Rules and Procedures of the Green Party of the United States


Table Of Contents

Article I. Accreditation
Article II. Steering Committee Duties and Responsibilities
Article III. Steering Committee Procedures
Article IV. Steering Committee Endorsement Process
Article V. Fiscal Policy (amended 12/4/2010 #566 Proposal GPUS Fiscal Policy Amendment)
Article VI. Procedures for Proposals to the National Committee
Article VII. Preference Voting Rules for SC Elections
Article VIII. Allocation of Delegates to the National Committee
Article IX. National Committee Listserv Protocols and Policies
Article X. Recognition of Declared Candidates for the Green Party nomination for President

Article XI. FEC Filing Procedure
Article XII: Platform Amendment Process and Timeline



I. Introduction – Goals of the Accreditation Process

  1. To assure that applicants understand:
    a) the Green Party of the United States, its goals, values and plans,
    b) the criteria we expect them to fulfill,
    c) the resources available from the Green Party of the United States to assist them in party-building in order to fulfill the criteria
  2. To assist applicants in the application process.
  3. To speedily deliberate and make recommendation to the NC.

II. Criteria for State Party Membership in the Green Party of the United States.

  1. Acceptance of the four pillars of the international Green Party movement [ecological wisdom, social justice, grassroots democracy, non-violence] or the Ten Key Values as guiding principles.
  2. Organized and run in accordance with these values.
  3. A statewide organization open to, and reflective of, a statewide membership.
  4. Agrees to support national candidates selection by Green convention.
  5. Makes good faith effort, where reasonable, to achieve ballot status.
  6. Makes good faith effort to run state and local candidates.
  7. Has applied to GREEN PARTY for accreditation, and has included written by-laws, platform, and other documentation with that application.
  8. Has a history of networking with other environmental and social justice organizations.
  9. Evidence of commitment to, and good faith efforts to achieve, gender balance in party leadership and representation.
  10. Evidence of good faith efforts to empower individuals and groups from oppressed communities, through, for example, leadership responsibilities, identity caucuses and alliances with community-based organizations, and endorsements of issues and policies.

III. Role and Duties of Accreditation Committee.

  1. To prepare and distribute application materials and instructions.
  2. To review applications and make recommendations.
  3. To hear appeals and grievances.
  4. To review disaffiliation requests.
  5. To recommend disaffiliation based on outcome of 3) or 4).

IV. Accreditation Process.

1. Application to the Green Party of the United States

Applications should be delivered to the secretary of the Green Party of the United States, who will notify the NC that the application has been received, then forward the application to all members of the accreditation committee for review. The accreditation committee may request additional paperwork, eg. by-laws, platform, etc. and assurances, in order to determine that the applicant party satisfies the criteria listed above.

2. Accreditation Committee Review
Process should be speedy and non-bureaucratic. If we are to err, it should be on the side of permissiveness. Applicant should experience us as a welcoming committee and their advocate to the NC.

3. An accredited state party which has failed to cast votes for a period of six months, or has not sent delegates to two consecutive meetings of the National Committee, may be assigned to temporary inactive status, upon recommendation of the Accreditation Committee and majority vote of the National Committee. Parties assigned to temporary inactive status will retain GREEN PARTY accreditation and, insofar as possible, will continue to receive NC correspondence; but shall not be counted toward the NC quorum.

4. Should a party with temporary inactive status not regain its active status within one year, the Accreditation Committee may recommend a formal disaffiliation vote by the NC.

5. Report to Coordinating Committee.
The committee shall makes it report to the NC, except in extraordinary situations, within 60 days of receiving the application. The report may be presented either to a meeting of the NC, or via e-mail, whichever can be done most promptly. The report to the NC should explain the committee’s findings for each of the eight affiliation criteria, and recommend for or against approval of the application.

6. Appeals Process
An application which is contested by an individual or group may require the gathering of extensive evidence by the committee. This might include an on-site visit by an authorized representative of the committee. A written report should be mailed or e-mailed to the NC and the matter should be discussed and decided and the next general meeting of the GREEN PARTY National Committee. Should the accreditation committee recommend against approving an application, the committee is obligated to report that negative recommendation to the applicant party, giving the applicant party adequate time to prepare an appeal to the NC.


1. A duly executed disaffiliation application may be granted without discussion. The committee should try to determine the reason and report to the NC.

2. A grievance lodged against an accredited state (party) by an individual or group should be investigated by the committee as in the appeals process above. A hearing should be held at the next general meeting. The NC should formulate rules for conducting such hearings.


(Notes: is the original caucus accreditation process document that was posted on It was incorrectly labeled at the time as the “Addendum on Accreditation”. See…documents/rules.html for verification purposes.)

  6. Addendum: Santa Barbara resolution


1.a: The Green Party of the United States is a federation of independent, State-level Parties. (Around the country, local Green organizations are represented in different ways, depending on by-laws and representational systems; GPUS rules, however, require that its members be State-level organizations serving statewide constituencies.)

1(b): When a caucus gains accreditation by GPUS, it is awarded two voting delegates and one alternate to the GPUS National Committee, and up to three voting members to each Standing Committee. This apportionment is permanent, and does not change in relation to membership strength. Additional individuals from a caucus, with the consent of the caucus, are welcomed to volunteer for GPUS working committees as permitted by committee rules.

1(c): An accredited caucus may be disaffiliated by the National Committee only for just cause, such as egregious action not in general accordance with the Ten Key Values. A caucus may be disaffiliated if there is no participation in NC voting by its delegate or alternate for one year. Disaffiliation actions may be appealed to the NC. Caucuses that are disaffiliated may later be reaccredited.

1.c.1: GPUS’s home page is

1.c.2: Our by-laws are available at:

1.c.3: The Green Party’s operating procedures are:

1.c.4: The Green parties’ platform can be found at:


To apply for GPUS membership, your caucus is invited to submit a completed application packet, which should include the following documentation in the order indicated:

2.a.1: A letter of application addressed to the Co-chairs of the Accreditation Committee which indicates the date and setting of the application decision (i.e., annual meeting 2/15/01, teleconference 3/22/02, on-line decision 6/18/02), including a list of at least 100 members in at least 15 GPUS- affiliated states, containing name, address, and state party membership of each member (see section 6.b.1-5 below).

2.b The name, address and state party membership of up to three delegates to the Diversity Committee.

2.c: The current by-laws of the caucus.

2.d: The current platform of the caucus.

2.e: A list of at least 100 members, in at least 15 GPUS affiliated states, containing name, address, phone number (if available), email address (if available) and state party membership of each member.

2.f: Additional materials that the Accreditation Committee can read and use to establish your caucus’ credentials. This could include newsletters, news clippings, incorporation papers or other legal documents, literature, etc.


3.a: Identity Group Formation: When anyone in the Green party becomes aware of an identity group being interested in forming a caucus, that person will notify the Diversity Committee.

3.b: Receipt of Application: Once a caucus is ready to consider accreditation, its official representatives will send two copies of the letter o application and packet (the Application) to the GPUS national office, once addressed to the co-chairs of the Accreditations Committee (AC), the other to the co-chairs of the Diversity Committee (DC). It is strongly suggested to also send as much of the packet as possible via email to the Accreditations and Diversity Committees at their respective email addresses. The AC and the DC will keep each other completely updated in all areas of identity caucus accreditation.

3.c: Committee Assignment, liaisons: As soon as the Application is received, the AC and the DC shall each assign a committee member to the application. The AC shall communicate to the applicant the AC and DC members assigned to the application, indicating the AC shall be the primary contact for official communications regarding the accreditation process and the DC shall assist and facilitate the process, acting as an advocate for the applying caucus. Both the AC and the DC co-chairs shall forward the application to all members of their respective committees for review.

3.d: Evaluation process: The AC shall notify the National Committee that the application has been received. The Accreditation Committee may request additional paperwork, clarifications and assurances, in order to determine that the applicant party satisfies the criteria listed below. The Accreditation Committee review process should be speedy and non-bureaucratic. If we are to err, it should be on the side of permissiveness. Applicant should experience Greens as a welcoming committee. The Diversity Committee will assist the caucus in formation to complete the necessary documentation, working hand in hand with the Accreditation Committee.

3.e: Report to and vote by the Coordinating Committee: Except in extraordinary situations, the AC shall make its report to the NC in the form of a formal proposal, within 60 days of the AC chair receiving a complete application. A complete application is one that includes all of the documentation necessary for the NC to make an informed decision and shall be considered received when the national office issues notices of its receipt to the applying caucus.

The proposal shall be presented according to the customary procedure to submit proposals for discussion and vote by email or at a national meeting of the NC, whichever can be done most promptly. The proposal to the NC should explain the committee¹s findings for each of the accreditation criteria, and recommend for or against approval of the application and accreditation of the Identity Caucus¹s one delegate and one alternate to the NC. Any request for clarification directed to the AC or the DC shall be addressed without prejudice.

If the AC and the DC cannot reach consensus on the report, the proposal shall include both the AC and the DC’s recommendations. A two-third’s majority vote is required to approve an Identity Caucus.

3.f: Appeals process: Should the AC and the DC recommend against approving an application, the AC is obligated to report that negative recommendation to the applicant caucus, giving the applicant caucus thirty days to prepare an appeal to the NC.

3.g: Additional Documentation: The NC may require the gathering of additional evidence. This might include on-site visits by authorized representatives of the NC to caucus headquarters, gatherings or other meetings. A written report with specific recommendations should be communicated to the NC and the matter should be discussed and decided a the next general meeting of the NC.

4. Goals of the Accreditation Process

4.a: To ensure that applicant Identity Caucuses and State Parties understand:

i. The goals, values, plans and organization of the Green Party of the United States,
ii. The criteria Identity Caucuses and state parties are expected to fulfill.
iii. The resources available from the GPUS to assist Identity Caucuses and state parties in party-building in order to fulfill the criteria.

4.b: to verify that Identity Caucuses and state parties are indeed bona-fide organizations meeting the values and criteria set forth in this proposal and related documents.

4.c: To welcome new Identity Caucuses and their representatives, and facilitate their integration into the party.

