GPUS Coordinated Campaign Committee – 2022 Report

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Over the past year, the Coordinated Campaign Committee was able to continue our usual activities online. We will continue to work in virtual settings while looking forward to eventual in-person events.

Committee members reached out to Green campaigns heading into the fall general election. The committee tracks all known Green candidates and works with the Database agents to help ensure elections data is up to date and accurate. For election night reporting, we gathered a small team of committee members, state liaisons and reporters to help research and report elections results, and promote results on social media.

State Liaisons: The CCC relies on a contact in each state party to report news o candidates and campaigns. Most state parties have one or two individuals who consistently carry out this critical task. A few state parties do not.

Recent progress has been made on updating the contact list, and we will continue updating this list, as needed.

eBlast to Green Officeholders: An eBlast was sent to all known current Green officeholders to inform them of the CCC and the services and support we offer. We also asked how they see their work in regards to a Green New Deal. A few indicated their willingness to be part of an online interview or panel, which we hope to see sometime in the near – intermediate future.

Campaign School and Webinars; More Resources: a continuing series of monthly webinars incorporating experience and advice on all aspects of running for office, from a variety of candidates, campaign workers and elected officeholders throughout the country. Sessions and slide decks are available for most sessions at

The CCC also maintains campaign resources, such as a general Campaign Manual, campaign in a box, and more, on the committee website.


Outreach and Candidate/Campaign Videos and Training: All known candidates for 2022 were invited to share a 1 to 2 minute video to be shown during the plenary during this past summer’s ANM.

Green Wave activities continued, promoted on social media. The committee was able to successfully work around some sudden technical barriers to offer two programs.

Candidate Café and Office Hours: A new member suggested an online “Candidate Café” to run at various times throughout the 2022 ANM. With in-person meetings, there would have been an area, table and resources for members and candidates to meet in person. Lacking that option, a Zoom call was set up for whoever wanted to drop in. A good number of candidates called in, several more than once. Discussion was informative, advice and experiences shared. Closer to election day, a few Office Hours were set up for candidates interested in dropping in.

Candidate email group: A group for candidates and campaign workers was created on to share samples of campaign sites, info, newsletters, questionnaires, information, advice, media hits.

Photos were also collected for promotion on the GP website and social media.

The group, virtual café and office hours, and other resources and opportunities drew very positive response and participation from the candidates. We hope that some of these candidates to serve on the CCC and be involved in upcoming webinars.

For future cycles, proposed offer of website and video assistance; continue office hours and café with the addition of more formal times for recordings, trainings.


Candidate Survey: A candidate survey to help gauge good practices, candidate needs, Strategy Road Map with analysis of campaign operations, recommendations to increase our base, and requests for more resources for future projects. Elections Road Map, created by a member; and other analyses are discussed.

Plans for one-on-one or small group interaction with state parties to help each assess specific opportunities, needs, resources for campaigns, and winning office. A few state parties have already shown interest, with one providing an excellent model of how to learn about state and local elections, how to assess campaigns, how to strategize for future campaigns.

Work with elections data tracking: continue to help organize volunteers and collect campaign and elections info on election night, gather candidate and elections info for elections database.

URL for webinars: