May 12, 2024

Green Party US Steering Committee Meeting – MINUTES

Date: Sunday, May 12, 2024

Time: 8:00 pm ET




  1. Setup and Background – 10 min
  2.   Facilitator: Jody Grage
  3.   Steering Committee Roll Call:
  4.     Craig Cayetano (co-chair) – present; joined during New Business
  5.     Margaret Elisabeth (co-chair) – present
  6.     Darryl! Moch (co-chair) – present
  7.     Alfred Molison (co-chair) – 
  8.     Joseph Naham (co-chair) – reported absence
  9.     Tony Ndege (co-chair) – present
  10.     Tamar Yager (co-chair) – present
  11.     Holly Hart (secretary) – present
  12.     Bob Stuller (treasurer) – present



Observers:  Starlene Rankin, GCCC, GPWA; Andy Ellis, GPMD; Scott Laugenour, CCC, GPWA; Tim Willard, GPMD; Anna Schiefelbahn, ILGP; Rick Lass, GPNM and Jill Stein campaign ;Orlando Johnson, GPCA; Cassandra Lems, NY


Observers (remain muted and refrain from using the chat feature):

Establish Quorum (9 current members, quorum is 5)


Approve Agenda (changes require majority, new items require ⅔)

Request by Scott Laugenour, CCC Co-chair, to speak to Item III. A.


Request by Andy Ellis and Tim Willard, GP Maryland, to speak to Item III. A. B.


Request by Anna Schiefelbahn, ILGP to speak to  Items III. A.B.




  1.     Treasurer’s Report   (Bob) 

“Holding up well, hanging in there.”  Brought up to date with pay raises for staff.  Technical issue on bank’s end is now fixed, making it possible to manage accounts clearly.



Merchant $6754.71

General $10,802.04


Savings $120,691.83

Paypal $4629.01



 III.    New Business –  

  1.   Requests from Coordinated Campaign Committee 

Margaret asked Bob whether the CCC has this amount allocated in their budget currently.  If yes, have they spent past their allocated budget? Yes, they have the funds, although the proposed budget amendment may mean fewer funds to work with. No, they have not spent past their allocated budget.


  1.   $875 budget disbursement to fulfill a $1000 grant award for candidate Christina Khalil, running in 2024 for New Jersey Senate


PASSED with Tamar standing aside


  1.   $600 grant to Chester Todd, who is running for US Congress in Wisconsin’s First Congressional District.



PASSED with Tamar standing aside




  1.   CCC fundraising.  Some brainstorming and initial thinking is just getting underway, but I may have some information to share as the CCC explores fundraising  philosophies/activities in the coming months to build up its reserves.  ICCC co-chair Scott Laugenour asked for insights from the Steering Committee to take back to the CCC.  He also sent a written summary to the SC 48 hours prior to the Steering Committee meeting in order to make the best use of meeting time.


Darryl! recommended the SC read  the summary and take this to the next meeting, having had only 48 hours to get the report from Scott. Tony recommended the CCC post it to the NC, as well.  Scott replied it had been posted already.


  1.   There is presently no defined Steering Committee liaison to the Coordinated Campaign Committee.  Scott requested that a Steering Committee Co-Chair be assigned.


Craig would like to be liaison, but might have a conflict. Darryl! suggested Holly fill in for the temporary term until the next SC election to share information between SC and CCC. Margaret objected, stating it was not authorized in the bylaws, and that a co-chair should do it, or acknowledge thr CCC has no liaison. 


Vote to have Holly as a non-liaison, help facilitate  communication between CCC and SC


Craig Cayetano – Yes


Margaret Elisabeth – No


Darryl! Moch – Yes


Alfred Molison


Joseph Naham


 Tony Ndege – Yes


Tamar Yager – Abstain


Holly Hart – Abstain  already do what is described, anyway


Bob Stuller – No



3 Y, 2 N 2, Abstain – does not pass CORRECTION, MAY 17, 2024: Thanks to a delegate’s providing a quote from the GPUS Rules & Procedures, it was later determined that the vote did pass.


ARTICLE III: STEERING COMMITTEE PROCEDURES Section 3-1 In-Person Meeting and Conference Calls


“3-1.2 All decisions of the Steering Committee shall require a majority of all non-abstaining votes cast in favor, except as otherwise specified in GPUS Bylaws and Rules and Procedures.”




  1. Two Requests from Ballot Access Committee: $10,000 for GPMD; $8060 for ILGP,  Andy Ellis and Tim Willard, GPMD, have requested the opportunity to speak about the GPMD request.


Discussion on disbursements to CCC for candidate grant requests and Ballot Access requests from Illinois and Maryland.  Amounts are covered in the budget.  Question of whether funds are currently in the accounts.  Bob’s response is that the money is in the accounts, but that funds are getting closer to the 6-month reserves.  {Note: Correction was made to reflect that the party is required to maintain a 3-month reserve.} Some money can be moved from savings into checking account. Tamar broke down funds in various reserves’ that are already designated for reserves and caucuses; just because it’s in the budget doesn’t mean it can’t be spent. $42,000 in savings that would be available.  We can do it, but are running close to the edge.


