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Bylaws of the Diversity Committee of the Green Party of the United States
The name of this committee is the Diversity Committee of the Green Party of the United States.
Whereas in an increasingly diverse United States a strong commitment to diversity is an important political statement, the mission of the Diversity Committee of the United States Green Party is to develop programs to address and redress issues of diversity. In this regard, we resolves to work toward a Green Party that reflects the cultural, ethnic, sexual, geographic, educational level, and economic diversity of the United States. We will seek to create a Green Party that is viewed as a political home for all people. A party where all are welcomed, respected and encouraged to join us at our table.
3. a: Members of the Diversity Committee must be from either a state recognized as being part of the GPUS, a duly accredited identity caucus recognized within the GPUS, or a forming Caucus demonstrably engaged in the formation process. There may be no more than three members from any caucus or state.
3. b: To send representatives to the Diversity Committee, caucuses in formation must be in the process of moving toward full caucus status, i.e. by verifying members, drafting bylaws, and applying to the GPUS Accreditation Committee. (Caucuses must represent a marginalized group of people, not a particular political opinion.) Once having informed the Diversity Committee of intent to form a caucus, members of caucuses in formation may serve as observers on the Committee. Observers may attend meetings as long as they do not become a hindrance to the business of the Committee.
3. c: The existing membership of the Diversity Committee reserves the right to block nominations to the Committee of those who have demonstrated views contrary to the explicit purpose of the Committee in representing the interests of the broadest diversity of Green Party members. Appointees are subject to the approval of current Diversity Committee members. States or caucuses may appeal any non-approval to the National Committee.
3. d: The very purpose of this committee is to uphold and elevate the rights and interests of communities who have suffered and continue to suffer from oppression; examples include but are not limited to communities of race/ethnicity, gender, gender identity and expression, sexuality, age, income, and religion. In the case of any member of the Committee who regularly violates this purpose, the Committee as a whole shall be able to remove said member, by a vote of two-thirds of those responding via email. Such a process will follow two formal warnings from the Committee co-chairs to said member to cease such acts, whether during Committee business or in any other Green Party forum.
4. a: The Officers of this Committee shall be three co-chairs, a secretary and a treasurer. Those wishing to run for an officer position on the Diversity Committee shall have already served on the Committee for at least six months.
4. b: The Committee’s leadership will consist of officers elected by the Diversity Committee membership with the understanding that the Committee shall always seek a broad representation of race/ethnicity, sex, gender, sexual orientation, ability, and all the other areas of diversity, with the goal of putting forward the positions and interests of marginalized populations.
4. c: The Co-chairs shall be responsible for representing the programs, priorities, decisions, and interests of the Diversity Committee on the National Committee of the Green Party of the United States. Guiding Priorities shall be collected and ranked in order of importance by the membership at least once a year, and then posted to the Committee website. “The Diversity Committee Co-Chairs will publish a report to the GPUS National Committee annually, detailing the committee’s decisions and discussion items.”
4. d: Committee co-chairs shall each serve staggered two-year terms.
4. e: The Secretary shall be responsible for keeping the minutes of meetings, publishing the same in a timely fashion and maintaining any necessary communication with the membership. Depending on financial circumstances a stipend may be awarded to the Secretary.
4. f: The Treasurer is responsible for the fiscal management of the committee and will provide a monthly financial statement to the members.
4. g: The Secretary shall be responsible for keeping the minutes of meetings, publishing same in a timely fashion and maintain any necessary communication with the membership. Depending on financial circumstances a stipend may be awarded to the Secretary.
4. h: The Committee may also establish such sub-committees, working groups and other entities as are necessary to do its work. Upon establishment of these additional bodies, the Committee shall define their membership, purpose, and length of service.
4. i: Officers may be removed for cause by a two-thirds vote of the other officers or a majority vote of the membership. An officer removed by the other officers may appeal to the membership and a majority vote will repeal the removal.
4. j: Upon a vacancy in any office, the Committee may elect an officer to serve the remainder of the term.
4. k: Officers may be removed for cause by a two-thirds vote of the other officers or a majority vote of the membership. An officer removed by the other officers may appeal to the membership and a majority vote will repeal the removal.
4. l: Upon a vacancy in any office the Committee may elect an officer to serve the remainder of the term.
5. a: The election of officers shall be done through Instant Runoff Voting . The option of voting “None Of The Above” shall be available in all elections.
5. b: Voting may be conducted by e-mail or online voting. A ballot will be sent to all members at least twenty days prior to the election. Members who choose to vote by mail will receive a mail-in ballot. Votes received after midnight of the Election Day shall not be counted.
5. c: The Committee shall strive for consensus in decision-making. If consensus is not possible, a simple majority shall pass general decisions and Operating Rules. Bylaws and policy statements must pass by a two-thirds majority.
5. d: Proxy voting is forbidden. We must abide by the “one-man, one-vote” democratic principle in all our deliberations.
6. a: General Membership Meetings of the Committee shall be held at least once a year.
6. b: Meetings of the Committee shall be held at least once a month by telephone conference call. Any he general membership may participate but only Officers may vote.
6. c: Committee Meetings shall be held at the convenience of the members of the committee.
7. Quorum
7. a: A quorum of the General Membership Meeting shall exist when at least fifteen percent of the voting membership, representing five of the states who have membership on the Committee are present.
7. b: A quorum of an Officers Meeting shall exist when a majority of the officers are present.
8. a: Amendments to these Bylaws may be proposed by the Officers of the Committee or by petition of five members of the Committee.
8. b: Amendments to these Bylaws must be approved by a two-thirds majority of the members.