, Brent McMillan, Kara Mullen

Facilitator Jody, Time keeper Marc, notes greg

Abbreviations used:
AFT = American Federation of Teachers
AC = Accreditation Committee
ANM, ANMC = Annual National Meeting Committee
BRPP = Bylaws, Rules, Policies and Procedures Committee
BC = Black Caucus
CC = Coordinating Committee
CCC = Coordinated Campaign Committee
CG SC = Campus Greens Steering Committee
DC = Diversity Committee
FC = Fundraising Committee
FEC = Federal Election Commission
GP = Green Party
GW = George Washington University
IC = International Committee
ICA = Institute for Cultural Affairs
LC = Lavender Caucus
LG = Lavender Greens
PEC = Presidential Exploratory Committee
PCSC = Presidential Campaign Support Committee
SC = Steering Committee
[Brackets denote editor’s suggested corrections. Some punctuation corrections done with no content change. -ed.]

Published Agenda
Draft Agenda

5 min – facilitator, timer, note taker (Greg)
15 min – Cobb/LaMarche campaign as available (Marc)
15 min – staff reports (Brent, Emily)

30 min – FINANCE Portfolio(Jake, Marc, Kara): Finance, FundCom

5 min – Voting Queue

Portfolio reports:
10 min – ELECTORAL (Gray, Jo): CCC, Office Holder Network, PCSC, Legal Team
10 min – POLICY (Greg, Gwen): Platform, Peace, Intnl, DC, Strategic Plan
10 min – OUTREACH (Peggy): Media, Green Pages, Merchandise, Speakers Bureau, Green Pages resignation
10 min – INTERNAL (Maya): Personnel, Dispute Resolution; (Greg): BRPP
10 min – INTERNAL (Jody): Accreditation (with Maya), ComCom, Event Planning, Renewing gp.org

Agenda Review
add time to schedule calls and the retreat
add 10 mutes for Voting Queue, Women’s Caucus proposal
add 10 minutes for Working Groups resolutions

Cobb/LaMarche update: Finishing strong for Tuesday Thinking about how to help party beyond Tuesday. Bringing what they have learned into party infrastructure (fundraising, web work, list management, etc)

Discussion about bringing what all the candidates have learned to the party infrastructure

Discussion of some sort of speakers bureau/tour, all liked the idea, real discussion will wait until post 11/2. Jake will draft proposal

Invite David and Pat to conference call after 11/2.

Staff reports
Brent: updated projections for elections. Expecting 98 wins in 2004 bring us up to 265 elected officials. 13 states with greatest number of candidates ever or tied previous high. Looking at an overall win rate of 23%. Looking at highest percentages in some races as well. Focusing also on making sure we can record and pass along (lists, website) election returns as they come in. Developing a tracking system.

Checked on SC availability for Tuesday? and early Wednesday. For media and to approve releases.

Emily: Office is busy, more calls, more questions, more requests, more merchandise. Straightening out reporting systems still. Hopefully done by Jan 1. Need basic flyer, and IRV pamphlet. Maybe use MAC ad for something. Turn Greenline into a flyer as well. Ned bilingual materials. How do we pull together resources for this post election? Need platform summary, and Green Unity card. (Maya Emily, Jody to do Green Unity card)

Kara: Need about $5000 for next mailing. Been raising money for MAC, following up with unpaid pledges, planning efforts to increase sustainer base. On line Thanksgiving appeal. Upgrading merchandise system. Need appropriation to order more T shirts. Merchandise is more than paying its way. Need more help from writing team for content. DIA is starting to bring in money. Problems with placing MAC ad in NYT; could not get the date we wanted.

Marc noted needed better reports and better separation of info. It was noted that separating out more info in reports takes more labor that is in short supply for that type of detail work. More discussion on building sustainer programs and tracking where the money comes from. State sharing, how are we tracking that?

Fiscal portfolio report
Jake: 2005 Budget and Fiscal policy will be sent to SC for placing on voting queue by Nov 15. Vote in December. New format/simpler for budget. One page spread sheet for a bare bones budget, a budget based on sustainer income. Draft of budget out soon. Draft of Fiscal policy out soon. Need clarity on fundraising by committees and caucuses.

SC will have calls on 5th and 19th with special fiscal call on Nov 8.

Voting Queue
DRC will be voted on starting in a week. NWC, very long discussion including Gil Obler (AC), Nan Garrett (NWC), and Morgen D’Arc (NWC) about how to handle. Discussion is too convoluted and long to describe. Final results. We shall place a proposal on the voting page for two weeks discussion. Then vote. Proviso that NWC will have to update bylaws in 90 days. Some problems getting the exact language of the proposal.

Noted that a number of things will be coming to voting page soon. Budget, fiscal Policy, NWC, WG proposals other AC business.

Working Groups
AC/BRPP: brpp reviewed and did not like. Said they were going to be looking into this anyways. So agreed to hold off on that.

Convention Working Group
Marc will tweak language and circulate. Biggest discussion on membership. Agreed that 5 committees, BRPP, credentials, AC, PCSC and ANMC would each name one member or former member active during the convention run up to the committee. Then all states and caucuses are asked to submit names. SC will pick 5 by lottery, literally drawing 5 names out of a hat. How could anyone decide on what 5 greens were the right ones, so take our chances relying on state parties to send us good folks who can help move this committee forward. Committee will do a lot of homework and research asking questions compiling answers. Then make reports to the CC with possible action recommendations/proposals.

Strategic Planning Working Group
Again SC will take nominations from committees, caucuses and states and compile a committee by drawing names from a hat. Committee will be tasked with compiling information from a questionnaire. Then analyzing.

Hope to have both proposals on voting page Nov 8. SC will review Marc’s drafts this week.

Portfolio reports

Election, everybody in election mode. Legal team is starting to pull together. Gray is looking for a lawyer to take over management of the team.

Policy, platform summary is being discussed.

Outreach, Greenpages has found a crew to get out next issue, not sure what they are prepared for beyond that. Peggy will follow up.

Internal DRC rules on voting page, as soon as that is done, time to go to work. AC has come together pretty well, have MT and OK applications to do after election. Will look at caucus rules as well.

Questions about where to refer all of the questions that come in. Since the Secretary is answering the info line now, things that can not be answered by the person who receives then can be sent to greg and he will answer them.

Following up on renewal of gp.org. Under control.
Minimally edited and HTML formatted by Charlie Green