Andy Ellis, GPMD: ballot access this year will gain GPMD two cycles of ballot access for any MD Green candidate, 2024 through 2026.  Already have some paid volunteers, but BAC funds will allow them to hire professionals; unlikely they will make it otherwise.  Tim reported two paid petitioners now are turning in excellent work, but they do not want to take chances; they want 15,000 signatures to ensure 10,000 valid. Volunteers are also working well.  They have raised $3-5000 and also added more of their own funds for this purpose. IF this effort fails, they can turn in signatures for 2025 for a ballot line in 2025 and 2026.  Darryl! recommended disbursing funds in three parts: ½, followed by two further disbursements.


Anna Schiefelbahn, ILGP: Need 50,000by June 4.  Have aout 75-00 collecting signatures, but need coordinator to make sure they have all the names and retrieve the signatures.   Asking up to 500 to each collect 500. Funds would be for a coordinator, travel and notary expenses. No specific fundraising plans right now, using dues income and general donations, low capacity right now as they are trying to get people to local farmers markets.


Maryland Proposal: Amount, $10,000 – PASSED, Tamar standing aside


Maryland Proposal: in 2 disbursements, the second after the first is spent down  – PASSED, Tamar standing aside


Illinois Proposal, $8000: PASSED, Tamar standing aside


Illinois Proposal, 2 disbursements: PASSED, Tamar standing aside


  1. Status of stipends for committee co-chairs.  (Margaret) 

During a financial crisis, the Steering Committee put a restriction on committee co-chair stipends, to make them available only to SC members. Only a few people are taking these.  One is not in a co-chair position, so payment to that person should be stopped.


  1.   Discuss endorsing the Bodies Outside of Unjust Laws march on the DNC National Convention on August 18th.  (Margaret)   You can find information about the group here:

Planned demonstration outside the DNC convention at Water Tower Park,  They would like GPUS to sign on and participate eon the ground if possible in whatever capacity we can.  Coalition for Reproductive Justice and LGBTQ+ Liberation. 

APPROVED, Consensus


  1.   Housekeeping Proposal to adjust dates relating to the PNC to reflect change in date. (Margaret)

Margaret is waiting to hear from Lynne Serpe for more details on what needs to be updated.  Tamar has received information and will follow up with Margaret.


  1. GPUS Endorsement of PPEHRC – Poor People’s Economic Human Rights Campaign – upcoming March.  (Holly; submitted by Belinda Davis, PA) 

Diversity Committee has shown interest in being in contact.  Cheri Honkala has responded that they would “love very much for [GPUS} to sign on and endorse it” and try to get Greens to have a presence. GPUS Endorsement of PPEHRC – Poor People’s Economic Human Rights Campaign – upcoming March.  (Holly; submitted by Belinda Davis, PA) 


Holly will send more information as soon as it’s available and request an online decision.


  1.         Standing Business (Holly)
  2.           Online Decisions

48/48 SC Decision to Endorse the People’s Conference for Palestine  See ADDENDUM A

APPROVED, as of Sunday night, April 21, 2024. Endorsement  Form signed. GPUS will promote on social media. Interest from Greens in participating and possibly staffing a table; need organizers, asap.  Will take place May 24-26 in Detroit, one Michigan delegate has stepped up to help as a contact.

  1. Forum Manager/s to fill out the remainder of the term left by Samuel Chance.  He will remain as a forum manager until a replacement is found.   (Holly)

MAUREEN DOYLE, Green-Rainbow Party of MA, has expressed interest.  Will be taken up at the next Steering Committee Meeting.


  1. Green Congressional Campaign Committee Vacancy Election

Ariel Ciprian, Illinois, has been nominated by Starlene Rankin on May 6, 2024.  Kalia Fitzgerald, North Carolina, was nominated by Anna Schiefelbahn on May 8, 2024, but declined to run.  This will go to the voting queue for a two week discussion May 13-26, and a voting period from May 27-June 2.  Margaret will be floor manager.


  1. Reports   – 40  min


  1.  Treasurer (Bob) – (if not done already – see I. above)



  1. Secretary (Holly) 

1.Progress report on updates: Social Media Accounts progress; continuing work with Google Folder system

  1. Green Support for Polyamory Anti-Discrimination Policy/Ordinances

Follow up

  1. News from Georgia


  1. Staff Report (Tamar, Tony) 

Tamar reported that PNC/ANM Registration is finally up online; there were a number of issues with difference applications.


  1. Reports from Committee (co-chairs/committee representative)

ANM – will be turning in proposals for Margaret Elisabeth and Anita Rios to be PNC co-chairs.  Anita has removed her name, as she is working closely with the Jill Stein campaign.  ANM will make a new recommendation.  May 15 is the deadline for workshops.