5: Criteria for Identity Caucus Membership in the GPUS

The Caucus must:

5.a: Accept of the four pillars of the international Green Party movement [ecological wisdom, social justice, grassroots democracy, non-violence], or the GPUS’s Ten Key Values, as guiding principles.

5.b: Be organized and run in accordance with these values.

5.c: Be open to and reflective of natural members of the Identity Caucus.

5.d: Have held at least one meeting and will continue to hold such meetings not less than annually.

5.e: Have elected its leadership and delegates in a democratic and transparent manner.

5.f.: Agree to support national candidates selected at the national Green Nominating Convention.

5.g: Maintain a current list of at least 100 members in 15 state parties with name, address and their state party membership.

5.h. Represent a historically disenfranchised or underrepresented and significant sector of the population.

6. Temporary Inactive Status

An accredited Identity Caucus which has failed to cast votes for a period of six months, or has not sent delegates to two consecutive meetings of the Coordinating Committee, may be assigned to temporary inactive status, upon recommendation of the Accreditation Committee and majority vote of the National Committee.

Caucuses assigned to temporary inactive status will retain GPUS accreditation and, insofar as possible, will continue to receive NC correspondence; but shall not be counted toward the NC quorum.

7. Revocation of Accreditation for Inactivity

Should a caucus with temporary inactive status not regain its active status within one year, the Accreditation Committee may recommend a formal revocation vote by the NC. Addendum: Santa Barbara resolution.

Here is the specific wording of the resolution approved in Santa Barbara, establishing the basic framework for accrediting caucuses:

Adopted July 2003, Washington D.C.

When a caucus for an underrepresented group has formed, that caucus will submit its application for accreditation according to the same procedures used for state party accreditation. A caucus application will include documentation of caucus membership, showing that 100 individuals, from at least 15 states, who are both members of the underrepresented group itself, and of their respective state Green parties, have joined the caucus; and that the caucus uses democratic procedures for its internal leadership selection and general decision-making. As with state parties, the caucus application will include documentation for the caucus’s by-laws, principles, history and activities.

(Notes: is the original caucus accreditation process document that was posted on It was incorrectly labeled at the time as the “Addendum on Accreditation”. See…documents/rules.html for verification purposes.)


Section 2-1 Co-Chairs

The duties and responsibilities of the Co-Chairs shall be to

2-1.1 Serve as the principal spokespersons of the GPUS.

2-1.2 Be responsible for oversight and coordination of GPUS committees using a Committee Liaison system as described in the Steering Committee Rules, Policies and Procedures.

Section 2-2 Secretary

The duties and responsibilities of the Secretary shall be to

2-2.1 Set up Steering Committee conference calls;

2-2.2 Prepare and distribute Steering Committee meeting agendas and minutes according to the process established in 3-1.4 and in the Steering Committee Rules, Policies and Procedures;

2-2.3 Receive correspondence on behalf of the Steering Committee and send correspondence as directed by the Steering Committee;

2-2.4 Send Delegate Manuals and other introductory information to new National Committee delegates and alternates;

2-2.5 Receive proposals to the National Committee as described in Article VI.

2-2.6 Assist with the GPUS website as part of the Steering Committee web content sub-committee;

2-2.7 Assist communication with GPUS committee listserv administrators and web page managers;

2-2.8 Provide administrative support for the GPUS voting page;

2-2.9 Respond to and/or redirect miscellaneous requests for information, questions and referrals.

Section 2-3 Treasurer

The duties and responsibilities of the Treasurer shall be as described in the GPUS Fiscal Policy.

Section 2-4 Participation and Resignation

2-4.1 In accepting election to the Steering Committee, a member shall be considered to have resigned if without written notice to the Steering Committee email list, or verbal communication on a Steering Committee conference call or in-person meeting, a member does not attend Steering Committee conference calls or in-person meetings and does not post to the Steering Committee email list for thirty days.


Section 3-1 In-Person Meeting and Conference Calls

3-1.1 A quorum of the Steering Committee shall be a majority of the current membership of the Steering Committee.

3-1.2 All decisions of the Steering Committee shall require a majority of all non-abstaining votes cast in favor, except as otherwise specified in GPUS Bylaws and Rules and Procedures.

3-1.3 Agendas for Steering Committee meetings and conference calls shall be published in advance to the National Committee and shall otherwise be established as described in the Steering Committee Rules, Policies and Procedures.

3-1.4 Minutes of Steering Committee meetings and conference calls shall consist of the date, time, location (where applicable) and attendance, agenda items heard, decisions-taken (including who voted for, against or stood aside) and the text of all proposals.

3-1.5 Observers may participate in Steering Committee meetings and conference calls according to the process described in the Steering Committee Rules, Policies and Procedures.

Section 3-2 Executive Session

3-2.1 The Steering Committee may go into Executive Session only for personnel matters, sensitive legal and financial matters in which the Party itself is involved in actual or potential legal proceedings, sensitive conversations concerning potential Green candidates or elected officials, and when dealing with the proprietary information of vendors and contractors. No other circumstances are appropriate for Executive Session.

3-2.2 The process for entering and existing Executive Session shall be as described in the Steering Committee Rules, Policies and Procedures.

3-2.3 Minutes of the Executive Session shall include the time of entering and exiting Executive Session, those present and a general summary of topics discussed, without including specific information precluded under 3-2.1. Decisions made in Executive Session shall be reported in the Steering Committee minutes, subject to any legal limitations on disclosure.

Section 3-3 Subcommittees

3-3.1 The Steering Committee may create subcommittees of the Steering Committee at its discretion, so long as they are consistent with GPUS Bylaws and Rules and Procedures and the Steering Committee Rules, Policies and Procedures. The Steering Committee shall report their creation to the National Committee Votes List and maintain a current roster of sub-committees and their members for inspection by the National Committee.

Section 3-4 Internal Procedures

3-4.1 The Steering Committee may approve internal procedures at its discretion, so long as they are consistent with GPUS Bylaws and Rules and Procedures and the Steering Committee Rules, Policies and Procedures, including but not limited to meeting schedules, facilitation selection and guidelines, on-line voting procedures, staff and contractor relations, legal matters, web site oversight and guidelines for Committee Liaisons. The Steering Committee shall report creation of such internal procedures to the National Committee Votes List and publish them on the Steering Committee web page.the National Committee.


A. 24-48 Hour Response

The Steering Committee, in consultation with Green media spokespeople and other knowledgeable greens, will draft a statement, and use the appropriate spokespeople to disseminate said statement. The Steering Committee will also e-mail and otherwise transmit the statement to the Green Party National Committee for comment before releasing the statement publicly, but shall be allowed to release the statement even without feedback. A quorum of at least 80% of all members of the Green Party Steering Committee is necessary for determining that events require an immediate response, and there must be an agreement among at least 80% of all Steering Committee members on the substance of their response.

B. Three to fourteen day response

The Steering Committee, in consultation with Green media spokespeople and other knowledgeable greens, shall be empowered to draft a response. This response shall be transmitted to the National Committee for feedback and advice. In making a final decision, the Steering Committee will take into account recommendations and objections from the National Committee. The Steering Committee will use the appropriate spokespeople to disseminate said statement or response. If, at any point during this period, response is heard from half or more member states with an 80% majority either for approval or rejection, the Steering Committee will be bound by that response.

C. Two to three week response.

Such proposals will follow the regular process for submission to the voting queue, with the exception of an expedited timeline: upon reception, the Secretary will immediately contact the Steering Committee for approval to send the proposal on to the voting page. There will be a one week discussion period, and one week for the vote. The approval threshold will be unchanged from the regular policy governing approval thresholds.


Amended, 12/14/10: proposal #566 Proposal GPUS Fiscal Policy Amendment
ProposalNew Fiscal Policy Document


Section 6-1 Submission of Proposals

6-1.1 Throughout this Article, any reference to “state parties” or “caucuses” is intended to refer to state Green Parties or caucuses which have been accredited by the Green Party of the United States.

6-1.2 Proposals may be submitted by one or more committees, caucuses, and/or state parties, in a manner provided for by their internal rules or procedures, and only within their scope as defined in 6-1.3. Proposals may be submitted by individuals only as defined elsewhere in the Bylaws and the Rules and Procedures.

6-1.3 The scope for proposals submitted by state parties and caucuses shall be any proposal in accordance with the Bylaws and the Rules and Procedures. The scope for proposals submitted by committees shall be as defined in their Mission Statement, or as defined in Committee Rules which were approved by the National Committee prior to June 28, 2009, and necessarily includes amendments to their Mission Statement and Committee Rules.

6-1.4 All proposals for National Committee consideration must be submitted to the Steering Committee. A proposal shall be considered submitted to the Steering Committee when it has been submitted to and acknowledged by the Secretary.

6-1.5 Proposals that have been submitted at least six days before a regular Steering Committee meeting, and meet the conditions as specified in Section 6-5, shall go to the online voting queue at the next regular starting date, except as otherwise provided in this Article.

6-1.6 Proposals submitted less than six days before a regular Steering Committee meeting, but which meet the conditions specified in Section 6-5, may be placed in the online voting queue at the next regular starting date, at the discretion of the Steering Committee.

6-1.7 A proposal’s sponsor(s) may request a later regular starting date than the next scheduled one. If the proposal meets the conditions specified in Section 6-5, it shall go to the voting queue at the date requested by the sponsor(s), except as otherwise provided in this Article.

Section 6-2 Types of Proposals and their Approval Threshold (Consens Quorum)

6-2.1 The following proposals before the National Committee shall require 2/3 of all ‘yes’ and ‘no’ votes cast for passage

6-2.1(a) Amendments to the Bylaws

6-2.1(b) Amendments to the Rules & Procedures

6-2.1(c) Amendments to the Fiscal Policy

6-2.1(d) Amendments to the Presidential Nominating Convention Rules

6-2.1(e) Accreditation of State Parties, Caucuses, and Networks

6-2.1(f) Establishment of Standing and Ad Hoc Committees

6-2.1(g) Creation and Amendment of Committee, Caucus, and Network Mission Statements

6-2.1(h) Delegation of National Committee Decision-Making Power

6-2.1(i) Recall of Steering Committee Members

6-2.2 The following proposals before the National Committee shall require a majority of all ‘yes’ and ‘no’ votes cast for passage.

