GCCC Rules

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Green Congressional Campaign Committee Operating Rules


The voting membership of the Green Congressional Campaign Committee (GCCC) shall consist of

1-1 All members of the United States Senate and House of Representatives who were elected to or appointed to those offices, who are also members of state parties affiliated with the Green Party of the United States (GPUS). Such Congressional members shall serve as GCCC members until their term in office ends.

1-2 Seven additional members elected concurrently by the GPUS Green National Committee (NC). Such members shall serve for terms of two years, or until their successors are elected.

2. Elections 

2-1 Elections shall take place in odd-numbered years. 

2-2 Candidates shall be elected by the proportional representation ranked-choice voting election process used for Steering Committee elections.

2-3 Only candidates who have been nominated and who have accepted their nominations may receive votes and be elected. Write-in votes shall not be counted.

2-4 More than one member of an affiliated state Green Party may run for the GCCC, but only one can be elected by the National Committee and serve at any time. If a member of an affiliated state Green Party is elected, and if in the same election another member(s) of the same state Green Party finishes behind them but is among the other winning finishers, then that individual(s) shall be removed from the count and the ranked-choice votes shall be re-calculated starting from that seat, in order to fill it and all other remaining seats.

2-5 Eligibility

2-5.1 Any member of a state Green Party affiliated with the GPUS is eligible for nomination, who is also not a member of another statewide ballot status political party in that state, nor is registered/enrolled to vote in any other political party in that state other than the Green Party.

2-5.2 GPUS Steering Committee members are eligible to run for the GCCC. However if elected, they shall be considered to have resigned from the Steering Committee upon election to the GCCC.

2-6 Nominations

2-6.1 The call for nominations shall be posted by the GPUS Secretary to the National Committee Votes list on the first Monday of February of odd-numbered years, and the call shall include links from the GPUS Elections Database to the lists of former Green Congressional candidates. The nomination period shall be for two weeks. 

2-6.2 Nominations may be made by any National Committee (NC) member or alternate. Nominations shall be considered made when posted to the NC Votes List. Nominations shall be considered accepted when their acceptance is posted to the NC Votes List by the nominated person. Self-nominations shall be considered accepted when made. If the nominated person is not a member of the NC, their written acceptance must be forwarded to the NC Votes List to be considered valid.

2-7 Discussion 

2-7.1 The Discussion period shall begin one week after the close of the nomination period and be for two weeks, followed by a one week vote.

2-7.2 Prior to the commencement of the Discussion period, candidates may submit a candidate statement to be included with the posting of the election. The deadline for inclusion of candidate statements shall be on the Tuesday night at midnight West Coast time, 48 hours following the end of the nomination period. The statement should address performance of the position sought as its duties and responsibilities are defined in the GCCC Mission Statement, and contain a biography of relevant experiences. Candidates may also submit links to material in support of their candidacy.

3. Chair

3-1 Upon election, the first action of business for newly elected committee members is to choose a chair by ranked voting, with ‘no other candidate’ as an option. The term of the Chair shall be coincident with the two year term of each GCCC. The GPUS Secretary will conduct the election to choose the Chair.

3-2 Duties of the chair shall include 

3-3.1 facilitating committee meetings

3-3.2 keeping the committee on task

3-3.3 conduct committee elections to elect the Secretary and Treasurer

3-3.4 maintaining a current roster of committee members on the committee web page 

3-3.5 maintain the GCCC email list

3-3.6 overseeing the committee website and ensuring its accuracy 

3-3.7 communicating with Steering Committee and National Committee on behalf of the GCCC

3-4 The Chair may be re-called by a majority vote in response to a recall proposal co-sponsored by at least two committee members. The Chair may not simultaneously hold the positions of Secretary or Treasurer.

4. Secretary 

4-1 The GCCC shall choose a Secretary from among GSCCC members by ranked voting, with ‘no other candidate’ as an option. The term of the Chair shall be shall be coincident with the two year term of each GCCC.

4-2 Duties of the Secretary shall include 

4-2.1 Taking and publishing minutes of committee meetings to the GCCC email list

4-2.2 Facilitating GCCC meetings when the Chair is not available 

4-3 The Secretary may be re-called by a majority vote in response to a recall proposal co-sponsored by at least two committee members. The Secretary may not simultaneously hold the positions of Chair or Treasurer.

5. Treasurer 

5-1 The GCCC shall choose a Treasurer by ranked voting, with ‘no other candidate’ as an option. The Treasurer may be appointed from among elected GCCC members, but is not required to be so. If not already a GCCC member, the Treasurer must be a member of a state party affiliated with the GPUS as decribed in 2-1.1.

5-2 Duties of the GCCC Treasurer shall include filing all financial reports in a timely manner as required by Federal law.

5-3 If the Treasurer is not an elected member of the GCCC, then the Treasurer shall not be a voting member of the GCCC.

5-4 The Treasurer may be re-called by a majority vote in response to a recall proposal co-sponsored by at least two committee members. The Treasurer may not simultaneously hold the positions of Chair or Secretary.

6. Vacancies

6.1 Vacancies among Green members of Congress serving on the GCCC shall not be filled, other than if a Green Party member assumes the seat through appointment or special election. 

6.2 Vacancies among the seven elected GCCC members shall be filled through special election for the remainder of the term. Any vacancies that occur within 20 days of each other shall be grouped together and elected in a multi-seat election by proportional representation. In such cases, the Secretary shall extend the nomination period to run for two weeks following the date of the final vacancy.

6-3 Because only one member of an affiliated state Green Party may be among the seven GCCC members elected by the National Committee, if a special election is necessary to fill a vacancy, no candidate is eligible to run from any state in which a GCCC member has already been elected.

6-4 A vacancy becomes effective immediately upon a GCCC member posting their resignation to the GCCC email list or to the National Committee Votes List.

7. Committee participation 

7-1. Attendance

7-1.1 All committee members are expected to attend meetings and actively participate in the committee’s work of the committee. 

7-1.2 Every three months the Chair shall take a quorum call on the GCCC email list. If a member does not respond to the quorum call with seven days, nor has posted to the GCCC email list nor participated on a GCCC teleconference within the previous 90 days, they shall be considered to be inactive for the purposes of quorum and voting for 30 days. If such non-participation continues for another 30 days, the GCCC Chair shall forward the name of the inactive committee member to the Steering Committee, to be forwarded to the National Committee for a simple majority vote to remove the member from the GCCC.

7-2 Decision-making

GCCC members are encouraged to address concerns and seek consensus where possible. When not possible, the following approval thresholds shall apply:

7-2.1 A simple majority vote of the current GCCC membership is required for 

Meeting process motions 

Election of officers (via ranked choice voting)

Recall of officers 

7-2.2 A two-thirds super majority vote of the current GCCC membership is required for all other GCCC decisions.

REFERENCES: Proposal #223 Creation of National Green Party House and Senatorial campaign committees (https://secure.gpus.org/cgi-bin/vote/propdetail?pid=223)

Proposal #346 Amendment to the Bylaws of the Green Senatorial and House Campaign Committees (https://secure.gpus.org/cgi-bin/vote/propdetail?pid=346)