  1. Liaison Reports 10 min

  Craig: Media; Merchandise, Presidential Campaign Support


PCSC still validating PNC delegates rom stat parties

No new news from .  Tamar reported the PNC t-shirt has been submitted (an evergreen, so can be used past the PNC).


Margaret: Banking and Monetary Reform, Fundraising

Would like presidential candidates to learn more about monetary policy.  Returns on email fundraising eBlasts – some get ), some hundreds of dollars -er blast, observing that overall generation works well.  About 3 people are writing copy, and internal to Green parties.  Many state parties refuse to cha=share their membership lists with GPUS, would like to have states comply with data sharing agreement.




  Darryl!: Platform, DRC

No update from DrC.  Platform has proposals on wordpress site, going into voting queue.


  Tony: Ballot Access, Finance

MO ballot filing deadline is in late July, received a ballot access grant; needs registered Greens in Delaware for ballot access.  In GA, new law allows a party to be on the ballot if the “parent party” has a presidential candidate on the ballot in at least 20 other states.  FinCom will have a meeting this Wednesday at 9 pm ET

  1.         Voting Queue (Holly)   
  2.   RECEIVED for the QUEUE  (5 min)
  3.   Election of Green Congressional Campaign Committee Member (see above)     Needs Floor Manager, 2 weeks discussion, 1 week vote



  1.   IN the QUEUE


      # 1188 – Assign Temporary Inactive Status to Green Party of South Dakota

         Floor Manager: Holly Hart

         Discussion through May 19, 2024

         Voting period: May 20-26, 2024

         Approval Threshold: 50%+1


        2024 Platform Proposals

      #1189 – 2024 Platform Amendment to III Ecological Sustainability, A Climate Change, 6 

      #1190 – 2024 Platform Amendment to III Ecological Sustainability, A Climate Change, 6 a

      #1191 – 2024 Platform Amendment to III Ecological Sustainability, A Climate Change, 6 b

      #1192 – 2024 Platform Amendment to III Ecological Sustainability, A Climate Change, 7,  c

      #1193 – 2024 Platform Amendment –  III Ecological Sustainability  C: – Nuclear Issues

      #1194 – 2024 Platform Amendment – III Ecological Sustainability, O rights of Nature


   Floor Manager: Holly Hart

   Discussion through May 19, 2024

   Voting period: May 20-26, 2024

   Approval Threshold: ⅔


      #1195  – Amendment to 2024 Budget to Fund Contract Media Director for 2024 PNC and Election Period

      Floor Manager: Margaret Elisabeth

        Discussion through May 19, 2024

        Voting period: May 20-26, 2o24

        Approval Threshold:  50%+1


      #1196 – Corrected-Amended Delegate Apportionment for the 2024 Presidential Nominating Convention

Floor Manager: Margaret Elisabeth

 Discussion through May 19, 2024

Voting period: May 20-26, 2024

Approval Threshold: 50+1




  2. None



 VII.   Old Business   


VIII.         Executive Session – None








We are reaching out to organizations that have been supporting recent demonstrations against the genocide in Gaza to let you know about an exciting nationwide conference taking place May 24-26 in Detroit — the People’s Conference for Palestine. Local collectives, movement leaders, community members, students and intellectuals, artists and cultural workers, and activists will be convening to reflect, exchange, and strengthen ourselves and our fight for a free Palestine.

We are asking your group to consider endorsing the conference:

Endorsers are welcome to contribute in whatever way is possible. From organizing a delegation to attend to just posting your support for the event, every group can make a difference. An initial list of endorsers will be sent out next week — please send in your endorsement soon to be included.

We are in an unprecedented moment in history. As we bear witness to the ongoing and brutal genocide against the Palestinian people, we are also part of building a mass movement that is committed to struggling for Palestinian national liberation. The demands for an end to the genocide, lifting of the siege of Gaza, an end to all US aid for Israel, and a free Palestine echo in the streets, in classrooms and universities, disrupting the halls of government and the daily lives of all genocide-profiteers. This moment calls on us to strengthen our relationships, our strategies, our tactics, and our unity for the struggle ahead. We must build a shared assessment of the moment, and chart out the next phase of our struggle.

The convening organizations of this conference are: Palestinian Youth Movement, National Students for Justice in Palestine, The People’s Forum, Al-Awda: The Palestine Right to Return Coalition, The U.S. Palestinian Community Network (USPCN), ANSWER Coalition, US Campaign for Palestinian Rights, International Jewish Anti Zionist network, Writers Against the War on Gaza, Healthcare Workers for Palestine, Palestinian Feminist Collective, Palestine Popular University and the Palestinian American Women’s Association.

You can learn more about the conference here on the official website: Speakers and a detailed list of plenaries and workshops will be available soon. We want to build the broadest possible unity behind this crucial convening of the Palestine solidarity movement and Palestinian diaspora. We invite your organization to join the growing list of endorsers!

—From the organizing committee of the People’s Conference for Palestine