6-2.2(a) Budget, Budget Amendments

6-2.2(b) Resolutions

6-2.2(c) Nominations by the Steering Committee for Committee Membership as specified by the National Committee

6-2.2(d) Other nominations by the Steering Committee as specified by the National Committee, including nominations for: Forum Managers; Facilitators for Annual National Meetings; Facilitators; and Honorary Co-Chairs and Elections Administrators for Presidential Nominating Conventions

6-2.2(e) Certification of Steering Committee Election Results

6-2.2(f) Rules, Policies, and Procedures for GPUS Standing and Ad Hoc Committees, Caucuses, and Networks

6-2.3 Proposals which have multiple operative clauses or sections shall require a 2/3 threshold for passage if any part of the proposal meets the criteria as described in Section 6-2.1.

6-2.4 Proposals which seek to modify the scope or powers of a committee or network must come in the form of an amendment to their Mission Statement.

6-2.5 Proposals that do not fit into Sections Section 6-2.1, 6-2.2 or 6-2.3 may be submitted to the Steering Committee with a recommended threshold. The Steering Committee shall make an evaluation and assign a threshold as per Section 6-5.

Section 6-3 Decision-Making Timelines

6-3.1 When it submits a proposal, a proposal’s sponsor(s) may request in advance one of the following timelines, and then may amend that request later as specified in Section 6-6:

6-3.1(a) Timeline A – Two weeks discussion, followed by one-week vote.

6-3.1(b) Timeline B – Three weeks discussion, followed by one-week vote.

6-3.1(c) Timeline C – Four weeks discussion, followed by one-week vote.

6-3.2 In addition to the options provided in 6-3.1, the Steering Committee may:

6-3.2(a) Sponsor a proposal with a shorter discussion period, if by a 2/3 vote it approves findings that declare that a shorter period would allow the GPUS to meet deadlines it would otherwise not meet, or be of other substantial benefit to the GPUS. In such cases the Steering Committee is strongly urged to schedule a one-week discussion beginning on the regular starting date, unless the circumstances identified in the findings clearly require a discussion period of different length.

6-3.2(b) Declare an expedited placement into the voting queue, earlier than the next regular starting date, if by a 2/3 vote it approves findings that this would allow the GPUS to meet deadlines it would otherwise not meet or be of other substantial benefit to the GPUS.

6-3.2(c) Delay placing a proposal into the voting queue for up to two weeks, if by a 2/3 vote it approves findings that the timeframe of the proposal would overlap with holidays or major public elections, or to limit the number of proposals on the voting queue at the same time, so as to allow for greater participation on the part of the National Committee.

6-3.3 The National Committee may direct the Steering Committee to place no proposals in the voting queue for a period of up to three months for recessing or for any other purpose as specified by the National Committee. The Steering Committee may at its discretion, by a 2/3 vote approving findings to such effect, place a proposal before the National Committee during such a voting hiatus, but only for a stated emergency purpose.

Section 6-4 Proposal Format

The format for proposals shall be:

6-4.1 SPONSOR(S): (State Party, Caucus, Committee, or group(s) thereof)

6-4.2 CONTACT: Primary Presenter(s) (name, phone number, email)

6-4.3 SUBJECT/TITLE: (Goal of 10 words or less)



6-4.6 BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE: (relationship, reasons and/or justification to the GPUS; presentation should be short and to the point, with further background provided in the Resource section)


6-4.8 IMPLEMENTATION/TIMELINE/RESOURCES: (personnel, meetings, work hours, finances, period of implementation, including any sunset clause if applicable)

6-4.9 REFERENCES: (Sources for readily obtainable materials to aid in the decision making process of voting members, including additional background)

Section 6-5 Steering Committee Review

6-5.1 The Steering Committee shall have the responsibility to review whether a proposal satisfies the following criteria:

6-5.1(a) Is a proposal as defined in Section 6-2;

6-5.1(b) Has been submitted in the appropriate format as defined in 6-4;

6-5.1(c) Is within the scope of the sponsoring committee or network, if sponsored by a committee or network, as defined in Section 6-1.2;

6-5.1(d) Is not in conflict with GPUS Bylaws, Rules and Procedures, Fiscal Policy or Presidential Convention Rules;

6-5.1(e) Is clear in what it asks the National Committee to decide;

6-5.1(f) Has been properly approved according to the relevant rules and procedures of the sponsoring entity or entities.

6-5.2 If a proposal has satisfied the criteria in Section 6-5.1, the Steering Committee shall place the proposal into the voting queue according to the timing specified in Sections 6-1 and 6-3.

6-5.3 When the Steering Committee places a proposal into the online voting queue, it shall

6-5.3(a) State the quorum requirement as a percentage and as a specific number of states and caucuses necessary to meet it;

6-5.3(b) State the appropriate approval threshold by the National Committee;

6-5.3(c) Assign a Steering Committee member as Floor Manager for the proposal’s discussion and vote periods.

6-5.4 If the Steering Committee deems that a proposal does not comply with any/all of the conditions in Section 6-5.1, it must approve findings that state how the proposal does not comply and how it can be corrected. Such findings shall be published to the National Committee votes list no more than 72 hours after the conclusion of the Steering Committee meeting at which the findings are approved. In the absence of a vote approving such findings, a proposal shall be assumed to satisfy the conditions in Section 6-5.1 and must be placed in the voting queue according to the timing specified in Section 6-1.

6-5.5 If the Steering Committee deems that a proposal warrants a different approval threshold than that specified by the sponsor, it must approve findings stating why, including directly addressing 6-2. Such findings shall be published to the National Committee votes list no more than 72 hours after the conclusion of the Steering Committee meeting at which the Findings are approved. In the absence of a vote approving such findings, a proposal shall be assumed to satisfy the conditions in Section 6-5.1 and must be placed in the voting queue according to the timing specified in Section 6-1, except as otherwise specified in this Article.

6-5.6 Decisions of the Steering Committee may be appealed according to the process defined in Section 6-10.

Section 6-6 Online Discussion Period

6-6.1 The regular starting time of the discussion period shall begin at 12:01am Eastern Time on Mondays. The regular discussion period shall be for either two or three weeks, as specified in Section 6-3 followed by a voting period of one week, ending at 11:59pm Pacific Time on Sundays.

6-6.2 The National Committee shall strive for consensus in decision-making. The discussion period is the place for stating and responding to clarifying questions and concerns, and proposing amendments and responding to them.

6-6.3 If a two-week discussion period had been chosen, the sponsor(s) retain the option to extend the discussion period for one or two more weeks, upon notifying the Floor Manager at least 48 hours before the close of the discussion period. If a three-week discussion period had been chosen, the sponsor(s) retain the option to extend the discussion period for one more week, upon notifying the Floor Manager at least 48 hours before the close of the discussion period.

6-6.4 The Steering Committee may extend a discussion period for up to two weeks, so long as the total discussion period does not exceed four weeks, if it approves findings stating specifically how this would benefit the National Committee’s decision-making process. Such findings shall be published to the National Committee votes list no more than 72 hours after the conclusion of the Steering Committee meeting at which the findings are approved. Sponsor(s) should be consulted in advance, if possible, and if a proposal sponsor should express any concerns with extending discussion, such concerns should be part of the record of the Steering Committee’s findings.

Section 6-7 Amendments by the Sponsor(s)

6-7.1 During the online discussion period, sponsors may amend their proposal and resubmit the amended version to the National Committee if at least 48 hours before the commencement of the voting period, they make their submission to the Secretary and notify the Floor Manager. The sponsors shall also post the text of such amended proposals to the National Committee votes list to help ensure that the National Committee has the greatest opportunity to discuss the amended proposal.

Section 6-8 Amendments by the National Committee

Section 6-9 Online Voting Period

6-9.1 The voting period shall be seven days, commencing upon the close of the discussion period.

6-9.2 Quorum shall be at least one delegate present from each of two-thirds of the state parties and caucuses. A delegate is “present” that casts a ‘yes’, ‘no’, ‘abstain’ or ‘none-of-the-above.’

6-9.3 Abstentions count towards the quorum (presens quorum), but not towards the approval threshold (consens quorum.)

6-9.4 For proposals that provide options other than ‘yes’ and ‘no’ and which are not conducted using ranked choice voting, all delegates shall be given the additional option of casting a vote for “none of the above.” “None of the above” cast by a delegate shall be a ‘vote’ for purposes of this section.

6-9.5 Proposals which are conducted using ranked choice voting shall be tabulated using the method for ranked choice voting defined in GPUS Rules and Procedures.

Section 6-10 Appeals of Procedural Decisions Made by the Steering Committee, Floor Manager or Facilitator

6-10.1 Should any five members of the Green National Committee of the Party representing any five state parties or caucuses assert that any ruling of the Steering Committee or the Floor Manager on any point with respect to the handling of a Proposal submitted for the consideration of the National Committee was made contrary to the rules governing such rulings, such objection shall be recognized, and shall serve to initiate an appeal from the decision. When meeting face-to-face a Delegate may raise such an objection by respectfully addressing the facilitator and stating: “I appeal from the decision of the facilitator because this ruling is contrary to our rules” and then explaining the inconsistency. When meeting by email such an objection may be initiated by posting the same statement to the votes list. Any such appeal which is then joined by sufficient cosponsors as required by this paragraph shall stay the effective date of that decision, pending the resolution of the appeal.

6-10.2 The facilitator at a face-to-face meeting, or the Floor Manager, when conducting business by email, shall acknowledge the appeal by stating to the body the point ruled on, the Steering Committee or facilitator’s decision on it and shall then put the appeal to the National Committee. The question put to the body shall be framed as: “Shall the body sustain the decision of the Steering Committee (or the Floor Manager or the facilitator) that . . . ”

6-10.3 Debate on the correctness of the ruling shall be limited to twenty minutes when meeting face-to-face or when conducting business by email shall end at 12:00 midnight Pacific on the day following the day on which the appeal is acknowledged by the Floor Manager as being in order due to its having sufficient cosponsors. The facilitator or Floor Manager shall then put the question of the appeal to the body for a vote. When conducting business by email, the vote shall commence upon the close of debate and shall close seventy-two hours later.

6-10.4 The ruling of the Steering Committee, Floor Manager or facilitator shall be sustained unless overruled by the vote of a majority of those voting, who voted in opposition to the question of sustaining the decision, provided votes have been cast by Delegates from at least a simple majority of the state parties and caucuses eligible to cast votes on the matter. All appeals from the decision of the Steering Committee or facilitator at a face-to-face meetings shall be made immediately, and no appeal shall be in order after other business has intervened from the time of the alleged error of the Steering Committee or facilitator and before the appeal is sought. All appeals from the decision of the Steering Committee or Floor Manager when conducting business by email shall be made not later than midnight Pacific time, the third complete day after the publication to the votes list of the decision appealed.

6-10.5 Any member may have entered in the minutes a protest in writing based on any ruling so made. Said protest shall clearly and succinctly set forth the grounds of such protest and shall not exceed 200 words. It shall not impugn the motive of the body or any member thereof.

Section 6-11 Long Term Planning and Scheduling of Proposals

6-11.1 At the beginning of each Fiscal Year, state parties, committees, caucuses and networks that expect to advance proposals to the National Committee, including any required by the Bylaws, Rules and Procedures, Fiscal Policy, Presidential Convention Rules, and/or by resolution of the National Committee, are encouraged to forward the basic scope and expected timing of submission of such proposals to the Steering Committee.

6-11.2 The Steering Committee shall publish the list of potential proposals identified in Section 6-11.1, together with the schedule of internal elections and other mandated decisions, to the National Committee on a semi-annual basis.

6-11.3 Once a state party, caucus, network, or committee has begun an internal vote to send a proposal to the Steering Committee, the Co-Chairs of that state party, caucus, network, or committee are encouraged to notify the Steering Committee of the anticipated date of the proposal’s submission should it be approved.

6-11.4 Where it may ensure that decisions already required by the Bylaws, Rules and Procedures, Presidential Convention Rules and/or by Resolution of the National Committee are heard by the National Committee, the Steering Committee is encouraged to consult with sponsors of other proposals to voluntarily adjust their timing, to give these mandated items priority.

6-11.5 Where there may be potential overlap of mission and/or jurisdiction among proposals and/or proposal sponsors, the Steering Committee may facilitate a consultative process among them and any relevant other committees, caucuses, networks, and/or state parties. The existence of such a consultative process does not prevent a proposal from going forward in the voting queue as otherwise specified in Section 6-5. However, a proposal’s sponsor(s) may amend the timing and content of their submission as a result. Resources As specified. Many committees will need to review their Committee documents to ensure that they have a clearly defined Mission Statement.



“Preference Voting” shall mean a voting system which achieves representation in deliberative bodies proportional to the support such representation enjoys among the voters by allowing voters to rank candidates for the internal Party offices in the order of their choice, according to the method described and by tabulating votes pursuant to the rules provided in this Article.

Preference Voting tabulates votes based on the principle that any vote cast which would not otherwise help elect a voter’s most preferred candidate(s), shall be used to help elect that voter’s next most preferred candidate(s). Thus, if a voter’s first choice among the candidates receives more than enough votes to win, the surplus proportion of that vote will be transferred to that voter’s second or succeeding (next-highest ranking) choice. Alternatively, if a voter’s first choice candidate is eliminated, that vote instead will be cast for the voter’s second or succeeding (next highest ranking) choice.


Two months before each Annual National Meeting (reduced to one month for 2006), the Secretary of GPUS shall post to the GNC a request for nominations for an Election Tabulation Committee. The Election Tabulation Committee will consist of five members of the GNC and will be elected by the NC using the current system of Single Transferable Voting employed by the Green Party website: Multi-Seat Ranked-Choice Voting

Ballots shall be counted by the Election Tabulation Committee according to the following rules:

1. Determination of Victory Threshold

(a) In order for a candidate to be elected, the number of votes for that candidate to be an elected shall surpass the “threshold” or “winning threshold”.

(b) The threshold determines transferable surpluses as defined below. The threshold is determined by dividing (the number of valid votes cast) by (the number of seats + 1). In an election to name a single individual to fill an office, the winning threshold shall be a simple majority of the ballots cast and these rules may be referred to as instant run-off voting.

2. Rules regarding the transfer of votes at all stages of tabulation:

(a) Votes acquired by a candidate in excess of the threshold for that election shall be termed their “surplus”. A candidate’s surplus votes shall be transferred according to the following rule: transfer a portion of each vote determined by dividing the surplus of the candidate by the total number of votes for that candidate, rounded to the third decimal place, to each voter’s next choice. Votes cast for candidates who are eliminated (as described below) shall be transferred at their full current value to those voter’s next choice(s).

(b) Votes may not be transferred to candidates who have already surpassed the threshold, nor may votes be transferred to candidates who have been eliminated. When a voter’s next
choice is not eligible for receipt of transferred votes, that vote (or portion of a vote) shall be transferred to the voter’s next indicated choice until all choices on that ballot have been exhausted.

(c) If a voter fails to designate a candidate to a ranking, the vote shall be transferred to that voter’s next clearly indicated choice.

(d) Any ranked votes cast for eligible write-in candidates shall be tabulated in the same manner as those for candidates whose names are printed on the ballots.

(e) If a ballot has no more available choices ranked on it, that ballot shall be declared “exhausted.” Ballots ranking two or more candidates as the voter’s first ranked choice shall be declared “exhausted”. Ballots with two candidates sharing the same rank shall be declared exhausted when a transfer of a surplus would put in doubt which candidate would next be eligible for the transfer, unless all but one of the candidates with the shared ranking have already been defeated or elected making them ineligible to receive a transfer.

3. Stages in the Tabulation for multi-seat positions:

(a) Any candidate whose total votes at any stage of the tabulation exceeds the winning threshold shall be declared to have won a seat.

(b) Vote counting shall start with a tabulation of first choice votes and with the transfer of a proportion of any existing surplus votes according to the rules specified above. Transfer of surpluses shall commence with the candidate having the largest surplus and proceed successively to the candidates with the next largest surplus

(c) If the transfer of surplus votes to voters’ next choice candidates creates a new surplus, then a proportion of these votes shall be transferred to those voter’s succeeding choices, until all surpluses have been transferred or all declared choices on a ballot have been exhausted.

(d) When all surplus votes have been distributed in this manner, a tally shall be taken. Any remaining surpluses created by any transfer shall once again be transferred, and a new tally taken, until all surpluses have been transferred. Then the remaining candidate with the least number of votes shall be eliminated.

(e) This process of transferring surpluses followed by eliminating candidates with the least number of votes shall continue until every available seat has been filled by a candidate whose support has surpassed the winning threshold, or until no candidate remains to be eliminated. Any seat not filled by a candidate surpassing the winning threshold shall be declared vacant and a new election shall be called to fill such vacancies.

4. Tabulation for single seat positions:

If a candidate receives a majority of the first-choice votes, then that candidate shall be declared elected. If no candidate receives such a majority, then the candidate with the fewest first choices shall be declared defeated. Ballots cast for this defeated candidate shall be transferred at full value to the next choice candidate marked on each ballot. Last-place candidates are eliminated and their supporters’ ballots transferred to next-choice candidates who are still in the race in a similar manner until a candidate receives a number of votes surpassing the winning threshold. Should no candidate enjoy sufficient support to surpass the winning threshold, a vacancy is declared and a new election shall be held to fill the vacant seat.

5. Determinations in the case of a Tie:

For ties between candidates occurring at any stage in the tabulation, determinations shall be made based on whomever was credited with the most votes at the previous successive stages of tabulation. Specifically, if in any round of tabulation, two or more candidates have an equal number of votes, the candidate with the most first choices shall prevail. If two or more candidates have an equal number of first choices, than the candidate with a greater number of second choices shall prevail, and so on. If this information fails to resolve the tie, the Election Tabulation Committee shall consider the approval expressed by the ballots determined by the ranks assigned by all the ballots which ranked each tied candidate in question and whether any ballots cast ranked no-other-candidate at a higher preference than a candidate in question.


1. Tabulation & Report

Immediately upon the close of the polls the Election Tabulation Committee shall tabulate the ballots pursuant to these rules. Immediately following the tabulation of such ballots, the Election Tabulation Committee shall file its written report on the election with the National Committee. The report shall declare which candidates were elected to which seats and for what terms for each election they are charged with tabulating, and a narrative description of the tabulation detailing how surpluses were redistributed, how candidates were identified for elimination at the end of each round, how ties were resolved and other factors that weighed in the final determination of the winning candidates. The Election Tabulation Committee shall publish as an appendix to their Report the details of each ballot received sufficient to permit an independent tabulation. The report shall further evaluate the extent to which these rules anticipated the demands of the election and gave adequate guidance to the Election Tabulation Committee on the conduct of its responsibilities.

2. Receipt & Right to Challenge Election Results

When the GNC receives a report from the Election Tabulation Committee or a properly filed Challenge as described in paragraph 3., below, the question shall be put to the GNC, on the fourteenth day following the transmittal of the report, on certifying the results as so reported, and as a distinct question, on sustaining each Challenge as may have been timely filed. In presenting a question on sustaining a Challenge, it shall be made clear that to sustain the Challenge is to act to adopt such amendments to the certification as may be proposed by the sustained Challenge. Such questions shall be resolved by a simple majority vote of the GNC.

3. The Resolution to a Challenge to Election Results, Proposed for certification

(a) Any contest to the results proposed by the Election Tabulation Committee for certification by the body conducting the election shall be filed within seven days of the transmittal of the report to be challenged. It shall take the form of a Challenge to the Election Results, as Reported by the Election Tabulation Committee on (a date). It shall set out the facts supporting its contention that the election proposed to be certified was not conducted in accordance with the rules governing such elections, and that a proper application of the rules would have yielded a different result. Such Challenge shall also propose amendments to the certification report to permit the GNC to certify those portions of the report, supportable by the evidence, and proposing a course of action for the resolution of the remaining contested seats.

(b) Such a Challenge may be filed by (i) any candidate who appeared on the ballot by virtue of having been nominated for consideration in such election, or (ii) any write-in candidate for whom the Election Tabulation Committee reports that they have received a number of votes within five percent of the winning threshold necessary to win a seat in the election or (iii) by any voter who presents evidence that their ballot was not appropriately recorded in the tabulation of the election.

(c) If there is objection to the certification, the question of sustaining the challenge shall be put to the GNC, followed by the question of Certifying the Report, as amended by any sustained challenge. A majority vote of the GNC shall be binding on each question.


(a) All original election materials, including ballots and tally sheets, with an original signed copy of the report of the Election Tabulation Committee shall be sealed under the signatures of each committee member. An additional signed copy of the report and copies of all other election materials shall be preserved for review. The sealed original record may not be unsealed except by resolution of the GNC or by Order of a Court of competent jurisdiction.

(b) An original signed report of the Elections Tabulation Committee, including the details of each ballot received sufficient to permit an independent tabulation, shall be preserved, published and made available at the principle office of the Party for inspection by any member of the Party. An electronic form of the report shall be published, web-accessible, in the archives of the Party.


Any vacancy that occurs within one month of an election shall be filled by interim appointment by recounting the ballots from the election which elected that member, by an Election Tabulation Committee designated by the GNC experiencing the vacancy, in the manner specified herein, except that the vacating member’s name shall be deleted from all ballots. Any candidate accruing sufficient votes to surpass the winning threshold in the recount that was not elected to office in the original count shall fill the vacancy. If such a recount fails to resolve a vacancy or if the vacancy occurs more than one month after the election, the Steering Committee may provide for a special election under these rules to fill the seat until the next regularly scheduled election for that position.


An implicit ‘no other candidate’ shall remain an option of each voter who chooses not to rank possible candidates on their ballot.


Section 8-1. Size and Apportionment of National Committee

8-1.1 The National Committee shall consist of 150 +/- 2 delegates, when including all delegates from all state parties accredited and active at the time of bi-annual apportionment, as described in 8-1.3.

8-1.2 All active, accredited state parties as defined in Article I Apportionment are entitled to a minimum of two delegates. All recognized networks are entitled to one non-voting delegate, which shall not be included in the calculation of the 150 +/- 2 delegates as established in 8-1.1. Delegates are permanently apportioned to caucuses and are not included in the calculation of the 150 +/- 2 delegates as established in 8-1.1. State parties, caucuses, and networks may voluntarily choose to have fewer delegates than those allotted to them.

8-1.3 Apportionment of delegates to state parties shall be based upon the Delegate Apportionment Categories in 8-5 and the Delegate Apportionment Formula in 8-6. Every two years, in the odd-numbered year, the Apportionment Tabulation Committee shall calculate the implementation of the Delegate Apportionment Formula and forward its results to the National Committee as a proposal. The proposal shall require a two-thirds vote for approval; and if approved, shall become effective 60 days after the conclusion of the vote, except as provided for in 8-1.5.

8-1.4 Accredited and active state parties and caucuses and recognized networks may also send alternate delegates (henceforth referred to as alternates) to the National Committee. Accredited and active state parties may send as many alternates as the number of delegates they are entitled to send. Accredited and active caucuses and recognized networks may send up to two alternates. Alternates are entitled to vote in the stead of delegates according to internal rules of state parties and caucuses.

8-1.5 Should any state party become accredited, or have its status change to active, after the bi-annual apportionment, the Apportionment Tabulation Committee shall recalculate the Delegate Allocation Formula with the newly accredited or active state party included, and the National Committee shall be expanded by the number of delegates allotted to the newly accredited state party. Only newly accredited or active state parties shall be affected by this calculation. Existing state parties shall retain their previously approved number of delegates. Should a new caucus become accredited after the bi-annual apportionment, the National Committee shall be expanded by one delegate per new caucus. After such expansions, the next bi-annual apportionment shall return the size of the National Committee to as close to 150 as the mathematics of the formula allows, within +/- 2.

8-1.6 All proposals before the National Committee that are in the discussion phase when a new apportionment becomes effective shall operate under the new apportionment during the voting phase. All proposals before the National Committee that have entered the voting phase shall operate under the apportionment in place when the voting phase began, regardless of whether a new apportionment became otherwise effective during the voting phase.

8-1.7 Amendments to the Delegate Apportionment Categories and the Delegate Apportionment Formula may be proposed to the National Committee by the Apportionment Review Committee once every eight years, in the odd-numbered year before the presidential elections. The National Committee may authorize the Apportionment Review Committee by a two thirds vote, to convene and propose amendments four years into an eight year period, in the odd-numbered year before the presidential elections.

Section 8-2. Apportionment Tabulation Committee

8-2.1 Mission Statement

The Apportionment Tabulation Committee shall:

8-2.1(a) Calculate the implementation of the Delegate Apportionment Formula, through a process of communication and consultation with state parties;

8-2.1(b) Apply the criteria contained in the Delegate Apportionment Categories, as interpreted by the committee and based upon official election results, voter registration totals and other such information where available;

8-2.1(c) Present its result in the form of a proposal to the National Committee.

8-2.2 Duties and Responsibilities

The duties and responsibilities of the Apportionment Tabulation Committee are to:

8-2.2(a) Design spreadsheets to facilitate performing the calculations of the Delegate Apportionment Formula.

8-2.2(b) Base its work upon available census and election information as available online, and in particular on election information contained in the GPUS Elections Database as displayed on the website; and solicit state parties to review this information and send any updates necessary to ensure that it is accurate. If a state party does not submit updates within the timeline established for that process, the Apportionment Tabulation Committee is empowered to use the data as is on the website until the next apportionment.

8-2.2(c) removed per proposal #864

8-2.2(d) Apply the Delegate Apportionment Formula to the data, perform the apportionment calculations and report the results in the form of a proposal to the National Committee.

8-2.2(e) Develop and make available a formal challenge process for data submitted by a state party or to the data entry or computational analysis, review any such challenges, and make the final decision regarding numbers to be used.

8-2.3 Membership and Structure

8-2.3(a) Between November 15th and December 15th of every even-numbered year, the Steering Committee shall appoint seven people to the Apportionment Tabulation Committee. One of the seven people must be a Steering Committee member, and no more than two of the seven people may be Steering Committee members. The Steering Committee’s appointments shall be published to the National Committee votes list as part of the Steering Committee minutes.

8-2.3(b) The Steering Committee shall designate the chair of the Apportionment Tabulation Committee.

8-2.3(c) The Steering Committee may remove members from the Apportionment Tabulation Committee, or replace members should vacancies occur.

8-2.3(d) Any appointment on the part of the Steering Committee to the Apportionment Tabulation Committee may be overturned by a two-thirds vote of the National Committee, upon National Committee approval of a proposal by a state party or caucus to that effect. Such a proposal must be sent to the Steering Committee within six weeks of the publishing of the minutes of the appointments made and shall have a two week discussion and one week vote.

8-2.3(e) The members of the committee may at their pleasure approve committee advisors and/or observers who are not voting members from states or caucuses, per the decision-making process specified in these policies and procedures.

8-2.4 Decision-Making

8-2.4(a) The voting membership shall attempt to reach consensus on all proposals.

8-2.4(b) Failing consensus, a two-thirds majority vote is required for approval of the proposal to send to the National Committee as described in 8-2.2(d) and for establishing the challenge process as defined in 8-2.2(e). For other decisions a majority vote is required for approval.

8-2.4(c) The committee shall maintain an email listserv for committee business and formal decision-making.

8-2.4(d) The committee shall, as needed, conduct teleconferences for specific purposes. Notice of any committee teleconference shall be sent out to the e-mail list at least one week in advance and a reminder sent out two days before the teleconference. Such notice shall include a proposed agenda.

8-2.4(e) Quorum for decision-making shall consist of a majority of voting members.

Section 8-3 Delegate Apportionment Process and Timeline

8-3.1 The Apportionment Tabulation Committee shall convene 30 days after the November General Election in the even numbered year, review the information available in the GPUS Elections Database and put out a call to state parties to request that they review the same information and offer any corrections to the Apportionment Tabulation Committee no later than 75 days after the November General Election.

8-3.2 Within the Delegate Apportionment Categories, there are multiple methods of determining the strength of a state party relative to the others. The state party may choose which method in each category to use. If the state party does not choose, the Apportionment Committee will use the method in each category that gives each state party its highest possible percentage of delegates on the National Committee.

8-3.3 No later than 100 days after the November General Election, the Apportionment Tabulation Committee shall determine the number of delegates allocated to each state party using the Delegate Apportionment Formula and forward a proposal to the National Committee for approval. The Apportionment Committee shall address any challenges to its proposal according to the process described in 8-2.2(e) before the proposal goes to a vote of the National Committee.

8-3.4 In 2011 only, the Steering Committee shall appoint members to the Apportionment Tabulation Committee by September 11; the committee shall convene by September 18; the committee shall put out the required call to state parties by September 25; and the committee shall forward a proposal to the National Committee no later than October 9. Any proposal seeking to overturn an appointment to the Apportionment Tabulation Committee must be received by September 18 and must be handled by the Steering Committee in an expedited manner.

Section 8-4. Apportionment Review Committee

8-4.1 Mission Statement

To facilitate the adoption of a proportional system of representation that represents accredited state parties fairly, while assuring that all accredited states are represented on the national committee, the Apportionment Review Committee shall develop Delegate Apportionment Categories and a Delegate Apportionment Formula for establishing the apportionment of delegates to each accredited state party, and present them for adoption by the National Committee.

8-4.2 Duties and Responsibilities

8-4.2(a) Convene once every eight years, or more frequently as directed by the National Committee as per 8-1.6, to review and potentially propose revisions to the Delegate Apportionment Categories and a Delegate Apportionment Formula contained in this Article.

8-4.3 Membership and Structure

8-4.3(a) The Apportionment Review Committee shall consist of eight members elected by the National Committee. All National Committee members and alternates are considered automatically eligible to be elected, as are any other Green Party members nominated or vetted by their accredited state party or caucus.

8-4.3(b) Between fifty-five and sixty days before the November General Election in the even-numbered, non-Presidential year, and again between twenty-five and thirty days before said election, the Secretary shall publish a call for nominations to the National Committee Votes list. Nominations may be made by any National Committee member or alternate, including the candidate. Nominations shall be considered made when posted to the National Committee Votes List. Nominations shall be considered accepted when posted as such to the National Committee Votes List by the candidate. Self-nominations shall be considered accepted when made. The deadline for nominations and acceptance shall be three days after the November General Election.

8-4.3(c) Elections to the Apportionment Review Committee shall be conducted according to the procedures in Article VI of the GPUS Rules and Procedures for multi-seat elections. Each nominee is expected to submit a biography detailing their qualifications to the National Committee Votes List. A two week discussion period followed by a one week vote shall commence the first Monday in the week after the November General Election.

8-4.3(d) The Apportionment Review Committee shall have two co-chairs.

8-4.3(e) The members of the committee may at their pleasure approve committee advisors and/or observers who are not voting members from states or caucuses.

8-4.4 Apportionment Review Committee Decision-Making

8-4.4(a) The voting membership shall attempt to reach consensus on all proposals.

8-4.4(b) Failing consensus, a two-thirds majority vote is required for approval for all substantive decisions, including the disposition of preliminary and final reports. For non-substantive proposals including procedural ones, a majority vote is required for approval.

8-4.4(c) The committee shall maintain an email listserv for committee business and formal decision-making.

8-4.4(d) The committee shall, as needed, conduct teleconferences for specific purposes. Notice of any committee teleconference shall be sent out to the e-mail list at least one week in advance and a reminder sent out two days before the teleconference. The second notice shall include a proposed agenda.

8-4.4(e) Quorum for decision-making shall consist of a majority of voting members.

Section 8-5 Delegate Apportionment Categories

8-5.1 Definitions

8-5.1(a) Throughout the Delegate Apportionment Categories, when a reference is made to “a state party’s proportion”, the intention is to take the state party’s count in a given category and divide by the sum total of all such counts for all accredited and active state parties.

8-5.2 Membership Strength

8-5.2(a) Membership Strength shall be defined as the normalized percent of the state party maximum of: (i) Green Party registration in partisan registration states; or (ii) One-thousandth (0.1 percent) of the United States Census Bureau’s most recent state population estimate.

8-5.2(b) If legal action results in a state Green party having its members legally invalidated, they may continue to use the last membership count in place at the time of invalidation until the next apportionment cycle.

8-5.3 Candidate and Officeholder Strength

8-5.3(a) Candidate and Officeholder Strength is defined as the normalized percent of the maximum of the state party’s proportion of: (i) Current Green Party elected officeholders; or (ii) The total number of Green Party candidates for public office during the previous four calendar years.

8-5.3(b) For the purposes of this category, Green Party office holders and candidates are defined as any Green Party member who runs for public office, who is not also a member of the Republican or Democratic Party; and who has not run solely on the ballot line of another statewide or national political party. Green Party office holders and candidates who ran in an election where fewer than 300 ballots were cast shall count as half. Office holders and candidates at the precinct level shall not be counted in any of the calculations.

8-5.4 State Voting Strength

8-5.4(a) State Voting Strength is defined as the normalized percent of the maximum of the state party proportion of: (i) The total number of votes for all Green Party state and local candidates during the previous four calendar years; or (ii) The total number of votes for the Green Party candidates in each state who received the highest number of votes in a partisan election for state or local office during the previous four calendar years, subject to adjustment.

8-5.4(b) For the purposes of this category, Green Party candidates may not also be members of the Republican or Democratic Party; and may not have run solely on the ballot lines of another statewide or national political party.

8-5.4(c) For the purposes of 8-5.3(a)(ii), the candidate with the highest number of votes must have run in a race also contested by candidates of both the Democratic and Republican Parties; or, if the candidate with the higher number of votes did not run in a race so contested, one-fourth (25%) of that candidate’s vote total can be used.

8-5.5 Presidential Voting Strength

8-5.5(a) Presidential voting strength is defined as the normalized percent of the maximum adjusted Green Party proportion of vote for President in each of the preceding two presidential election cycles, where adjusted Green Party vote for President is defined as the maximum of the state party proportion of the sum of the greater for each state of: (i) Votes for Green Party presidential nominee in that state; or (ii) One thousandth (0.1 percent) of the number of ballots cast for President in that state.

Section 8-6 Delegate Apportionment Formula

The Delegate Apportionment Formula shall be based upon the Delegate Apportionment Categories described in 8-5 and calculated as follows:

8-6.1 Calculate the score in each of the four Delegate Apportionment Categories. Normalize each category so that the total percentage is 100%.

8-6.2 Add up these scores and divide by 4 to get an average score. This is the percentage of the delegation designated to the state.

8-6.3 If the percentage is less than the minimum percentage threshold of delegates allocated to each state, then two delegates will be allocated to that state party. The minimum percentage threshold is {2 / [150 – (number of accredited caucuses)]} x 100%.

8-6.4 If the percentage is greater than the minimum threshold, that is the initial percentage of delegates allocated to the state party.

8-6.5 Once the initial percentages are calculated for all accredited, active parties, these values must be normalized to assure that the total percent of delegates equals 100%. The formula for normalizing the initial percentages is as follows:

8-6.5(a) Set all states with initial percentage scores below the minimum threshold value equal to the minimum threshold.

8-6.5(b) Add up the initial percentage scores of all states and divide each state’s initial percentage by this total.

8-6.5(c) Repeat the steps in 8-6.5(a) and 8-6.5(b) until the total percentage of delegates allotted to all states (150 – number of accredited caucuses) equals approximately 100% (will usually take 3 to 4 iterations). The number of delegates allocated to each state is calculated by multiplying the normalized percentage of each state by [150 – (number of accredited caucuses)] and rounding off to the nearest integer.

8-6.5(d) Cap the total number of delegates allowed for a single state at 21% of the target National Committee size in 8-1.1.

8-6.5(e) Adjust the rounding threshold if necessary to bring the total number of delegates within the range of +/- 2 of the target number.



List / Listserv / Forum – These terms are used interchangeably to refer to a group of people (members) who can send emails to a common email address and have those emails disseminated to the other people who are in the group.

I. Natlcomvotes List

A. The purpose of the Natlcomvotes list (also known as the Votes or COOlist) is to facilitate communications for the purpose of decision-making and management of the affairs of GPUS. List content should be limited to messages relating to proposals, formal GPUS business, committee reports, and related formal matters. Personal messages, forwarded articles, petitions, and general discussion not pertinent to formal business before the GPUS National Committee should be posted to the Natlcomaffairs list.

B. Natlcomvotes list membership is limited to:
Delegates to the National Committee.
Alternates to the National Committee.
Steering Committee members.
Liaisons from GPUS standing or ad hoc committees (maximum of two individuals above those who may be on the list for additional reasons.)
Paid staff of GPUS (as determined by the Steering Committee).
Voting page and list administrators.
Advisors. Advisors are professionals in their field serving the Green Party in their professional capacity (e.g. legal advisors, fundraising advisors, technology consultants, etc.) Advisors can either be recommended to and approved by the Steering Committee and announced to the National Committee, or approved by the National Committee by a simple majority vote.
The National Committee may remove an advisor by a simple majority vote.
Observers. Observers are vetted by an accredited state party or caucus and announced to the National Committee, recommended to and approved by the Steering Committee and announced to the National Committee, or approved by the National Committee by a simple majority vote.

C. The membership list of the Natlcomvotes list must be available to all subscribers. Anonymous subscriptions are not permitted.
Delegates are the primary persons to post to the Natlcomvotes list.
Posting to the Natlcomvotes list is in general limited to delegates, alternates, Steering Committee members, committee liaisons, and paid staff. Voting page and list administrators and advisors may post in relation to their area of focus.
Observers are not permitted to post to the Natlcomvotes list. Observers wishing to comment should do so through their state/caucus delegation.

II. Natlcomaffairs List

A. The purpose of the Natlcomaffairs list (also known as the Affairs, Discussion, or DX list) is to facilitate general discussion related to coordinated national actions and current issues.

Natlcomaffairs list membership is limited to:
Delegates to the National Committee.
Alternates to the National Committee.
Steering Committee members.
Liaisons from GPUS standing or ad hoc committees (maximum of two individuals above those who may be on the list for additional reasons.)
Paid staff of GPUS (as determined by the Steering Committee).
Voting page and list administrators.
Advisors. Advisors are professionals in their field serving the Green Party in their professional capacity (e.g. legal advisors, fundraising advisors, technology consultants, etc.) Advisors can either be recommended to and approved by the Steering Committee and announced to the National Committee, or approved by the National Committee by a simple majority vote. The National Committee may remove an advisor by a simple majority vote.
Observers. Observers are vetted by an accredited state party or caucus and announced to the National Committee, recommended to and approved by the Steering Committee and announced to the National Committee, or approved by the National Committee by a simple majority vote.

C. The membership list of the Natlcomaffairs list must be available to all subscribers. Anonymous subscriptions are not permitted.

D. Except as otherwise stated, all Natlcomaffairs list members are permitted to post.

III. Posting Guidelines

A. Signing Posts. All list posts should be signed at the bottom of every message with the first and last name of the author. Members should also identify their position and the originating state party, caucus, or committee.

B. Relevance. Posts unrelated to formal party business should not be sent to the Natlcomvotes list, and party unrelated to Green Party or general public issues should not be sent to either list. Messages of a personal nature are not considered relevant for NC lists.

C. General Netiquette. In general, when quoting other messages, the person quoted should be properly cited, and extraneous text (including headers, footers, irrelevant messages to the section being responded to when replying to a digest, and the like) should be deleted. Non-substantive one-word replies generally should be sent off-list. Violations of General Netiquette guidelines can result in written informal reminders from the Forum Managers. Repeated off topic posting, over posting and other disregard for the purpose of the lists can be grounds for an official warning.

D. Tone. Insults, name-calling, sexist/sexual, racist, homophobic, or otherwise demeaning or degrading comments will not be tolerated. (Personal, one-on-one arguments are inappropriate and should be taken off list for one-on-one communication.) Hateful, abusive, and threatening language are prohibited. Attacks of a personal, ad hominem nature are prohibited. Making false and defamatory accusations on the listserve against another list member, a Green delegate, candidate, committee, caucus or the Green Party, that can be clearly and objectively disproved, is prohibited. If such accusations are made unintentionally, a retraction is called for. Failure to retract such allegations can result in an action by the Forum Managers.

All lists serve members are strongly encouraged to bear in mind the official nature of the lists and refrain from the use of obscene or otherwise offensive language in keeping with Respect for Diversity.

E. Forwards of Private Messages. Forwarding private messages to either list without the expressed written permission of the original author is prohibited.

F. Forwards of Other Items. Copyrighted material (newspaper articles, website content, etc.) and other items forwarded should be accompanied by, if applicable, a source URL, the name(s) of the author(s), and the originating source (if a publication).

G. Proper Use of Messages. List members retain their personal copyright for their original messages, but through use of these forums grant other members the right to publicly quote portions of their message in any medium, and the right to forward messages in their entirety to others so long as the author’s name and web address is cited or linked.

IV. Forum Managers and Enforcement

The goal of the Forum Manager is to work with and educate on constructive, neutral, and effective ways to communicate. They are the designated administrators responsible for enforcing agreed-upon communication protocols. Every attempt shall be made by the Forum Managers to address complaints sent to the Forum Manager email [] as well as publicly made on the National Committee

There is a very clear distinction between free speech and bullying; between disagreeing with someone’s positions and interjecting anger and divisive language in a comment.

Delegates’ obligations are to:

– Represent their caucus, state, territory, or district
– Inform state constituencies of GPUS proposals, votes, actions, and other matters
– Vote on proposals
– Further the work of the GPUS by serving on committees, or help provide a replacement volunteer from your state party or caucus.

The Steering Committee shall nominate five (5) individuals, subject to National Committee approval, to serve coincident two-year terms as Forum Managers. They must not all be of the same gender and have gender balance of females, non-binary, and males.

Forum Managers may be sitting NC delegates, alternates or others as recommended by their State or Caucus.

All nominees must be either recommended or approved by their state or caucus. It is recommended that Forum Managers have dispute resolution training.

In the event of a Forum Manager resignation or inactivity, the SC shall nominate a replacement to fill the role of Forum Manager, to be approved by the NC. After two months of inactivity, the Steering Committee will send a reminder to the inactive Forum Manager to determine the vacancy.

The Forum Managers shall announce forum protocol, how complaints may be submitted to, and provide Forum Reports to the NC on a monthly basis on the last week of the month. Forum Reports shall include the number of complaints received directly and on the forum, number of warnings issued and why, number of moderations and why, and number of recommendations for removal and actual removals.

Offending member’s state party or caucus may initiate an appeal on the list. If five (5) National Committee Delegates or Alternate Delegates from differing states and caucuses (caucus member may not be from a state which already participated) concur to the appeal, the offending member’s moderation or removal shall be erased from their record and reinstated to full Forum activity. Once a second removal notice is accrued, the appeal process is void.

Recall Forum Managers
As in GPUS Bylaws section 6-4.3, a proposal to recall a Forum Manager shall be considered submitted when it is posted to the National Committees Forum and copied to/tagged the Secretary. The Secretary shall confirm receipt within 48 hours to the National Committee Forum.

Issuing Notices
At least two Forum Managers must be in agreement prior to a warning and three are required for moderation and removal recommendation to the National Committee. If one Forum Manager objects to a warning, the decision must be overturned by three Forum Managers.

Addressing Concerns
Complaints are not necessary if a Forum Manager sees a violation that is explicitly listed in our Bylaws.

Forum Managers will notify the National Committee on the National Committee Forum of an offender that has been flagged for a warning (beginning of the process) and at the stage of removal (last step in the process) for National Committee discussion and reversal of the decision if five (5) state party or caucus delegates (caucus member may not be from a state that has already participated) issue objections within 48 hours of the notice. Monthly reports at the end of each month will be suffice for tracking purposes.

In the case of a state party or caucus contesting moderation or removal of their delegates, five (5) delegates from varying state parties or caucuses (caucus member may not be from a state that has already participated) must concur with the reversal within 48 hours of the posted appeal. In such a scenario, Forum Managers shall remove the action from the offender’s record or initiate a 48 hour discussion and 48 hour vote on the recommended action allowing the entire National Committee to each have a voice in the process of their National Committee.

While complaints are not necessary, members are encouraged to file a complaint with Forum Managers at [] including a copy of the offending email and any direct emails the offender may have sent to the member. Members may also reply to the offending message by clearly stating “Attention Forum Managers” and/or tagging the Forum Managers, must cite the reason for the complaint, and cc: [].

Delegates will immediately be moderated for sexist/sexual, racist, homophobic comments upon receiving five (five) notices from National Committee Delegates or Alternates from varying state parties or caucuses (caucus member may not be from a state that has already participated) and must cite the inappropriate comment. The notice shall state, “Delegate (Smith) has used sexist/racist/homophobic language. I ask they be put on immediate moderation.” Their state party or caucus will be notified with a copy of the offending email(s) to determine their future status on the National Committee.

Forum Managers shall send a warning of protocol compliance on the National Committee list for transparency reasons to offending members. National Committee Delegates may support or object to the notice. If five National Committee Delegates from varying state parties or caucuses decide the notice was unjust within 48 hours of posting the recommendation, Forum Managers shall clear the action from the offender’s record or initiate a 48 hour discussion and 48 hour vote on the recommended action.

If an offending member violates a second time, the offending member will be notified on the National Committee list and placed on moderation for one month. Offending member’s state party or caucus may initiate an appeal on the list. If five (5) National Committee Delegates or Alternate Delegates from differing states and caucuses (caucus member may not be from a state which already participated) concur to the appeal, the offending member’s moderation shall be erased from their record and reinstated to full Forum activity.

THIRD OFFENSE (Recommendation of Removal)
If an offending member violates a third time, the offending member will be notified that a recommendation for removal will be sent to the state party or caucus represented by the Delegate or Alternate Delegate. Offending member’s state party or caucus may initiate an appeal on the list. If five (5) National Committee Delegates or Alternate Delegates from differing states and caucuses (caucus member may not be from a state which already voted) concur to the appeal within 48 hours, Forum Managers shall initiate a 48 hour discussion and 48 hour vote to appeal the removal.

Observers shall be allowed to comment on the National Affairs list but shall be permanently on moderation on the Votes List to adhere to the Observer status.


Section 10-1 Assessment Metrics

The campaign of individuals running for the Green Party nomination for President will be assessed by the Presidential Campaign Support Committee (PCSC) using the following criteria:

10-1.1 Candidate Questionnaire: Candidate has submitted a completed Candidate Questionnaire as provided by the PCSC.

10-1.2 Party Affiliation: Candidate is not a registrant or otherwise a party member of any state or national level political party in the individual’s primary state of residence except for a state party that is affiliated with GPUS or a party forming for the intent of GPUS affiliation in a state where there is no GPUS-affiliated state party. Notwithstanding and consistent with precedent, an exception shall be made for dual membership with a GPUS-affiliated party and another organization that shares a progressive platform, to be determined as needed by the PCSC. The platform must explicitly include support for a living wage, an end to mass incarceration, and free education for all and healthcare for all. Dual membership shall not be applied to either the Democratic or Republican parties and is prohibited for the ruling Wall Street parties. Dual membership shall be void if the organization does not utilize a democratic process to elect its officers, provided it is a ballot-qualified, electoral political party. Additionally, dual membership shall be void if the party permits its candidate or political action committees to accept funding from corporations or Super PACs.

10-1.3 Ballot Lines: Candidate has pledged in writing to the PCSC to appear on all offered statewide Green Party ballot lines. Candidate has also submitted a nationwide ballot access plan that includes a summary of the campaign’s strategy demonstrating their plans to appear on statewide Green Party ballot lines.

10-1.4 Website: Candidate has a dedicated website to promote the candidate’s candidacy, where the website is publicly accessible via a provided URL, is controlled by the candidate, is not shared with another campaign, clearly identifies that the candidate is running for the Green Party nomination, and has an online donation capability. Social media pages do not satisfy the website requirement.

10-1.5 Signatures of Support: Candidate has collected at least 250 signatures of support from Green Party members acquired via an online signature submission form provided by the PCSC. The PCSC, assisted by state party officers, shall be responsible for verifying that at least 250 of the submitted signatures are valid signatures of Green Party members. Of the 250 verified signatures, no more than 125 may be counted from any one state, and signatures must come from at least ten state parties.

10-1.6 FEC Filing: Candidate has established a federal campaign committee for the current presidential campaign, as recognized in public listings of the Federal Elections Commission (FEC).

10-1.7 Fundraising: Candidate has demonstrated fundraising success consistent with running a viable national campaign by either (1) raising at least $5,000 from any one state where no more than $250 from any individual donor may count towards this threshold OR (2) having received donations of at least $10 each from at least 250 individual donors. This metric shall exclude self-funded candidate contributions. This metric shall be verified through campaign finance reports filed with the FEC and posted on the FEC’s website.

10-1.8 State Party Primaries: State Green Parties and GPUS Caucuses are highly encouraged to adopt the criteria in this Article X for official candidate recognition for their own presidential primary procedures. State parties are highly encouraged to place on their primary, caucus, or convention ballots only the names of those candidates who are officially recognized by GPUS.

10-1.9 PNC Delegates: This metric consists of the number of committed Presidential Nominating Convention (PNC) delegates awarded to the candidate so far based on data obtained by the PCSC in collaboration with other Green Party committees. No minimum criteria is required for official recognition.

Section 10-2 Recognition Process

10-2.1 Granting recognition: When a candidate feels that they have met the minimum criteria for metrics specified in Section 10-1, they must submit an application for recognition on a form provided by the PCSC. Once the PCSC confirms that the requirements of Section 10-1 have indeed been met, the PCSC will designate that candidate as “recognized”.

10-2.2 Rescinding Recognition: Once a candidate has been extended official recognition, such recognition may be rescinded by a proposal specifying cause and acted upon per the standard policies and procedures of the Presidential Campaign Support Committee, with a 2/3 vote of the committee. Grounds for rescinding recognition include a finding of significant fraud or misrepresentation in the application for recognition or a determination that the candidate is no longer seeking the nomination. Recognition may also be rescinded by the National Committee.

10-2.3. Provisional Recognition: During the year prior to the general election year, candidates who meet 50 percent of the financial requirement as well as completely meet all other criteria shall be granted provisional GPUS recognition and be allowed to participate in GPUS presidential forums and debates. Provisional recognition shall expire January 1 of the election year. Any candidate that fails to meet recognition requirements by this time will no longer be recognized by GPUS. The PCSC will maintain the status and publication of candidates with expired provisional recognition.

Section 10-3 Access

10-3.1 Public Access: The PCSC shall publish these requirements on its publicly available webpages. It shall also publish the status of officially recognized and provisionally recognized candidates, as well as these candidates’ PCSC questionnaires. The PCSC shall not publish the status or questionnaires of unrecognized candidates.

10-3.2 Candidate Access: Candidates who are officially recognized shall, through use of fair, equitable and published procedures, be eligible for special campaign assistance offered at the discretion of the GPUS, which may include special postings on GPUS websites, use of GPUS contact lists, or special visibility on GPUS communication channels. GPUS shall not publish, on any of its websites, social media platforms, or other communications channels, including on the PCSC’s webpages, any news, features, positions, events, or other media of any presidential candidate who is not officially or provisionally recognized by GPUS.

10-3.3 Candidate Forums: GPUS is not required to invite presidential candidates to any candidates’ forums, debates, panels, or other candidate events at its Annual National Meetings and other gatherings. During the general election year, should GPUS, its caucuses, or its committees hold a public forum or gathering to which it invites Green presidential candidates to speak, only officially recognized presidential candidates shall be invited to participate. During the year prior to the general election year, should GPUS, its caucuses, or its committees hold a public forum or gathering to which it invites Green presidential candidates to speak, only officially recognized and provisionally recognized candidates shall be invited to participate. State Green Parties are encouraged to adopt these requirements when inviting candidates to forums, panels, or other candidate events.

Section 10-4 Vice-President

As per Section 5-11 of the GPUS Convention Rules, nomination of Vice-Presidential candidate to the Convention is made by the Presidential Nominee and the Convention votes on whether to affirm that individual. Therefore there is no official Green Party pre-convention ‘race’ or ‘contest’ for the Vice-Presidential nomination, nor shall recognition by the Presidential Campaign Support Committee or GPUS be considered or given to any individual claiming to seek the Vice-Presidential nomination.


The GPUS will adhere to the following steps when filing with the FEC

a. Only declare candidates and state parties with their explicit approval. The GPUS Secretary shall keep a public record of the documentation of such approval

b. 30 days prior to the actual mailing or transmittal of any application to the FEC, the GPUS will announce its intention to file and make the application public to any Green activist who wants to examine it and the related documents.

c. The filing will only occur when the GPUS has secured support for filing from two-thirds of active and existing state Green parties or organizations-the voting method/criteria to be determined.


The Green Party of the United Status (GPUS) National Committee (NC) shall approve the amendment to ARTICLE XII: PLATFORM AMENDMENT PROCESS AND TIMELINE of GPUS National Committee Rules and Procedures as follows:

12-1 Process and Timeline for even-numbered years in which there is a GPUS Presidential Nominating Convention:

12-1.1 June 1 of the year preceding the convention
A six-month open submissions period begins. Amendment proposals must be submitted according to the template for submissions posted on the Platform Committee website. The opening of the new platform cycle will be announced to the GNC votes list, along with submission process guidelines. Delegates are charged with informing their state parties and caucuses about the timeline and process requirements.

12-1.2 January 1 of the Convention year
Submissions close. No new amendments will be accepted. During the month of January the Platform Committee will work with authors and state or caucus contacts to edit language and style, resolve conflicts and problems.

12-1.3 February 1 of the Convention year
Amendment proposals will be posted on the Platcom website for reading. Suggestions for modification may be accepted by authors and editors until March 15.

12-1.4 March 15 – May 1 of the Convention year
The platform committee will submit amendment proposals individually to the Green National Committee for approval. Amendments passed by the GNC will amend the draft platform which will be submitted for approval to the PNC.

12-1.5 May 15 of the Convention year
A draft version of the proposed platform will be published on the PlatCom website for reading. This posting will be announced to the GNC, and delegates are charged with informing their state parties and their state’s PNC delegates about this posting, and the PNC procedures for approval.

12-1.6 Housekeeping amendments, limited to corrections of grammar, style and format, can be made by the Platform Committee, in collaboration with amendment sponsors, at any time throughout this process.

12-1.7 Presidential Nominating Convention
The Platform Committee will schedule platform hearings in a workshop format at least a day before the final vote, for discussions, questions, and answers concerning changes and additions to the platform. No substantial changes or new amendments can be introduced at this stage.

12-2 Process and Timeline for even-numbered years in which there is no Presidential Nominating Convention:

12-2.1 June 1 to December 31 of the year preceding an even-numbered year in which there is no PNC.
A six-month open submissions period begins. Amendment proposals must be submitted according to the template for submissions posted on the Platform Committee website. The opening of the new platform cycle will be announced to the GNC votes list, along with submission process guidelines. Delegates are charged with informing their state parties and caucuses about the timeline and process requirements.

12-2.2 As soon an amendment proposal has been submitted, the Platform Committee will immediately begin to work with authors and state or caucus contacts to edit language and style and to resolve any conflicts and problems. The Platform Committee shall work with amendment sponsors to ensure that proposals conform to submission guidelines, to correct any typographic, grammatical, spelling, and punctuation errors, and to promote consistency in style of layout with the rest of the GPUS Platform.

12-2.3 Amendment proposals shall be posted on the Platcom website for reading for a minimum period of six weeks once any editing for language and style or resolution of conflicts and problems have been completed. Suggestions for modification may be accepted by authors and editors during this period.

12-2.4 After the amendment proposal has been posted on the Platcom website for review for a minimum period of six weeks and with the consent of the sponsors, the platform committee will submit amendment proposals individually to the Steering Committee for submission to the National Committee for approval.

12-2.5 January 1
Submissions close. No new amendments will be accepted. During the month of January the Platform Committee will work with authors and state or caucus contacts to edit language and style, resolve conflicts and problems of any remaining amendment proposals.

12-2.6 Consideration of all proposals shall begin on the regular starting dates (Mondays) as established in GPUS Rules and Procedures Article VI and shall be for the maximum length of discussion of four weeks, as established in GPUS Rules and Procedures Article VI.

12-2.7 The Platform Committee shall be listed on all proposals as the presenter, followed by the sponsoring state or caucus as the sponsor. Proposal sponsors retain the right to make amendments to those proposals, as established in GPUS Rules and Procedures Article VI, during the discussion period.

12-2.8 Once all Platform Amendment proposals have been either accepted or rejected by vote of the National Committee, the Platform Committee shall work with the GPUS webmaster to ensure that any amendments to the Platform approved shall be promptly reflected on the GPUS web page under the headline GPUS Platform, and that such an amended platform is published in both text and pdf format.

12.3.1 Proposed amendments for minor grammar corrections, typos, and dates that are no longer relevant in the GP-US Platform can be made at any time by the GP-US Platform Committee. This does not include style rewrites or other deletions of material, but is limited to those items above-mentioned only. If approved by the Platform Committee, such housekeeping amendments will be sent on to the National Committee when enough have accrued that the co-chairs of the Platform Committee deem it advisable, but no less than annually. Once the National Committee has signed off on them, the changes shall be made immediately and a request issued to the GP-US webmaster for an update to the published version(s) on the GP-US web site.


Revised Article 10 per Proposal #1148: Approved August 6, 2023
– See

Revised Article 10 per Proposal # 955: Approved May 26, 2019
– See

Article XII, sub-section 12.3.1: Approved July 27, 2017
– See

Article XII: Approved May 28, 2017
– See

Revised fiscal policy 10.26.2005
– See
Changing CC to NC (and other acronyms) 09.08.2005
Information about caucus accreditation added 05.24.2004
Correct paragraph from IDCAP proposal added 08.24.2006
Added link to to verify previous existence of IDCAP on website 08.26.200

4 – updated April 15, 2007
proposal #276 – Rapid Endorsement Process

5 – updated August 6, 2006;
proposal #239 – Donor Confidentially Protection
updated September 17, 2006;
proposal 245 – Fiscal Policy and Donor Bill of Rights

6 – updated April 1, 2007;
proposal #266 – Resolution of Procedural Objections

Section 7- updated June 18, 2006;
proposal #222 – Preference Voting Rules for Steering Committee Elections

Section 8 – updated April 15, 2007;
proposal #272; amended August 12, 2007;
proposal #303 – Allocation of Delegate to the Green National Committee

Section 9 – updated November 13, 2005;
proposal #186 – Email List Protocols

Section 10 – updated May 9, 2010;
proposal #449 – GPUS Bylaws Amendment, Steering Committee; deleted orginal Article I

Section 10 – updated June 22, 2015
proposal #783 – Proposal to update Article X of GPUS Rules and Procedures


PNC Floor Rules, Article V updated Novemeber 29, 2009
proposal #423 Housekeeping amendment – corrected spelling and numbering

#418 – rules, adopted 11/01/09

6 – updated June 21, 2009
proposal #393 – Amendment to GNC Proposal Process

8 – updated November 1, 2009;
proposal #418 – Proposal to Amend GPUS National Committee Delegate Apportionment Formula — unrevised
– updated December 20, 2009

proposal #429 – Amendment to GNC Apportionment Formula